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Maxkamadihii oo ku baaqey kulan arimaha Somalia looga hadli doona

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Mogadishu 11, July 07 ( Sh.M.Network)-Warsaxaafadeed ay soo saareen maanta golihii maxaakiimta islaamka Somaliyed ayaa waxaa ay ku baaqeen kulan arimaha Somalia looga hadli doona oo ka dhici doona waddanka Eritrea, sida ay warsaxaafadeedka ku sheegeen.


Warsaxaafadeedkaasi ka dib oo Seekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed wareysi uu siisey idaacadda Shabelle isagoo ku sugan magaalada Asmara ee waddanka Eretrea, ayaa waxaa uu sheegey in aaney marnaba ka qeyb qaadan doonin kulanka shirka dib u heshisinta beelaha Somaliyeed oo la sii sheegay in uu Muqdisho ka qabsoomi doono bartamaha bishan aynu ku guda jirno ee July.


Waxaa uu guddomiyaha Golihii Maxaakiimta islaamka shaaca ka qaadey in iyagu ay ku baaqayaan kulan arimaha Somalia looga hadli doona kaas oo ka dhici doona waddanka Eritrea bisha Sepmteber, kaas oo uu sheegey Sheekh Shariif in ay ka soo qeyb gali doonaan xubno ka tirsan kuwa la baxey baarlamaanka xurta ah,siyaasiyiin magac leh iyo ururo bulsho.


Waxaa uu sheegey Sheekh Shariif in kullanka Muqdisho lagu wado in uu ka qabsoomo uu yahay mid aan wax natiijo ah keeneyn inta ay dalka ku sugan yihiin ciidamada Ethiopia oo uu sheegey in ay yihiin kuwo soo duuley oo dalkii qabsadey.


Mar wax laga weydiiyey in uu wada hadal dhex marey isaga iyo guddoomiyaha shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran Mudane Cali Mahdi ayaa waxaa uu sheekhu ku jawaabey " in aaney wax wada hadal dhex marin isaga iyo Mr Mahdi oo uu ku tilmaamey in uu yahay mid daba dhilif u ah gumeystaha iyo dadka la socda sida uu hadalka u dhigey Sheekh Shariif.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee warsaxaafadeedkaan ayaa waxaa uu ku soo beegmayaa xilli uun ay ka harsan yihiin maalmo shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran ee lagu ballamey in uu ka dhaco Muqdisho,kaasoo marar badan baaqdey.

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They could do it in Djibouti that could be more influencing and dangerious ,, but who da hell is going all da way to Asmara ?? unless it is intended for those who live in the abroad.

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^I seem to think that such a conference is well overdue. It seeks to distract attention from and undermine the Ethiopian led one. However, i do agree that Asamara, while having its strenghts, is not the most preferred of locations. But then again, things are never ideal when your declared aim is to end an occupation and you're in the middle of one.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:




They could do it in Djibouti that could be more influencing and dangerious ,, but who da hell is going all da way to Asmara ?? unless it is intended for those who live in the abroad.

Djibouti could have been a better place for this conference but do you think their government will allow it? You know what Jacaylbaro shirkaan dal aan maraykan ka heybeysan keliya ayuu ka dhici karaa hadda maybe Venezuella, Syria or Iran is another

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Except for the difficuty in bringing delegates together, Asmara is perfectly fine with me. If this conference succeeds in agitating the occupiers and their supporters, a feat its sure to achieve, then that of itself will suffice.

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If this conference called by Sheikh Sharif materialises, I dont see it achieving any grounds apart than what it is at the moment - an opposition.

Furthermore , how will it be different from the one called by the TFG. It will be a meeting of those who are of same thinking and policy - it will not resolve anything as there will be no conflicting asides attending it.

We need to be serious about resolving issues, if we are going out to fully criticise the TFG for calling out a conference which it controls its procedings and the outcome - like wise we should be saying the same about the Asmara gang.

I believe that the solution to the dilema in Somalia lies in convening a conference in a safe enviroment (without the intimadation of outside players) and attended by the opposing factors the TFG and the Asmara group will be a tilt towards the creation of an acceptable solution.

Anything other than that is a mockery.

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Juje I don't think Somalis critise TFG because of its name they do that because it invited occupiers and made easy for them to take over Somalia. I agree that those with same/similar policy will be meeting in Asmara but I thought that is what is needed now...STRONG OPPOSITION against Ethiopian presence and interference in any means to Somalia.

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Abwaan, then the leader and the organizer should not be Eriteria. They should find a better country which is acceptable to the somalis.


what is the use when you organize a meeting in Asmara and accusing this conference in mogadishu as ethiopian driven one ?

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What would you say the exact translation of this strange word is? Statement? Press release?

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Jacaylbaro I don't think that there is a doubt in kan Muqdisho hadda ka dhacaya uu yahay shimbirayahow heesa. Where else would you suggest which is practical now? I don't see this Asmar meeting as reconcillian but just making sure to get a stronger opposition just that don't you think?

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Originally posted by Juje:

Furthermore , how will it be different from the one called by the TFG. It will be a meeting of those who are of same thinking and policy - it will not resolve anything as there will be no conflicting asides attending it

This conference, unlike the Ethio one, is willing to accomodate all parties, even those who disagree with it. Apart from the usual quarrels, the only essential condition is that one must believe in ending the occupation - surely that isn't too much to ask from your fellow occupied countrymen.


The group in Asmara is not to be seen as a mere opposition. They are alot more than that. Whereas the TFG wishes to pave the forward along clan lines, the opposition is more pragmactic and looks to settle matters politically. These are two distinct choices.

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^^^ But they’ll be seen by many as being Eritrean puppets. Which brings us back to the same question: how are they different to those in the Somali capital?

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Ngonge, warsaxaafadeed = press release



Abwaan i have the same feeling about both meetings and they are all shimbirayahow heesa. What i'm saying is they should have brought something better than announcing a meeting in Asmara.


Bilaal, I don't think ppl will go to Asmara and believe even that one is going along clan lines. It is the same ICU figures added to some tfg deffectors with same qabiil name like H Aideed. Still there are some others supporting them indirectly just like there are some other officers working with the tfg. I think it is even less than opposition now.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:
But they’ll be seen by many as being Eritrean puppets. Which brings us back to the same question: how are they different to those in the Somali capital?

Ngonge - Let me shed some light on this by using a Somali phrase.


Soomaalidu waxeey dhahdaa: Nin soo jeedo lama kicin karo.

This may be interpreted as: if one chooses to overlook facts, then none can awake him to it. Simplicity intertwined with immense wisdom.


What i mean is this: apart from being based in Asmara, you will not find in this group, the usual characteristics of a puppet entity. Or can you? Its simply a coincidence that Eriteria happens to have the same enemy as this group. One cannot use this to trash this noble-aimed anti-occupation movement.

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