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Rememering the father of the Nation!

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Nimankaa kufriga reebayaan, ahay rafiiqoode


Reer guurey reer negi qalbigu, wayska raacaaye


Anigana rakaab suul galyoo, waa i ruxayaaye


Sayid Maxamed ruunkuu fadhiyey, rugihii loo jeelye


Reyrreeye ii qabo qalbigaa, raba Daraawiishe


May Allah rest his soul in Peace and forgive his sins...

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Raggi igu gadaana miyaa aakhiro uguuray

Goortaan garwaaqsaday miyaan gocoshaday eeday

gamiimkaan xanuusanday miyaan gorada laalaadshay

gelin hadii aan fooraray miyaan giirka kor u taagay

hadba gees miyaan da'yay intaan gownaxyada buuray

aar ma Dhoodi baa gaamuro garabku waynaaday

ma gamaanshihii baan ku shubay galayaxii dayrta

Goorgor kacay la moodyow durdur ma igu gooraanshay

Godobtaydu way wada jirta goonyahoo idil

gashi Nimaan ku leeyahayna waan daba gelaayaa

hadaba waxaan ka goyn karo anigu waan garabasanyaaya


Goodiga aroorya fardaha lagu garaamyin

Garoodiyo waxa la tegi buurihii golis.

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Bal akhyaarey fiiriya gabaygan aad moodaysid inaa maanta la tiriye....kaasuu Sayidku tiriyey boqol sano ka-hor. Waa xaalada maanta taagan oo dhab ah. May Allah bless his soul. Wallee wuu inoodigey e aawey dadkii wax maqlilahaa!





1. Doodan waxaan u leeyahay dumarkiyo caruurtoo


2. Dadkii idinka waynaa hadday idin duleeyeen


3.Dambi kama ay yaabine cuntay idinka doorteen


4. Duunyaa la dhaafsaday dugsigaad galeeyseen


5.Dameerkuna ma yeelen halkay talo ku daysteen


6.Dab intay shideen bay dalaq idinku siiyeen


7.Doox intay qodeen bay ciid idinku daadsheen


8. Nin idiin damqanayaa idinkama dambeeyee


9. Hadaydaan digtoonaan daad bay idin qaadiye


10.Duleedada kufaartaa dacas idinku laynoo


11.Naf dalkaaga doonaysaa firaash looma daadshee


12.Dabkan aan shidaayaa daawadiina weeyee


13.Dariiqii rasuulkiyo dawga ha ka baydhina

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Deggane Maxamedow waxaynu nahay, ul iyo diirkeede

Dadka kale ha joogee adaan, iga digtoonayne

Raggiinii dariiqada ka yimid, durug warkiisiiye

Dunjigiisba waan wada jeclaa, degaha Reer Nuure

Wixii duub leh deris baanu nahay, iyo Daraawiishe

Sayid Maxamed dooduu i yidhi iyo daabbada uu keenay

Waa ii soo duceeyaye Allow darejadiis raaji


Muslin oo dhan baa diiq ku jirey, jeeruu daahiraye

Awliyada duushuu carshiga, kula dekeeyaaye

Ninba wuxuu debnaha ugu hayiyo daarka iyo laabta

Daniguu gartaa waxa qalbiga, kaga dahsoonaaye :D [istaq furulaah!]


Kun halaad nin subax soo didshoo duul u yimid siiyey

Oo aanay duntaa iyo la noqon dibi la loogaayo

Nin la diini kama soo if bixin, duniyadeenneere

Dirir Ferenji baa ugu badnaa, dab iyo baaruude

Isagiiba dabaq buu ku riday, duhur dharaareede

Dabar iyo hogaan buu ku xidhay, duluflahoodiiye

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This thread should be renamed "A Nation in search of a hero.....


Since when has a maruading bandit become the father of the nation.I guess he has Aabo Siad to thank that for and I wouldnt be surprised if not so far in the future Siad is eleveted to some sort of a position similar to this one.

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Cuqdad yuurarta is what you are risking to become if you dwell on this tpye of negativity Gediidow...


Hate or love him, Sayidka was a consequencial leader whose struggle against the british rule has been widely acknoledged...

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The fact that you deduced this man to a meer mauruading bandit displays your own prejudices and biased reading of history. Yes,the man made plenty of mistakes and at times he seemed like a complete madman. But he certainly wasn't meerely a maurauding bandit nor was his ideology anything like that of the last dictator. The British offered him and his followers 4 thousand pound each and the man rejected that. 4000 pound was alot of money in those days mind you. And today you have Somali leaders running at the click of their fingers to Adiss Ababa and others semi worshipping a line created by the colonialists which massacred thousands of Somalis. Sayid Muhamad Abdullah Hassan was more respected and given more attention by the powers of his day that happen control our so called leaders today. These so called leaders chase after them for recognition, government and protection. At least Sayid Muhamad Abdullah Hassan never asked niman gaal ah to create a government for him, recognize him or protect him for his enemies.

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Originally posted by -:

^^Maybe he offed his granpa

My great-grandfather was also one of Sayid’s victims, one reason why my grandfather ran all the way to the South for safety. But that’s irrelevant when evaluating the larger historical significance of Sayid Mohamed. The man is legendry in the sense he was able to see British presence of Somalia for what it was, and not a temporary arrangements as some misguided elders thought.


Gediid though has not furnashied any reasoning for his cheap lets wait!

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^^The bloody mullah killed 8 members of my great-grandfathers' family and only my grandfather and his brother survived. The former ended up in Bay iyo Bakool and the latter in Qandala, who's offsprings are now called ilma Qandalaawi.


Having said that, I cannot bring myself to deny what the man stood for. To do so would be a futile exercise. Simply put, he was one heck of a mobilizing nationalistic force to be engraved in the history of the nation.


Allow kuu naxariiso.

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