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Maxkamadihii oo ku baaqey kulan arimaha Somalia looga hadli doona

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I'm not arguing that point. It may not be the most politically astute move to make. But the leadership have their reasons. They're on the ground, we're not. They have access to information we don't.


Plus, there's a difference between travelling to a TV interview(Al-Jazeera) or limited conference and Qatar allowing you to setup shop as the counterweight to the TFG. Asmara is what they got now. That'll do....for now.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

Not being able to travel there...That's a good reason. Well, actually not. Know why ? Because no other country will host the ICU. Not Saudi, Not Qatar, Not Dubai, Not Egypt.
So where do you want them to go ? Still haven't heard a viable alternative(Djbouti, doesn't count).

Adeer tell me ONE good reason as to why Djbouti doesn't count?

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Kashafa saxiib is deji, it is you who is arguing like a qualified veteran of 'fadhi-ku-dariir'.

The point is not where can the ICU hold a meeting and where not. What is under scrutiny in here what will be the benefit of an ICU conference bring in resolving the current fiasco in Somalia, NONE. What is the difference between a conference called by the TFG and its allies and that of a conference called by ICU and its allies, NONE. Would it resolve anything,NO. Would it bring an end to the senseles killing and occupation in the country ,NO. That is the point sxb, ee nina ma faninayo TFG ama aflagadenayo ICU - hadalku wuxuu yahey, maxaa xal ah?

Please see if yu can expand on that, it is less significant if the ICU calls for a meeting even in Lahore.

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D-Jabooti doesn't count because it falls under what would be called the Tigray/TFG spere of influence. It would be like holding the conference in Addis. Maybe not to that extent, but close. One example which would work: Khartoum. Why didn't anybody mention Khartoum ?


Athiga tell me one good reason why Asmara won't work, beside the fact that they are christian, kaafir regimes.


Jujie, I hear you, man. So basically since every effort by the ICU, be it a conference, or a armed resistance, will not be fruitful(bu ur standards), then they should just roll over and become irrelevant ? That's the next logical conclusion to your post.


Sxb, inta aa aniga iyo adiga hadal hayno...Rag-baa howl iyo shaqa wadaan, shaqo oo wadan-keenii laga xorayn-lahaa. Remember that.


Look, I'm not sayin don't criticise the ICU, by all means do, if it's constructive, we all need it. But let's not do the whole gloom-and-doom thing. "Oh it is all over. These wadaads are hopeless. Somalia is lost. Ethiopia is here to stay forever. We are to weak and divided. Continue Broken Record"


Reading assignment: Go over Bilaal's last two posts again.

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^ smile.gif

D-Jabooti doesn't count because it falls under what would be called the Tigray/TFG spere of influence. It would be like holding the conference in Addis. Maybe not to that extent, but close. One example which would work: Khartoum. Why didn't anybody mention Khartoum ?

I dont understand exactly what you mean by the above quote when you saying that Jabuuti is almost like Addis if not close without substantial proof to support with your claim. You also need to look back Jabuuti's stand on somalia crises and how to approach it. One thing I noticed that you trying to avoid or ignore here is recognizing Eritrea's interests in somalia conflict. Agree they are not our foe, however we have the same enemy but all this done at our expense. So if they those in Asmara want this Asmara conference ever to materialize which I doubt then they would need first to identify Eritrea's role & interests in Somalia are there any interest conflict between them, are they free in terms of decision making without interferences or demands attached like the TFG and so on and when all these agreed & identified then to carry on from there so eventually all efforts bear fruit. I honestly believe Eritrea is not honest about this and wants its battlefield with Ethiopia diverted from its territory right into Somalia and keep it there till it achieves its own political goals.

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Soomaalida iska muran jeclaa. This is not dood, this is pure muran bilaa yacni and iska kee maqal.


