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Maxkamadihii oo ku baaqey kulan arimaha Somalia looga hadli doona

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Bilal I have no qualms against the Asmara group , or even the fact a conference being held there, what am questioning is its authenticity in terms of meeeting the required goals - which obviously is reconciling conflictig parties in the country. Will the Asmara conference and Mogadishu conference do that - big NO.

That is my point Bilal, lets find a way we can bring this parties toghether and then delve ways we cab make them work without any pre-conditions - we are not in a position to set conditions at the moment.

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^Juje, i take your point. Yes, i do agree that this conference will not reconcile conflicting parties inside the country. One doesn't have that kind of luxury in the middle of an occupation. We have a greater evil to contend with. Only when the occupiers leave the country can we move towards the noble aims you've described.

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The place matters. Would you listen to a wadaad giving a lecture in whorehouse? How can the Asmara group deny the charge that their Eritrea's puppets and are being exploited in her war with Ethiopia?


This is not just about beliefs and principles. This is politics and, in politics, IMAGE is everything. Why else do you think Abdullahi Yusuf is sat in that bombed out Villa Somalia when he could easily go somewhere safer and more luxurious!

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NGONGE - Image is everything ONLY when it comes to dirty politics. The political wing of the group in Asmara is led by a man who could hardly be described as a Machiavelian. This is why the obvious image problem of being based in Asmara is not hurting the group, overall. Besides, 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' is the oldest trick in politics, is it not? The current relationship between this group and Aferwerki is not an uncommon or unheard of one, given the circumstance.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Why else do you think Abdullahi Yusuf is sat in that bombed out Villa Somalia when he could easily go somewhere safer and more luxurious!

IMAGE indeed. But then again he would not be there had it not been for the occuppiers who brought him there - and if they leave , the old man will return to the 'fadhi-ku-dirirs' in Camden town. Hence he is there cause of them, and they the Axmaros are the core to the dilema and also the obstacle to convening a sustainable conference.

So Raami you being the man with boat who will you first take on your boat.

The bottom line is the groups should convene in a meeting that neither has the control but meets their confidence.

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Wrong place, wrong time and they will say the same thing they have been saying for the past few months(wadaanki waa la haysta).

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

Wrong place, wrong time and they will say the same thing they have been saying for the past few months(wadaanki waa la haysta).

PERIOD! or ina keen aanu isjiid-jiidne weeye.

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^^You people amaze me. What's the alternative? Let Ethiopia do as it may while shouting the word TRAITOR at its allies. Is this your idea of ending the occupation? If you don't agree with the coalition in Asmara, then tell us what they ought to be doing instead of dismissing every initiative from your pc couch.


Its easy to forget that this is a coalition in its infancy. Arguably, it faces what no other anti-occupation movement before it anywhere in the world has had to face - the biggest force in its region coupled with the unlimited finances, intelligence gathering capabilities and sophisticated weaponary of the only super power of our time. Considering these awe-inspiring challenges, this coalition has faired better and adapted faster than any other anti-occupation movement against seemingly unsumountable odds in a very short period of time. The coalition has already had its fair share of victories on the propogranda front as well as on the battle field.


Anti-occupation movements don't form and start functioning so soon after a defeat, as this one has. The complexities of the region and lack of resources would have made the task even harder.


Criticise the coalition all you like but let it be constructive. Like it or not, its the only viable anti-occupation movement that we have. It is nonpartisan and draws strength from its brave countrymen on the battlefield. Ending an occupation takes time and a lot of sacrifice. We are only taking the first steps on that path - lets not fool ourselves. The coalition recognises the perilous journey on the path to liberating our country:


Date: 05/07/07

Walaalayaal sida aad ka wada dharagsan tihiinba wadada lagu xoreynayo dalkeena waa dheer tahey , waana dhib badan tahey , waxeyna leedahey dhimasho, dhaawac, barakac , burbur iyo kala harid ay kala haraan dadkii safka ku wada jirey
. Dhamaan arimahaas waxaa ka danbeyn doona insha allaah neecawda xoriyadda iyo sharafta umadda , sidaas awgeed waa in lagu sabraa dhibaatooyinka iyo xanuunada idinka soo gaaraya jidka gobonimodoonka iyo dib-u-xoreynta dalka Soomaaliyeed, maantana lama joogo waqti mawaaqiftii sharafta laheyd ee la idinku yaqaaney aad badashaan, isla markaana ma jirto sabab keeneysa in la bedelo.


Xafiiska warfaafinta - Asamara

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^ sxb, I am not convinced that. why just Asmara? isn't it a sign of dependency? You see the whole picture getting there the amhara dependents Vs Asmara dependents. We lost in between these two kafir ragimes and fighting their wars. Why? why not in Jabuti? It would have been better place of course.

