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Puntland invites Somali PM, reports say

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Muqdisho:Ra'isal wasaaraha Somalia oo safar ku tagaya Puntland

13. maj 2009



Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Warar ku dhaw dhaw xafiiska Ra'isal wasaaraha Somalia Cumar C/rashiid ayaa sheegaya in Ra'isal wasaaruu uu safar ku tagi doono maalmaha fooda nagu soo haya Maamullka Puntland.


Ra'isal wasaare Cumar C/rashiid ayaan warar dheeri ah laga heyn safarkiisa Puntland iyo waxa uu quseeyo laakin warar la helayo waxaa ay sheegayaan in uu martiqaad ka helay Maamulka madaxweyne Faroole.


Wasiirka ganacsiga xukuumada Somlaia C/rashid Ciro ayaa todobadkaan bialwgiisi waxa uu gaaray magaalada Galkacyo ee Maamulka Puntland halkaas oo uu la yeeshay kulamo mas'uuliyiin dhanka amaanka ah iyo wasiiro .


Safarka C/rashid Ciro wasiirka ganacsiga dawlada Somalia ayaa ah mid uu ugu gogol xaarayo imaanshaha Cumar C/rashiid Ra'isal wasaaraha Somalia ee Puntland.


Safarka Ra'isal wasaaraha aya hadii uu suurtagala waxaa uu noqonayaa kii ugu horeeyey ee uu ku tagaa Puntland tan iyo marki xilkaa loo dhaariyey.


Cumar C/rashiid Ra'isal wasaaraha Somalia ayaa aabihi C/rashiid Cali Shar'marke waxaa uu dalka Somalia ka soo noqday madaxweyne iyo Ra'isal wasaare lixdamaadki waxaana dhalasha ahaan uu ka soo jeeda Puntland.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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Is Puntland not Somalia? waar anagaa wax aragnee..Lol


So what is Somalia or let me ask which part of Greater Somalia is still Somalia?



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^^it's a reality you have to deal with my sister. It's not xiin's dream that PL exists outside of TFG's influence. PL is a region, an autonomous one, and somali pm is supposedly for all of somalia.

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With out going agianst it there was no greater Somalia. It was just a dream in the head!


As it has been every region is fighting its fight with out helping or getting help from the rest.


That is how today's Somali polotics work. But hey as tommorow can be differnt, lets hope for the best.

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Malika dear, Puntland is a state that has a functioning government. The PM visit was planned before these events and he and the President are welcome to the state.

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