Haddii Asmara lagu qabanaayo because dowladda meeshaas ka jirto ayaa dhaqaalaha bixineyso. Xagga iyo xaggaan maxaa loogu qaban waaye ma soconeyso dad jeebkooda awalba foorinaayo. That is the first hurdle.


What would the eminent philosopher Mr. Homer Simpson say in situations like this: Dah!


Always succinct.

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Anigu waxaan kula talin lahaa Muqaawamada (ICU) inaanay odayaasha nabaddoonada ah layn oo ay ka fogaadaan inay Soomaalidaan awalba qabaa'ilka ku dhisnayd ka caraysiiyaan. Wax faa'iido oo ay leedahay in kaabbo qabiilada la laayo anigu uma jeedo. Nacayb iyo kala fogaansho cusub ayuun bay horseedi.

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war caruurtii, dumarkii, iyo cirroolihii baa meeley ka galaan waayey nimankan is qarxinaya,


Ma kulatahay in ladeenayo odayaasha nabadoonaha ah?


war hadii ee caqli leeyihiin, dadka masaakiinta ah wey kala fogaan lahaayeen dhibaatadooda, waa hadii ee rabaan inay ayaga naftooda uun halagaan, layaab waxa ee rabaan inay aduunyo dhan galaaftaan

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LSK has a point, however who will listen, those who killed the cleaning ladies and put bombs in which School children lost their lives. 90% of their death count are Mogadishu civilains. They care not and those who cheer for them dont know its their progress they hold back.


But they are not of the hook Somali's see what they are. Fake Shiekhs who yesterday were looting the nation and occupiying its fertile lands.


Duh, is it Asmara now. :D

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Opponents of Somalia's Western-backed transitional government have announced they will hold a conference in Eritrea in September to form a coalition whose main objective is to end Ethiopia's occupation of Somalia. VOA correspondent Alisha Ryu in our East Africa Bureau in Nairobi reports the conference is also aimed at challenging the interim government's contention that it enjoys the support of the majority of the Somali people.


A prominent Somali politician, Jama Ali Jama, tells VOA that the organizers of the September 1 conference in Asmara hope to draw as many people as possible from every corner of the globe.


Jama says the conference is being largely funded by donations from Somalis living overseas and by business owners from across Somalia who are eager to support any effort to bring lasting peace and security to the troubled country.


"The conference is intended to unite all Somali communities, individuals, who are against the occupation of their country and are ready to liberate their country. Anyone who is willing to support that mission is welcome from inside the country and abroad," he said.


Jama Ali Jama was elected president of Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland in 2001 and was overthrown six months later by the current Somali interim President Abdullahi Yusuf.


Jama is now one of nearly three dozen Somali parliamentarians, who make up one of the core Somali groups opposed to the government and its close political and military alliance with Somalia's traditional rival, Ethiopia.


In late December, Ethiopia led the massive military offensive that ended the six-month rule of Somalia's Islamic Courts Union and installed the interim government in Mogadishu.


In recent months, ousted Islamists and former parliament members have issued joint statements against Ethiopia and the interim government from their opposition base in the Eritrean capital, Asmara.


Eritrea is widely accused by the West of fighting a proxy war against its arch enemy, Ethiopia, by funding and facilitating activities to destabilize Somalia's interim government.


But Jama vigorously defends Eritrea's role, saying the government there is providing only political assistance to Somali opposition groups.


The announcement of the Asmara conference comes just three days ahead of the expected start of national reconciliation talks in Mogadishu hosted by the interim government.


Analysts say the timing of the opposition announcement is significant because the reconciliation meeting, aimed at ending Somalia's 16-year-old civil war, has been criticized by many Somalis as being nothing more than a get-together of clan-based supporters anxious to secure lucrative positions in government.


Western analysts say if the conference in Eritrea draws more people than the reconciliation talks in Mogadishu, that could embarrass the government, which has insisted that anti-government insurgents are small in number and lack popular support.




