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Dhanbaal Canaan ah oo Itoobiya u dirtay Xisbiyada Mucaaridka Somaliland

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Beerdhiga 13.07.2007 11:31


Warar ay faafisey BBC qaybteeda BBC Monitaring ayaa sheegtay in Dawlada Itoobiya ay xisbiyadda Mucaaridka ah Somaliland ee Kulmiye iyo Ucid ay si weyn ugu dhaliishay Mowqifkii ay iska taageen Hawalgalkii ay Dawlada Itoobiya ku gashay Gudaha Soomaliya isla markaana ay ku taageertay Dawladda ku meelgaadhka ah ee C/laahi yuusuf madaxda ka yahay.


Warkaas la faafiyey ayaa Waxa uu u Dhignaa sidan “ Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee Kulmiye ayaa sheegay inuu helay waraaq jawaab ah oo kaga timi dhinaca Xukuumada Itoobiya taasoo si weyn loogu dhaleecaynayo mowqifkii uu xisbigu iska taagay Arimaha la xidhiidhay Duulaankii Soomaaliya iyo Bur burintii Awoodiii Maxaakimta Islaamiga ah ay Dawlada Itoobiya ku qaaday,

Sida warku sheegay Xisbiga Kulmiye waxaa soo gaadhsiiyey Qoraal ka kooban Sideed bog, ilaa iyo hadda lama kala oga qaabka jawaabtaas loo soo gaadhsiiyey xisbiga kulmiye.


Hase yeeshee jawaabtaas ka timid Xukuumada Itoobiya waxay tilmaamaysaa kuna soo beegantay waqti ay saraakiil ka tirsan Xisbiga kulmiye ay ku baaqeen inay kulan la yeesheen Masuuliyiin Itoobiyaan ah.


Warqadda qoraalka ah waxaa lagu sheegay in Xisbiga kulmiye la xidhiidho safaarada Itoobiya ee Hargeysa.


Itoobiya waxay u cadaysey xisbiga kulmiye inay jeceshayhay inay aragto nabadgelyada iyo xasiloonida Somaliland.


Xisbiyada Kulmiye iyo Ucid waxay Dhamaadkii sanadkii hore si wada jir ah uga qaybqaateen Dood Furan taasoo Kulmisay dhamaanba qaybaha Bulshada si ay u faaqidaan saamaynta suurto galka ah ee ay ku yeelan karaan (Somaliland ) wixii ka dhacay K/Somaliya.


Labadaas xisbi lama iman waqtigaas tageero cadaan oo ay u hayaan Golihii Maxaakimta balse dareenkii uu xiligaas qaatay wakiilka Itoobiya u fadhiya Somaliland Wibshet Dimise kaa soo lagu soo casumay golahaas hanaan turjumis ahna kula socday Doodaas muu jeclaysan qaar kamida hadaladii madashaas laga yidhi.


Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee ucid Faysal cali waraabe ayaa ku sheegay faragelinya Itoobiya ee Soomaaliya iney keeni karto xasiloonin ka dhacda Geeska Afrika.


Inkastoo Nuxurka qoraalka dhanbaalku sidaas ahaa hadana waxaanu wax ka weydiiney masuuliyiin ka tirsan labada Xisbi ee Ucids iyo Kulmiye bal iney jiraan waxyaabo la xidhiidha arimahaas oo ka soo gaadhay dhinaca Itoobiya.


Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Md, Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo isagoo ka hadlaya amuurtaas wuxuu yidhi “ Maya habayaraatee ma jiro qoaraal naga soo gaadhay dhinaca Itoobiya laakiin way jirtey inaanu kulamo iyo waraysiyo isku dhaafsanay markaanu joogney Adis ababa iyo halkanba.laakiin marka laga hadlayo arimaha Soomaaliya hore iyo hadeerba in ciidamo shisheeye oo la keeno inanay xal soo wadin oon lagu dawayn Karin mushkulidaas dawlad ahaan iyo macaarid ahaanba waanu sheegnay.

Taasina Itoobiya oo keliya ma aheyne ciidan shisheeye oo dhan ayuu ahaa.


Faragelin shisheeye iyo ciidan shisheeye oo soomaliya la geeyaayi ama itoobiya ha ahaato ama Eritrea ah ahaatee marna inaanu xal iyo barako toona keenayn ayaanu soo jeediney taasna dawlad iyo mucaaridba waanu soo jeedinay”.


Waxa kaloo uu cadeeyey Axmed Siilaanyo “ Mida kale caalamku wuxuu ka qaylinayey duqayntii iyo dagaalkii dhacay anaguna sidaas oo kale ayaanu u diidanayn dhibaatadii dadka shicibka ah loo geysaney, mar kasta oo anu wada hadalo way jireen wax aanu isku aragti ka ahayn iyo waxaanu ku kala duwanayn.


