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Tripartite commitee formed in Dhahar in response to Puntland’s Galgala offensive pics

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SOMALIA: A tripartite commitee formed in Dhahar in response to Puntland’s Galgala offensive


Dhahar:(August 23)- Hundreds of elders, clan chiefs and intellectuals have held emergency meetings for 3 consecutive days in Hotel Midnimo at Dhahar city of Haylaan region in response to the current humanitarian and political crisis facing the communities of western Bari region.


A committee of tripartite functions for defense, finance and awareness has been formed.


The delegation which consist of 650 members met initially at Midnimo hotel, but they had later relocated the conference to a nearby national Park (Beerta Nasashada) after the hotel premises could no longer host the very large number of attendees.


Politicians along with media outlets were not invited and all attendees were not permitted to record any audio in the course of the Conference.


August 24th is chosen to be the last day of the meeting, where different appointed committee members are scheduled to meet in Hotel Midnimo based on the final decisions.


Jama Mohamed, a member of the awareness committee had told Somali Public Radio that the objectives of the conference is to:


  • Unite the tribe and pronounce a final declaration on the Galgala conflict.
  • To address the international humanitarian agencies that thousands of families are currently displaced by the ongoing conflict in Galgala, Bali Khadar, Sugure and environs and are therefore in dire need of humanitarian assistance.
  • To coordinate the functions of the tripartite committee of defense, finance and awareness that they must attend to the political and humanitarian crisis spawned by the Galgala conflict.
Jama has told Somali Public Radio of an extensive show of public support for the conferencein Dhahar city of Haylaan region since the offensives began in Western Bari.


Dhahar city is largely inhabited by the Dubeys subclans of ********** and they share clan affiliations with inhabitants of Western Bari.


Tomorrow, hundreds of elders and traditional leaders are expected to meet at the hotel and declare their final decision to the world and what subsequent responses in relation to the crisis they have to take.



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^ The final outcome was not announced, yet its apparent that the community is reacting to the Western Bari offensives and targeted killings in Bosaso.


I believe the clan will spell out to the world, root causes of the Western Bari conflict centered around centuries old rivalry, resources and the strategic location the said clan inhabits. The commitees formed also hint to a creation of a combating movement.


Faroole is a materialist who excercised prior schemes before he became the president in his clan fiefdom. This is another deceptive step to solicit further attention from the international community by inciting a war between his fiefdom and Atam’s local arm forces

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A Man from Western Bari, Brutally Murdered by a Police officer in the SSDF Fiefdom


Waxaa Halkan tacsi tiraanyole ka Diraya dhamaan ehaladii iyo qarabadii uu ka geeriyoodey Alla ha u Naxariistee Marxuum C/raxmaan Caydiid Xaaji Nuur oo shalay lagu toogtey tariikhdu markay ahayd 23/8/010Mgaalada Bosaso, oo uu askari ka xaqdaran toogtey.



Aabe Caydiid Xaaji Nuur Saalax



Aabe Maxamed Xaaj Nuur Saalax



Aabe Cabdi Xaaji Nuur Saalax



Aabe Khaliif Xaaji Nuur Saalax



Aabe Xasan xaaji Nuur Saalax



Aabe Jaamac Xaaji Yusuf Saalax



Haayo Saynab Axmed Awaare



Haayo khadro Axmed Awaare



Hooyo Jawaahir Axmed Awaare



Hooyo Xaliimo Axmed Awaare



Hooyo Asli Axmed Awaare



Eedo Faadumo Yusuf Saalax



Eedo Khadiijo Yusuf Saalax



Eedo Muxubo Nuur Saalax



Maxamed Caydiid Nuur



Faadumo Caydiid Nuur



Maxamuud caydiid Nuur



Maxamed Cabadi Nuur



Faaiso Cabdi Nuur



Mustafe Cabdi Nuur



IYo Dhamaan Maamulka iyo shaqaalaha Shirkada DahabshiiL ee Magaalada Bosaso.

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Waxa xalay magaalada Boosaaso lagu dilay inan dhalinyaro ah oo ka soo jeeda Degaanada Makhir ,waxaana dilkaa gaystay nin lagu magcaabo Ina Maryo badane oo horay u ahaan jiray kuwo ku sameeya degaanada Puntland jid gooyada, hadase ka mid noqday Ciidanka PIS.



