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Machiavelli's Explanation of Anarchy in Somalia

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I always beleived that warlords and tribal Elders have an interest in prolonging anarchy in Somalia, for example, worlord who is benefiting from an Airport, Harbours, or traficking drugs will never accept things to change, specially when he can frighten anyone else by sheer force and terror.


Nicolo Machiavelli, an Italian Royal court advisor in 15th century, who is credited to the current mentality of politicians ha laid down most political theories followed by world politicians from George Bush to Somali warlords


Here is the text of the passage that caught my eye:


"And it ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new."


Nicolo Machiavelli c.1505




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I agree with the first bit about the warlords, but have they ever been an "introduction of a new order" to replace them? I don't think so. I don't think it will take anything less than what the Taliban did to sweep the Afghan warlords - who were much more powerful and wealtheir - to bring real change. Some people are hoping and praying the warlords come up with a solution while others are reminiscing about past time paradise.

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Ayoub bro.


Sweeping to power like the Taleban or the Khmer Rouge, has been done, sustaing power though is more complex and does need considering many more factors that can waste ones effort. The underlying problem and the control of warlords are the result of cumulative sins we Somalis as a nations have committed, and continue to commit, unfortunately, we do not realize which sin are we paying its price at any given time, because we are paying the price for the last 13 years, and as you may be aware, it can not be lifted by a bandaid solution like sweeping to power and expecting that our pain is behind us.


We have a set of national collective sins, like tribalism, nepotism, treatment of women and children, abominable cast system that denies the basic human dignity to a segment of our society, whose dividents we are being paid in installments, and personal sins whose effect shows in our character when we deal with fellow paesanos, which further fuels the instability of our fractured nation.


We need to find out the root cause of this dilemma, because the curse we are suffering can not be lifted otherwise, and pointing fingers outward may not be the best of answers, like the Reer Xamar have a wise saying:


" Nin Ilaaheey heysto, iddeydiisa ma maqashid"




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Nur I agree with the causes and the solution problem you've listed above my point was: I don't there is an "introduction of a new order" being done and I don't think the people have been given the chance to be even "lukewarm defenders". There is an attempt or desire by some to go back to the back to good old days without the real change thats needed taking place.


We have a set of national collective sins, like tribalism, nepotism, treatment of women and children, abominable cast system that denies the basic human dignity to a segment of our society

Could not put it better if I tried.

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" Nin Ilaaheey heysto, iddeydiisa ma maqashid"

very wise Xamarawi saying.



Power is awesome tool to have...remember how military junta used to do whatever they want with impunity...these pros want to replicate that era with just different hat. And they are almost there if they could only eliminate the little obstacles in their way...other ambitious uncompromising camel boys who pops up every other year. These warlords are primitive in their approach but very much inline with the historical trend of nomadic anarchism.


Their careers are “piracy pure and simple, nothing but an orgy of power and plunder, made romantic by the character of the hero” - that memorable quote fits the description. The heroes as you know have many defenders who would give up their precious lives. But don’t worry they seem to realize they were at each other’s throat and now they may come up a new anarchic order rooted in the culture of nomadic anarchism. The way things are going now; they have developed a formula with the help of well-wishers - the sincere neighbors who are looking out for our interest.


This formula is a fraction. It is a naked number. There are no unknowns! It is 9/2! The well-publicized 4.5 formula that will allocate the parliamentary seats for the anarchists. Absent in this gathering of talented anarchists are the Islamist, dignified secularist and the uncompromising nationalists. Will they resort extreme measures to counter this coup-de-etat orchestrated by the practical anarchist? That is an open question. Only you Nur can decipher the answer...enlighten us pal plz where do we stand?

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Baashi bro.


I agree with you on your obeservation, twenty percent of our people have caused eighty percent of our misery.


Somalia is like a food delivery car for an impoverished family, the steering wheel of the car, engine and lights were all stolen, the car is being towed by a donkey, that is fed with camel dung by the UN and Ethiopia, five anarchists are directing the donkey, each one toward a different direction, This is the best way I can describe the situation.


Baashi what is killing me is that as I write this piece, our ocean is being vacuumed by Japanese and Korean fishing trawlers who pay peanut to these anarchists not to shoot while cleaning our rich coasts, our forests being burned, all the while the process of spawning a new generation of bandits goes on, new fresh anarchists to take over the reign of terror passed by current anarchists, if Somalias uncivil war has proven anything wrong, it is the myth that Somalis as a people have inherent integrity, for money, these anarchits are willing to sell, maim or kill anyone.




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Ayoub bro.


A good reminder indeed, I re-read the passages I wrote and your responses as you have suggested, and I was moved, it was 2 years ago, and the reminder of the difficulties lurking along the path of the Islamic courts couldnt have come in a better time. KZK




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Bashi Bro.


Two years and three moths ago you observed that the TFG Government:


". Absent in this gathering of talented anarchists are the Islamist, dignified secularist and the uncompromising nationalists "



Is it any wonder today, that "dignified secularists" and nationalists are allies with and in the camp of the Union of Islamic Courts?




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