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Kamalu Diin

May iyo Maxaa a brief history of somalia

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Throughout the centuries of their history The Maay Population and Mahatiri in Somalia lived as two separate entities. The Great [qabiil] Somalis and the Nomadic from the central and northeast part of Somalia were divided by defensive system set by Digil population. Even though they pass through each other one time or another, they remained distinct entities, with their distinct functions. Their relationship was nothing more than meet and yet each remained separate from the other one, because of their nature or behavioral that placed a "barrier or partition" between them.

Not many people know, the town Afgooye has a historical meaning behind it. It is where historically the Maay and Maxaatiri met and separated, thus the name af and gooy. The local natives to this day speak the combination of Maay and Maxaatiri, equally mixed, though the locals call it Afmaay.


Perhaps the "barrier or partition" the author refers was that. However, in the midst of eurphoric qabyaalad passion, s/he lost when he listed C/llaahi Ciise and C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke's pictures, along with current and former warlords. That was a big gaf against marxuumiinta daljacelka ahaa.

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However, in the midst of eurphoric qabyaalad passion, s/he lost when he listed C/llaahi Ciise and C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke's pictures, along with current and former warlords.

He also listed Shaatigaduud, which is kind of weird since he is not a "nomad somali" from the central regions and northeast somalia.

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