Marxuumkan Allah ha u naxariistee ayaa hada dadka qaarkis wxay sheegayan in dilkiisu salka ku hayo dagalada ka socda Galgala iyo nawaaxigeeda. wixii ku soo kordha warkan gadal ayan idiin ka soo sheegi doonaa

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Dhahar (SPR): Shir ay isugu yimaadeen wax garad, aqoonyahanada, ururada Bulshada ee degmada Dhahar ayaa waxaa uu socdaa mudo sadex maalmood iyadoo shirkan markii hore lagu qabtey Hoteel Midnimo ee degmada Dhahar, kadib markii uu deeqi waayey loo wareejiyey meel fagaara ah oo ku began bariga magaalada Dhahar.



Shirkan ayaa waxaa loo diidey in ay kasoo qaybgalaan siyaasiyiinta iyo waliba saxaafada. Iyadoo loo diidey saxaafada in ay wax cod ah duubaan, ayaa waxaa lagu balamay bari in uu shirku qaas u noqdo guurtida iyo gudiga shirka loo magacaabay. Kaasoo lagu qaban doono maalinta bari ah hoolka shirka ee Hotel Midnimo.



Mar aanu la xiriirney qaar ka mid ah dadka loo magacaabay gudiga shirarkan oo lagu magacaabo Jaamac Maxamed ayaa noo sheegay in shirka looga arinsanayey sadex arimood:



Sidii go’aan looga qaadan lahaa colaada ka taagan deegaanada Galbeedka Bari. Taasoo maalinba waji yeelaneysa.



Sidii loo gacan qaban lahaa dadka kasoo barakacay deegaanada Galbeedka Bari oo haatan ku sugan meela badan oo ka mid ah Bari iyo Haylaan.



Sidii loo sameyn lahaa gudi dhaqaale, gudi qaban qaabo, iyo gudi difaac.



Jaamac ayaa noo sheegay in ay haatan dhaqdhaqaaqyo siyaasadeed ay ka jiraan magaalada Dhahar iyadoo ay haatana ku suganyihiin wasiiro/wasiiro ku xigeeno, iyo waliba xildhibaano ka socda maamulka Puntland. Odayaal dhaqameedka deegaanada Haylaan iyo Galbeedka Bari oo goobtaasi usugu yimi ayaa waxay go’aan buuxa kasoo saari doonaan shirkan maalmaha soo socda oo ay usoo gudbin doonaan saxaafada baaq oo ay u dhanyihiin guurtida.

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

The commitees formed also hint to a creation of a cobating movement.

Do you think the Erigavo Maakhirians wil join such a combat?

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Originally posted by Land_Soldier:

quote:Originally posted by Xudeedi:

The commitees formed also hint to a creation of a cobating movement.

Do you think the Erigavo Maakhirians wil join such a combat?
Erigavo is where my specific family hails from. They (the Makhirian Erigavo) maintain the position that it is better first and foremost for reer Haylaan (The Sool Plateau) or the Elders and Garads of Dhahar to unite on this issue and release one common statement. Thus far, the esteemed main Garads of Dhahar have been silent on the Galgala conflict and it sends the signal rightly or wrongly that they are with Puntland leaders such as Ilka-jir, Abdi Jamal, Farole, Abdisamad, and others..



Xudeedi, thanks for the article.

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Nassir: The situation is looped with much complexity as well as the many faces of the conflict such as foreign looters (African Oil) along with numerous interested parties which makes it very difficult for elders to reach a consensual pronouncement. Also the clan fiefdom (Puntland) has hired many personnel from the clan and invested significantly to further their farcical agendas.


In a matter of time, the elders will apprehend the clan fiefdoms true intentions and spell out a united verdict. The meetings are a good indication that efforts are in place.

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A nice clan gathering, however it seems the family is becoming united, which is always welcome, however for some to spin this in the wrong way is expected. As someone stated they have not realised a single antin Puntland position, or even stated combating anything.


All over Puntland each region is thinking about its interest, nothing new and most welcome...

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Xudeedi, xaalada hala dejiyo. Let the promotion of peace, unity and reconciliation be our guiding principles. Brothers disagree and fight, but they do also reconcile and right the wrongs. No one wins in a war if pushed further and further. We'll all lose in the long run.

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