Hadaba meer meerka masuuliyiinta mucaaridku ka saari mayso meesha inay jiraan dhaliilo iyo eedaymo ay xukuumada Itoobiya u soo jeedisey mucaaridka oo beryahanba ka waday gobolada Somaliland dardargelin la xidhiidha u diyaar garaowga doorooshinka fooda inagu soo haya kuwaas oo u muuqda kuwo ay kaalin mug leh ka helayaan mucaaridku.


iyadoo ay dhinac socoto cabsida ay dawlada Itoobiya ka qabto hogaamiyaasha mucaaridka oo u muuqda kuwo aan sida Xukuumada Riyaale ugu jajabnayn Itoobiya marka loo eego Hawlgalka isbalaadhinta ah ee Itoobiya ka wado geeska Afrika.

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Haddii arrintaani ay jirto iyo haddii aysan jirinba waxaan ku ammaanayaa mucaaradka Riyaale inay muujiyeen xilkasnimo iyo Soomaalinnimo. Riyaale isagu ariga Itoobiya ha u raaco.

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let me see, you see as in your interest that Southern Somalia remains in the choas that it was in and that no government form there that might challange your attempt to cut the country in two, and you all see the Somali government and the government of Ethiopia's defense against terrorist who attacked them both and their attempt to bring stability to south somalia as wrong? Thats was suprising guys!

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Oodweynow, if truth were to be told, Somaliland’s position in the current debacle is untenable. The entity with its entire political establishment in effect spoke from both sides of the proverbial mouth; condemning ina Yusuf’s policies on a one hand, and sleeping in bed with the real perpetrators and invaders, namely Ethiopia, on the other hand! That, my old pal, does not cut it! Riyaale’s frequent trips to Addis indicate, if anything, of an entity that’s concern with the details of solidifying its relationship with Ethiopia, and not a one that’s dissenting the tragic goings in the South. That they are displeased with ina Yusuf’s perceived upper hand when it comes to Ethiopia and its tilt in supporting him is not a moot point. The question is not that they object, rather it’s against whose policies do they do so, Ethiopia or the old man? What went wrong then?


Here, in my estimation, is what went wrong yaa Oodweyn-ka, Somaliland’s current leadership just like the ones in Puntland perfectly understand who the real boss is in the Horn and are in no position to object what Ethiopia does in the name of fighting and uprooting terror in that region. Doing that means, going against well established political calculations that drive many of today’s secessionist’s foreign policy! That being the fact it’s quite disingenuous to make a distinction without a difference in so far as absolving the blame off Somaliland in their partnership with Ethiopia. If it were left to real Somalilanders when it comes to the current conflict, they would have participated in it, overly or covertly, on the side of the defeated courts as many already did! But the reason well informed people are seemingly tightlipped while the drill is on Moga is not that they like what’s going in the south rather it’s that they have been trapped in being signatory to a part of a wicked deal that divides Somalis along tribal lines in the name of admins…


Allow ma iri!

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^^ You're giving Xiin the benefit of the doubt plus interest.



The entity with its entire political establishment in effect spoke from both sides of the proverbial mouth; condemning ina Yusuf’s policies on a one hand, and sleeping in bed with the real perpetrators and invaders, namely Ethiopia, on the other hand!

Are you misinformed or is it the usual mud-slinging. Perhaps a cyber display of Xiin galloping on the moral high ground. Ethiopia's brutality was condemned in no uncertain terms by Kulmiye. What more didn't want them to do, declare open war?


Meles representative was present at the gathering when the Ethio behaviour being condemned. It was the least they could do and I'm glad they did. Even the Ethios know any Somali who support their actions is either lying or plain dumb. Kulmiye have not completely burned the bridges with the Ethios that is no secret. What I sense is you want them - to quote the Neutrals of SOL - "commit ICU's miscalculations". Would that be politically clever, especially for a party that believes in Somaliland independence? The anomaly in your argument is, for POLITICAL REASONS that you think serve your secondary interests (if one believes Islamic Courts are your first love)*, you're not prepared to stop supporting Puntland no matter her level participation in Uncle Sams' "war on terror". That's even after calling for the ever-obliging gringos to bomb its own territory! Right or wrong, if anyone in here can understand the conundrum the current Somali political situation is, you're the man. What might help is wearing the same dust-tainted goggles when scrutinising other people's political stance. smile.gif


*pinch of salt anyone? ;)

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^^Waryee Ina Sheekh ma kuu maahmaaha mise inta waa dhaamaysaa :D ?


Xaaji ganey: Bismalaahi raxmaani raxiim

Ina fadan-fattaa:Bismalaahi raxmaani raxiim

Xaaji ganey: Anigu waxaan leeyahay.

