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Tripartite commitee formed in Dhahar in response to Puntland’s Galgala offensive pics

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:


lol your funny, i'll give you that.

You aint funny at all, I will give you that..

As for the topic, my sister stop supporting the secessionist agenda, its un-Islamic and quite weird to base your political allegiance to the misplaced notion that the British colonial rule made your clan special.

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You aint funny at all, I will give you that..

As for the topic, my sister stop supporting the secessionist agenda, its un-Islamic and quite weird to base your political allegiance to the misplaced notion that the British colonial rule made your clan special.

It is okay we can only have one clown anyway. :D


Actually the topic is not about me or my supposed allegiance or if I am un-islamic or not, in fact the topic is not even about SL, let alone me. I know you are trying hard to hijack this thread, I wonder why?


The topic, which I commented is: SOMALIA: A tripartite commitee formed in Dhahar in response to Puntland’s Galgala offensive


Now stick to dealing with the galgala offensive and issues that concern your beloved villages before aad soo gaadid adiga, my Islam or political allegiance or otherwise.


Ma anaga aya walan miis caadba laga heesa ya. Don’t become obsessed with me yarow and ignore the thread issue.

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^^^Why then my secessionist supporting humorless sisters are you in this thread? Anyhow stick to supporting Siilanyu and stay out of our “villages” and their security issues. Then we can at least take you seriously. :D

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I can have a view on anything I like, so I am here commenting on the issue at hand, adiga waxan loo jeedin iyo your own rubbish aad ka daaman weydey. I have yet to comment on your Islam, your contradictions between Somalinimo iyo Puntiland, your gloating over deaths in Somalia and countless other things. When and if such thread comes up and I can be bothered I shall do so. Likewise if and when there is a thread about Ibtisam related to Silanyo, or Ibtisam and Islam, you can say whatever you wish, laakin haada you have an issue to comment on and it aint me.


As I said to you years ago, ha igu waalin waad igu qafifitey eh. :cool:


Clowns cant be serious, let alone take others seriously.


NOW for the last time do you have anything to say about this topic? if not bugger off will ya.

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Loool @ Ngonge. Okay I take my leave with what is left of my soon. redface.gifredface.gif


P.s. I did not saying anything mean or rude or untrue, but I guess wuu caadodey.


Salamah. :cool:

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Ibtisaam sister brother Duke is right supporting the unity of the ummah while also wishing for the Somali people to be divided is indeed contrary to say the least.


Islamically and morally it is wrong to support the division of a single people, race and nation as unity on us muslim is a duty and dividing muslims is unislamically.


We Muslims got ordered and commanded to:




“And hold fast, all of you together to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves.”


The above is a command sister and to go against it, is going against that command.


You're supporting the division of people wo are brothers in Islaam and by lineage. Only because a gaal cad once ruled them together and divided relatives of a common ancestor by painting a line or boundry between them.


To severe kinship is a great sin sister and you are in support of putting an barrier between people who share common ancestor and blood.


Our people knew that and rid themselves of the artificial boundaries as soon as independence dawned on them.


The very word of 'gooni iskutaag or isutaag' reveals the weakness of the secessionist agenda as it translates to 'be on your own', which is islamically speaking wrong again because the we all know about the dangers of leaving the jamaacah.


The secessionist agenda isn't morally, islamically and intellectually justifiable and is an ill that needs to be stopped.


Ills we suffer from that needs to be stopped is secessionism, anarchism, religious radicalism, clan centric-ism, greed, envy and ignorance.


Puntland stands to get rid of all those ill's and it is the reason why it is disliked by so many.

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Puntand stands for unity. :D


How do you explain arresting and deporting 600 innocent Somali people from Puntland, only because they are from the South?


Dividing the city of Galkacyo in the 20th century, 20 years after even the divided city of Berlin is united.


How do you explain fighting in Maakhir against Somali's,


fighting in Galkacyo against Somali's,


fighting in Moqadishu against Somali's with help of christian Ethiopians,


fighting in Kismaayo against Somali's?



Well, atleast you stand for Somali unity. Then all is okay. :D

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So, if I understand you correct; One can do anything(war, killings, deportation, clanism, divide cities, etc) to eachother as long its under the banner of unity?

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unity of what people?


the ones you are butchering in Galgala, Bosasso?


The ones you are deporting? the ones you are handing over to Ethiopia?


The ones yeey terrorized together with Xabashi's?


The people who cant go from South to North Galkacyo?


tell me, Sakhar. what good have you done for your people?

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