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General Duke

True face of courts...

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^^I don't understand saaxiib waxaad ku qosleysid! Waxaan maqli jiray qofka qabiilka ka buuxo oo waalan haduu qoslo, waxaa yaabo kan diinta ka buuxdo ee fiyoow!

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Mansa Munsa, what more can Ethiopia do to us in their support of the TFG than they couldn't before. I am very positive that Baidabo would have fallen into the hands of the courts had it not Ethiopia protecting its institutions.


The proponents of the courts want an all dysfunctional TFG and the reemergence of new reconciliation process whereby the courts dominate all other entities .


I ask simple question, why not support the TFG in its final years of need? Only two and half years is left from its mandate. How hard it is for the courts to come to terms with the government.

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

^^you suffer from the worest mental confinement eve, since you only can see things from the brism of your tribe and the very criminal uncle of yours in Baydhabo!

Ubaahne I could swear I read something different and when I quoted to respond to it your words changed. Edit?

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

quote:Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

^^you suffer from the worest mental confinement eve, since you only can see things from the brism of your tribe and the very criminal uncle of yours in Baydhabo!

Ubaahne I could swear I read something different and when I quoted to respond to it your words changed. Edit?
That is a little hypocracy, among the many hypocracies you excell, I learned from you!

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

quote:Originally posted by HornAfrique:


Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

^^you suffer from the worest mental confinement eve, since you only can see things from the brism of your tribe and the very criminal uncle of yours in Baydhabo!

Ubaahne I could swear I read something different and when I quoted to respond to it your words changed. Edit?
That is a little hypocracy, among the many hypocracies you excell, I learned from you!
Ilaahay haku cafiyo. Gaalne kuuma wacayo balse diintaad ku dhaqmaysaa kuma odhanayo. smile.gif

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote: That is a little hypocracy, among the many hypocracies you excell,

Bravo, Ubahane you are on the road to recovery..
:DWar kaalay ninyahow, adigu ma waxaad rabtaa dadkoo dhan iney munaafaqiin noqdaan sidiinoo kale?


Ilaahow aanan u mashxaradin dadkii oo munaafaqnimo iskugu kaalmeeynayo, Aamiin.


May your wife give you the poisinous tablet that she has being keeping to use against you as she becomes jealous from you! :D

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

quote:Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:


Originally posted by HornAfrique:


Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

^^you suffer from the worest mental confinement eve, since you only can see things from the brism of your tribe and the very criminal uncle of yours in Baydhabo!

Ubaahne I could swear I read something different and when I quoted to respond to it your words changed. Edit?
That is a little hypocracy, among the many hypocracies you excell, I learned from you!
Ilaahay haku cafiyo. Gaalne kuuma wacayo balse diintaad ku dhaqmaysaa kuma odhanayo.
aamiin, anakoo dhan saaxiib. Laakiin dee waan kula kaftamayay runtii ee ha iga xanaaqin dee, Abti, waa ogtahay inaan ahay wiil aad abti u tahee. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Mansa Munsa, what more can Ethiopia do to us in their support of the TFG than they couldn't before. I am very positive that Baidabo would have fallen into the hands of the courts had it not Ethiopia protecting its institutions.


The proponents of the courts want an all dysfunctional TFG and the reemergence of new reconciliation process whereby the courts dominate all other entities .


I ask simple question, why not support the TFG in its final years of need? Only two and half years is left from its mandate. How hard it is for the courts to come to terms with the government.

Saaxiib Caamir, We are somalis after all, very emotional people and I know some people will blindly support either courts or TFG regardless what one does. Known fact that the TFG tenure is fading as we speak, and in terms of legality TFG was coined on more genuine platform in relation to the Union of Islamic courts.


Having said, the UIC is undeniable factor in terms of influence, all I am trying to say is that they will collapse within if the TFG does play its cards well, it is also known fact that the courts were non-significant yesterday and because of the masses support they are where they are today. The motives of the courts are somewhat complex and implicit therefore I only want in badar iyo biyo loo kala baxo.


Secondly, we all know what Ethiopia can or not do to us, but the question is not to appease Ethiopia rather to win the hearts and minds of the majority of somali public, as I indicated ealier somalis can be exploited and manipulated easily specially if some Qur'anic verses recited on them therefore I want to take that kind of justification out of the equation, so the courts will not have a choice but to display their true colors.


Finally, if courts reciprocate what they preach.. further analysis of our respective positions are required.

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^^What a bad person you are! Are you saying somebody should use the Quran to decief others for political gains?


Subxaanalaah, war kan xaguu ka yimid, acuudkiye!

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Well said, Mansa, the government should do more to win the hearts of the people. Our people are hardly educated and can be easily deceived. The enemy that is ingrained in our hearts and minds is Ethiopia and the government needs a better method to convince the masses the desired intention of these foreign forces. Also, the BBC is playing a big role in further confusing the public with platitudes. It does not provide enough coverage for the TFG leaders to directly speak to the people.


I have to go brother.

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