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Gordon Gekko

The Somali Republic post-TFG era: Your opinion and thoughts

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This thread is solely for discussions around the rebuilding and development of the Somali republic; post-TFG era, after elections 2009, with a non-transitional government in place.



- What would you personally do to improve your motherland? (company startup, NGO-work, political lobbying for Somaliweyn etc.)


- As an entrepreneur: how would you capitalize on the great amount of returning wealthy diaspora somalis?


- Which possible sectors of industry could the Somali republic excel at internationally: i.e export of camel meat and dairy/fish products/ tropical fruits.


- How would you like our relationship to foreign powers and our overall foreign politics to look like?


- How about your input on the domestic front, what should the government focus on there?


- What actions can be taken to meet future hikes in energy demand?


- How should our environmental ecological policy look like?



If your sitting on other questions, on-topic, that you would like to share with the rest of us on this thread, be sure to present them.

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Our country needs to be liberated first than we can discuss the topic in hand. In the meantime, we should focus on the best ways that we can liberate this country....

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- What would you personally do to improve your motherland? (company startup, NGO-work, political lobbying for Somaliweyn etc.)


- As an entrepreneur: how would you capitalize on the great amount of returning wealthy diaspora somalis?


- Which possible sectors of industry could the Somali republic excel at internationally: i.e export of camel meat and dairy/fish products/ tropical fruits.


- How would you like our relationship to foreign powers and our overall foreign politics to look like?


- How about your input on the domestic front, what should the government focus on there?


- What actions can be taken to meet future hikes in energy demand?


- How should our environmental ecological policy look like?



If your sitting on other questions, on-topic, that you would like to share with the rest of us on this thread, be sure to present them.

Your questions are a mockery, and disrespecting to Somalis everywhere and Somalia in general.


You know yourself one cannot do anything while they are under foreign occupation.


Fal yadxakuu qaliilan wal yabkuu kathiiran baa kaa danbeeso adeer ee waxba ha durbaan tumanin meel cida ah.



PS: Adeer soo baro micnaha "off-topic" waxa laga wado, you can't accuse someone to be OFF-TOPIC if they don't agree with your so called ecological policy!

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Here's off-topic post #5.


Originally posted by Lake:

The Somalis want to see Yey and Geedi hanged before we can move on

I know, I know, it's a repeat of off-topic post #1. But it's so good. :D

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There will not be an election by 2009, TFG will extend its term for another 5 years or more.

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Off topic GeelJire


Why is potential or actual investment in the homeland dependant upon the " post T.F.G"? I think the vanishing of the insurgents and the proclamations of victory by Geedi and co are have slighlty raised your hopes to new levels.Your enthusiasm is quite similar to that of Iraqis whom returned to "liberated Iraq". Only to find that they didn't quite understand the homeland they had left.Nor had their economic education in Western universities prepared them for it. As one author put it, "many were convinced that liberlization of markets and free trade would solve all problems". Of course we know the reality turned different. Adeer, ciyaari wa gelin dambee, ha deg degin!Xabashiduna meel uma socdaan, waa inay Somalida is bartaan(si fiican)


Somali people have been investing in their homeland in the past 16 years without any real support from government institutions or local groups.I have some business plans in Somalia inshallah, like all Somalis in the diaspoara. Lakin marke hore waa iin hakbaadi la soo uruuriyo, ma fahantey?

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Alright lets clear up this mess:


Mr.nuune: Yes sir, your very much off-topic and you obviously dont understand the meaning itself since your coining your own definitions so go back to the dictionary and hopefully youll stay on-topic next time or just not comment here smile.gif


Mr. Wisdoom-seeker, Castro, Dabshid: You guys are very cool trying to compete in being politically incorrect and off-topic. Kudos.


Mr. Off-topic Geeljire: Interesting point I'll count as On-topic. What your saying is that you don't need any government in order to do business and investments in Somalia i.e. you must be the famous "taxes are annoying" dude. Personally I've invested in Somalia since a couple of years back myself so I'm not "dependent" on governmental authorities either and I'm not an enthusiastic Iraqi. However, I'm well aware that a sound economic development that can benefit not only individuals but hole populations often demand some form of governmental overseeing and involvement. What exactly is it that your waiting for, the ICU to takeover?


Interesting to note that the posters (all anti-TFG members) so far havent managed to bring one on-topic point to the table. My conclusion is that you guys simply cant think/imagine of a normally functioning Somalia (without foreign military presence) and with an ordinary government. Just what I thought.

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There are suppose to be elections in '09, correct? Will there be political parties and will the 4.5 system be absolished?

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. My conclusion is that you guys simply cant think/imagine of a normally functioning Somalia (without foreign military presence) and with an ordinary government. Just what I thought.



I think the words you are looking for are accept,morally justify, legitimize, condone, support, cheerleader, praise etc....(Ethiopia and Somali Warlords)


Just look through the archives, you will find most people supported the T.F.G when it came to power and no have qualms as to why or how it was formed. The problem we have is the root it has taken, which are not ideologically acceptable for people like myself. Thus the phrase "Anti T.F.G" is a little of the mark. Do you think we are anarchists whom sit in the West and desire no government for Somalia? I think you will find the problem wiht the T.F.G is the baggage that comes with it, which some Somalis can't take!

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I highly doubt that. My predication, things will remain to be the same. Somalia will not be stable nor will it have a government which truly represents the people. There probably will be more foreign influence. America has its own interest in Somalia. If the UN troops do arrive next year or by the end of this year, then I assume things will get ugly, more Somalis will die. Or maybe by 2009 the nation we called Somalia today may well be part of Great Ethiopia.


However, Yusuf intends to run for president. I guess he thinks he could use bribery once again….Lord help us….

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