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quote:You people amaze me. What's the alternative? Let Ethiopia do as it may while shouting the word TRAITOR at its allies. Is this your idea of ending the occupation? If you don't agree with the coalition in Asmara, then tell us what they ought to be doing instead of dismissing every initiative from your pc couch.



Asmara is the wrong place to hold such a conference at this time. Many analysts argued that the war in Somalia was essentially one between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Sheikh Shariff even emphatically claimed that he wasn't receiving any support from Eritrea on Aljazeera. Now the man is permenantly camped in Asmara hotel. What sort of message do you think this sends out? We have group of Somalis holding a meeting guarded by Ethiopian Tanks and another in Asmara under the watchful eye of the cousin of Zenawi. It sends out the message that Somalia is under a proxy war and both sides are being used for others political gains.



Sheikh Shariff can travel to Qatar, Dubai and other places without any restrictions. In my opinion he could have called a conference at a later date. The current one is hastly called and only attempts to mimick the one in Muqdisho. Holding it at another timr in a better location would have given delegates and other parties more time to attend. I suspect the outcome of the meeting will be the usual one of;" wadanki waa la haysta, we have to liberate it from the Ethiopians and everybody must fight".



The power of politics in Somali lies with Clan elders not former parliamentarians or wadaads. Those who go by the name of anti occupationists will either have to unite all or the majority of the clan elders and their militias under one umbrella. We already see that some Somalis in Muqdisho are fighting under clan name not for Somalia, Islam or another noble cause.The solution in Somalia and end to Ethiopian occupation will not come through only fighting. Somalis have already inflicted heavily losses on their army and they are desperate for a way out.

Thus Sheikh Shariff and co have to attempt to unite the people of Gedo, Bay and Bakool, Benadir and others in order to throw the Xabashis out or force them to negotiate to the right the conditions. If not then they have to "Negotiate" with the T.F.G in order to come an agreement whereby the Xabashis leave and they have some sort of power sharing formula. But I suspect both are very far of, in the current closr. Therefore the conferences, the bombs, the assisinations, the looting and the suffering of the Somali people will continue. Regardless of whether or not Sheikh Shariff holds a conference in Asmara or Beijing.

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Bilaal is on-point here and cleanin' up house with his posts. The rest of y'all ?...waxaaa maqasheen 'political analyst' aa la iska dhigaa miyaa ? Lol@armchair generals-ka.


You have all failed to make the case why Asmara is a wrong venue to hold a conference or to be the base of the Anti-occupation efforts. You have no alternative(I heard a weak Djbouti suggestion) location. I guess all that's left to put forth is the fallacious Ethiopia = Eritera, thus ICU = TFG.


Been a said a million times but you lot need to hear the lecture again: Asmara is not occupying Somali land(Addis is). Asmara is not torturing, starving, imprisoning Somali people(Addis is). Asmara has no imperial designs on Somalia(Addis has for centuries). Asmara has not been playing off warlords against each other, to keep all them weak, and in perpetual servitude to it's arms & ammunition( Addis has, ever since '91).


So, um, enlighten me. How is Asmara anything but good news for us ? Does it crave our land ? Does it want our oil ? Our interests are aligned: weakening(and eventually destroying) Ethiopia. How is that a bad thing


So guess what....this christian kaafir regime is our best friend today...and guess what again...WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR IT.


Bullshit-ka naga kala yareeya... and provide a intellectually honest argument. "We-criticize-the-TFG-therefore-to-appear-impartial-and-neutral-we-also-have-to-critcize-the-ICU-no-matter-how-ridiculous-it-sounds" is not wax nin wayn oo ku hadlo.

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@Kashafa, you and i know most Somalis(interested ones) won't be able to make it to Asmara. That is probably a good enough reason. As for Asmara not occupying Somali lands, it is the perception and the image that counts. You don't say that "No Eritrea is not supporting us, these are all lies" on Al Jazeera and then permanently set up camp in the same capital city of the mentioned state. But we will see what this conference achieves in Eritrea, which will probably be not much I suspect.

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Not being able to travel there...That's a good reason. Well, actually not. Know why ? Because no other country will host the ICU. Not Saudi, Not Qatar, Not Dubai, Not Egypt. So where do you want them to go ? Still haven't heard a viable alternative(Djbouti, doesn't count).


Brah, be reasonable. If it comes to perception & image, walagaa qayli badan yahay. How do you compete with them on that platform when they have all the cards(bleating Al-Qaacida 24/7) Although politically important(image), the focus now should be on practical stuff, tangible stuff.


Even if this conference is a's a first step. There will be many more to come. This halgan is not a error-free process. Many mistakes will be made, we will learn from them.

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Saxiib, Shariff can travel to Qatar. There was meeting a while back and I think he attended that one. The problem with this conference is that it sounds like a kneejerk reaction to the one in Muqdisho.

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