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Originally posted by Kashafa:

Look, I'm not sayin don't criticise the ICU, by all means do, if it's constructive, we all need it. But let's not do the whole gloom-and-doom thing. "Oh it is all over. These wadaads are hopeless. Somalia is lost. Ethiopia is here to stay forever. We are to weak and divided. Continue Broken Record

Kashafa - Thanks for your illuminating contribution. The above remarks of yours beautifully illustrate the naysayer syndrome that continues to plague this forum.


Originally posted by Allamagan:

We lost in between these two kafir ragimes and fighting their wars. Why? why not in Jabuti? It would have been better place of course

As Kashafa said, the leadership best know why they chose Asmara to hold the conference. On closer inspection, however, holding it in Asmara makes a lot of sense.


The recurring theme about the location, i think has alot to do with the general misconception in relation to the aims of the conference. The conference is really about how to better build links and workout an overall strategy on how to end the occupation. In short, things you wouldn't want your enemy to know.


As such, the coalition chose Asmara for a good reason. One of the most important of these reasons was to shield themselves from the prying eyes of US spies. Djibouti seems to be a favourite location but doesn't Djibouti host Le Monier barracks, the biggest US military base in Africa? And isn't AfriCom due to setup shop soon?


One might ask - Why would the US be bothered by such a simple gathering? Is the coalition really that important? Yes it is. The optical precision and speed with which this coalition have been running the liberation campaign has caught many off guard, not least the US which has spent a lot of time and energy on the Somali project. Not to mention the rather expensive naval armada which continue to patrol the shores of Mogadishu. I'm sure the Americans would love to bring this to a closure.


To this end, the US would love to gather intelligence with which to offset the plans of this group. Being based in Asmara and holding meetings there is a bonus when it comes to privacy and free will. It doesn't completely eliminate the prying eyes of the Americans but it sure does make it more difficult for them.


Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

The problem with this conference is that it sounds like a kneejerk reaction to the one in Muqdisho

If it was a knee-jerk reaction, the coalition would have called one to coincide with the very first one. Knee-jerk reaction or not, its sure to ruffle some feathers.


--This debate was starting to become constructive but it seems like we've been interrupted by more naysayers. It is unfortunate to be under occupation and have not another nation or group but your own countrymen doubt your abilities. Judging by the way the liberation campaign has thus far panned out, though, it is both clear and reassuring that we have more men of conviction and self belief than mere naysayers.

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whateva a reason ppl bring here there is no point that one is sitting next to a kaafir still calling for an Islamic rule or Islamic Shariah ,,,, that is terribally unexeptable.


Again, H Aideed was against the ICU and the shariah law yesterday, how come do you think he will sit with Aweys and accept what he fought against it yesterday besides he never announced his Towbah ,,,,,


Again, why Jama Ali Jama ??? ,,,, is it to change of the face of the ICU to look like a non-qabiil group ?? ,,,, what is the contribution he would add to the new coalition while he lost yesterday against A/Y in his homeground, Puntland ??

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JB - This coalition is broad-based. Its composed of concerned Somalis from all clans whose intentions are to end the occupation. It enjoys wide appeal for that reason. Likewise, the occupiers fear this coalition for that simple reason - it represents all of Somalia. Detractors will of course have you believe otherwise but the composition of the group is there for all to see.


You mention Jama Ali Jama - if here's there to lend a hand in ending the occupation, then i say good on him. What clan he comes from doesn't interest me. I believe this coalition will soon reach a stage where charges of tribalism will be a distant memory.

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To end the occupation is the large image and yes they can make such coalition but let's see what kind of solution they will bring on the ground.


I believe all of them don't have the same solution and continue with such image can bring Somalia back to the warlordism days where everyone will have his own militia and then back to the zero.


Let's end the occupation is not a solution and can add nothing to the problems on the ground. If them end the occupation on what basis Sh. Aweys will agree with H Aideed ?? Islam, Democracy, anything else ??

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