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Sheik Sharif admits: courts are behind the bombs

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Sheekh Shariif (Lasoo-Gamey) oo Cadeeyey in aay ka danbeeyaan qaraxyada iyo dilalka qorsheysan ee ka socda Magaalada Muqdisho.


Gudoomiyihii golaha fulinta ee maxkamadihii baaba'ay ee laga awooda roonaaday fadhigooduna yahay tuulada Asmara ayaa waraysi uu siiyay wakaalada wararka ee A.F.P wuxuu ku sheegay inay iyagu masuul ka yihin qaraxyada iyo dilalka qorshaysan ee ka socda magaalada muqdisho kuwaasoo siwayn loogu waxyeeleeyo dadka shacabka ah iyo waxgaradka ku nool magaalada Muqdisho.


Sheekh Shariif (Lasoo-Gamey) wuxuu sheegay in arimahaasi ay uga gol leeyihiin inay wadanka uga saaraan ciidamada gumaysiga ethiopia oo wadanka somalia haysta iyo dabadhilifka waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Mar la waydiiyay inay xal ku gaari karaan dadka rayid ah oo la laayo wuxuu sheegay Sheekh Shariif (Lasoo Gamey) inay awoodoodu hadba meesha ay gaarsiisan tahay kula dagaalamayaan ciidamada gumaysiga iyo saaxiibadooda wadanka keenay.


Sheekh Shariif (Lasoo Gamey) ayaa wuxuu wareysiyo hore loola yeeshey ku sheegi jirey in aysan shaqo ku laheen qaraxyada iyo weerarada ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho,


Hadalkan ayaa markhaati ma doonto ka dhigaya eedaymo horay dowladu ugu soo jeedisay kooxaha muqdisho dagaalada kawada inay yihiin haraadigii maxkamadaha ayna masuul ka yihiin laynta dadka rayidka ah ee ku nool magaalada muqdisho iyo wax garadka dalka.


Waayadan dambe ayaa sidoo kale waxaa magaalada muqdisho ka socda dilal qorshaysan oo lagu ugaarsanayo dadka aqoonta iyo magaca dheer ku leh wadanka gudihiisa gaar ahaan magaalada muqdisho iyadoo arimahaas horay dawladu ugu eedaysay maxkamadaha balse waa markii ugu horaysay uu masuul ka tirsanaan jiray maxkamadaha qirtay inay arintaasi ku lug leeyihiin.


Xafiiska Warqabadka ee Shabakada Muqdisho Somalia

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Originally posted by Emperor:
ayaa waraysi uu siiyay wakaalada wararka ee A.F.P wuxuu ku sheegay inay iyagu masuul ka yihin qaraxyada iyo dilalka qorshaysan ee ka socda magaalada muqdisho kuwaasoo siwayn loogu waxyeeleeyo dadka shacabka ah iyo waxgaradka ku nool magaalada Muqdisho

Is this a serious post or just another desperate ploy from an inept TFG supporter?


The above report misrepresents the initial AFP interview. Here's the actual AFP interview:


MOGADISHU (AFP) Saturday, August 25, 2007


Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, chief of the executive arm of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC),
said insurgents would step up their fight until all Ethiopian forces deployed in Mogadishu to bolster the feeble Somali government are withdrawn


"They will be pushed out from Somalia and we will take back our freedom by force," Ahmed told AFP in the Eritrean capital Asmara, the base of the Somali government foes.


"We have a right to live in peace and in freedom and a right to manage our affairs ourselves.... Until we get that point, we will continue the fighting," Ahmed said.


Although Ahmed urged the United Nations and Western powers to support the Islamist initiative, he renewed salvos against the United States, which backed Ethiopia in its moves to drive Islamists from Somalia.


"The US is a large government, but they are supporting Ethiopia, supporting the dictator (Ethiopian prime minister) Meles Zenawi, who is killing our people."


"Instead, we appeal to European countries, to the US, to the UN, to support us," he added, apparently acknowledging the weight of Washington's backing in global peace bids.

There is no ambiquity in this report. Sheikh Sharif refers to ending the occupation. There isn't a single reference to the issue of civilian casualties.


Sheikh Sharif dealt with that issue in a recent interview with Shabelle. He categorically denies that his group ever targeted civilians. See below.


Caution: you'll need to discard your TFG goggles before reading.


Maxkamadaha islaamka oo iska fogeeyay dilalka ka dhaca Muqdisho

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^Waa runtaa. Saas hadeey tahay, kaftanka naga yareeya nimanyahow. Maanta kaftan nooma yaalo. Aan u danqano inta walaalo oo shalay la dilay iyo inta gabdho Soomaaliyeed oo maanta la kufsan doono.

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Damiir waa lawada leeyahay oo qof walba ilaahay wuu ku abuuray, laakiin waxeey u baahantahay daqaaqis. Sababteey dadka u daqaaqi la'yihiin waxaa ka mid ah - xaalka meesha uu marayo oo dadka badanaa eenan ogeen inta yar oo ogna eey iska dhagatireen.

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Sharif Ahmed will be tried for these attacks which have killed cleaning ladies, children and civil servants, Asmara itself will not be a safe house for this criminal.

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