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Has Presidnet Yusuf ever insulted a nation or state, even a rival?

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As usual we have some people here making snide comments with regards to the Somali President. For example they are saying that he is afraid to insult a certain nation as if his usual manner is to shout down and insult those nations he sees as rivals or againts his interest?


This is absolute falsehood. The President is a man who attacks lawless criminal groups such as the warlords who occupied Mogadishu for the past 17 years.


Yes we know what he thinks of the fake clan militias pretending to be religious scholars.


However even at the hight of the mini war did he ever insult Eritrea & Aferwarki?


Did he ever even insult Somaliland, or even deny it was a real regional entity?


No, its not in the old Col nature to bad mouth nations and he will not start now.


Sorry to those who would like to make an Ant into an Elephant.

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^Indeed they are making an ant into an Elephant, dadkaan wax kale mahayaan intaas ayay naf kadhiganayaan, the likes of Abwaan oo naf kadhiganaya Odaga sifiican buu uhadlayaa, that's all that they can say... :D

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Did he ever even insult Somaliland, or even deny it was a real regional entity?

Heh ,, :D


Coz he knows it is real ,,, and he know what it costs if he does insult ...

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loooool......wax walba waa la iska sheegayaa...rag xaasaskood buu xitaa khudbo ku aflagaadeeyey.......Soomaali wuu caayey, burburiyey, Iibiyey, dulleeyey.


Goormuu wax fiican sameeyey?


lool maantaba haddaad leedahay Yey baa af wanaagsan. Waraa waa ooyi rabtaane odaygaan sidaad u aaminteen, bahashaan qabyaalad waa dhaaftay wax kalay madaxa la gashay.


Emperor adiga sameecad baad noqotay sameecadna wixii la dhaho ayaa ka soo baxa marka jawaab ma lihid oo sameecad looma jawaabo!

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JB: Adeer in every engagement between Yusuf and the secessionist Yusuf ame out on top. Was he not the one who hased you fellows out of LA years ago? Thus stik to the topic and dont re write history.


Abwan, again the topi is simple and your response has supported the posters premise.


Yusuf does not insult nations and states, he might make ironic comments to get on the nerves of some warlords and their lackeys, but in terms of diplomay he is old school. Thats why he had the support of Uganda, Yemen, Saudi, Ethiopia and others at the same time.


Unlike the secessionist who as JB knows can get the support of no one.

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^^^Somaliland is a state within the republic, like Puntland State of Somalia, President Yusuf has never insulted the Puntland state since he left its helm either. :D

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You punties always give out comparison of Somaliland and the place you hail from which makes me sick for some odd reason.


Somaliland is nothing like PL, and PL is nothing like Somaliland. Lets just keep it that way.

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Adeer this was not about the secessionist agenda and yet we have two brothers who do not belive in unity rushing in.


As for your comment, it is not relevent at all.

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Abwaanow, at least Samaacada or a speaker as you put it, electronic wise is an intelligent object which echeos out any input without interference or distortions. Only think about the many dumb dumb electronic components that neither can undertand nor output any sensible message...


Again Saaxib, why do you think Yey's good or bad ways of answering questions makes any big headlines or inputs any more energy to your base, isn't that a weak man's line of thought. No need to call me Samaacad or any other names Ind'er, intaa un wax kadheh hadii ay shaqsi attack noqoto meesha way naga dhabqami, we are old grown men, iskuma caruuroobi karno Awowe.

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Duke, we haven't dealt with anything ,, you're talking as per your wish.


I don't think you want to go back to that argument. It is all good as long as we don't use the same currency, passport and we share borders.

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