Ina fadan-fattaa:Aniguna waxaan leeyahay

Xaaji ganey:Nimankiinaan reer qurac ah

Ina fadan-fattaa:Nimankiinaan reer qansax ah


^^Waryee Ayyoub masii wadaa...



Oodweyne, you’re, undeniably, a well informed man…and I believe you have affirmed the political calculus whose existence I have implied. To say our hands as far as Ethiopia’s strategic blunders in Somalia is concern are tied because of the sensitive relationship and the diplomatic acting balance we have to observe, though certainly is the hard truth, is not a good grief adeer!


These are trying times as it were and I sense the need for us to part from our old ways of looking at Somalia’s political woes…

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War xiin odeyga oodweyne haa nagu daarina, hadaaba xaraf afkaaga kasoo baxo buugaag iska dhan buu daabacayaa, markaa odeyga u naxariista

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Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE oo sheegay in aanay jirin warqad Itoobiya u soo qortay iyo xidhiidh xun oo dhexmaray midna



Hargeysa ( – Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE, Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo ayaa sheegay in aanay jirin wax warqad ah oo dowladda Itoobiya u soo qortay Xisbiga KULMIYE iyo wax xumaan ah oo dhexmartay ama u dhexaysa.


Axmed Siilaanyo waxa uu ka jawaabayey warar lagu faafiyey Internetka oo sheegaya in dowladda Itoobiya u soo qortay xisbiga KULMIYE warqad ay kaga jawaabayso mawqifka xisbigaa mucaaridka ahi ka taagan yahay arrimaha Soomaaliya iyo dagaalkii ay la gashay Maxaakiimtii ka talineysey Muqdisho.


"Ma jiro wax xidhiidh ah oo xumaan ah oo annaga iyo Itoobiya na dhexmaray iyo wax ay noo soo qoreen midna ma jiro, " ayuu yidhi Axmed Siilaanyo oo aan caawa telefoon ku weydiiyey waxa ka jira warqadda la sheegay in Itoobiya u soo qortay xisbiga KULMIYE, ayna ku dhalliilayso mawqifka uu ka taagan yahay arrimaha Soomaaliya iyo lugta ay ku leedahay dowladda Itoobiya.


Waxana uu sheegay in xisbiga KULMIYE uu in badan caddeeyey, kuna celceliyey mawqifka iyo aaraa'da uu ka qabo arrimaha Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay markasta Itoobiya u tilmaamayeen dareenka Shacbiga Somaliland iyo ka xisbi ahaan ay ka qabaan dagaalada Muqdisho, faragelinta ciidan iyo dhibaatada gaadhey dadka rayidka ah ee reer Muqdisho; kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay ka soo horjeedeen.


Waxa uu sheegay in mabda'iyan ay markasta aqoonsan yihiin dhawr arrimood oo ay ka mid yihiin danaha iyo maslaxadda ka dhexaysa Somaliland iyo Itoobiya iyo in waddan kasta oo gobolka Geeska Afrika ka mid ahi uu xaq u leeyahay xuduuddiisa, xasiloonidiisa iyo daafacaadda. Hase yeeshee, waxa uu sheegay in xisbiyada Qaranka iyo xukuumadduba ay isku mawqif ka taagnaayeen arrimaha Soomaaliya ka socda, isla markaana ay dhawr jeer caddeeyeen in aanay u arkay ciidamo shisheeye ama ha noqoto Itoobiya ama dal kale'e inay xal u noqonayaan arrintaa Soomaaliya ka taagan.


Waxa kale oo uu sheegay in xukuumadda iyo xisbiyaduba ay markasta isku mawqif ka yihiin taageerada Itoobiya siiso Cabdillaahi Yuusuf.


"Itoobiya wax aanu ka midaysan nahayna way jiraan, wax aanu ku kala duwan nahayna way jiraan. Taa iyana way ogyihiin, annaguna waanu ognahay, " ayuu yidhi.


"Laakiin, wax kale oo meesha yaallaa ma jiraan. Wax ay noo soo qoreen iyo wax xumaan ah oo aanu ku wadahadalayna ma jiraan, " ayuu raaciyey Axmed Siilaanyo.


War la sheegay in laga soo xigtey BBC-da, qaybteeda soo ururisa wararka Warbaahinta kala duwani faafiso [bBC Monitoring Service) oo lagu daabacay bogagga Internetka qaarkood ayaa sheegay in Itoobiya warqad jawaab ah u soo qortay Xisbiyada Mucaaridka ah ee Somaliland, taas oo ay ku dhalliilayso mawqifka ay ka taagan yihiin faragelinta ciidan ee Itoobiya ku samaysay Muqdisho.

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