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more instability in occupied Mogadishu and Somalia.

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Dilal abaabulan iyo qaraxyo xalay ka dhacay Muqdisho (Warbixin)


Tan iyo markii ciidamada dowladda federaalka oo kaashanaya kuwa Itoobiya ay kala wareegeen gacan ku hayta magaalada Muqdisho ciidamadii maxkamadaha Islaamiga ahaa ayaa waxaa magaalada ku soo badanayey falalka ammaandarrida ah, sida dilalka iyo qaraxyada ay geysanayaan kooxaha hubeysan, waxaana dhacdadii u danbeysay oo dhacday fiidnimadii xalay siyaabo gooni gooni ah loogu dilay qeybo ka tirsan magaaladan Muqdisho 3 qofood, halka ay jireen dad ay dhaawacyo soo gaareen.


Koox maleeshiyo ah oo ku hubeysneyd qoryaha fudud ayaa maqrabnimadii xalay waxay ku dileen agagaarka xarunta shirkadda Isgaarsiinta Nation-Link oo ku taala Jid-cadde wax yar un u jira waddada labaad ee suuqa Bakaaraha nin, xili ninkaasi uu ku sii jeeday masaajid sida la sheegay, waxaana dilka ninkaasi geystay kooxo dabley ah oo ku baxsaday gaari ay wateen, waxaana markii uu geeriyooday ninkaasi la waayey cid aqoonsata, wuxuuna yiilay muddo saacado ah, waxaa markii dambe aqoonsatay hooyadiis ah oo goobtaasi timid kana qaaday.


Dhinaca kale , nin dhaawac ah oo madaxu ay rasaas uga taalo ayaa xalay laga helay isagoo dhex yaala wado ka mid ah waddooyinka dhexmara xaafada Kaasa-bolbolaaare ee degmada Hodan, waxaana ninkaasi oo markii dambe la garan waayey dadka deegaanku ay ula carareen isbitaalka Madiina ee magaalaada Muqdisho, halkaasoo saacado ka dib uu ugu geeriyooday dhaawicii ku yiilay.


Dhacdada ugu daran ayaa xalay ka dhacday duleedka fagaaraha Tarabuunka ee magaalada Muqdisho ka dib markii kooxo hubeysan oo gaari watay ay halkaasi keeneen nin indhaha iyo gacmaha ka xiran, waxaana markii ay gaariga ka soo dejiyeen ninkaasi ay isla goobtiiba kula rideen rasaas fara badan oo deegaankaasi oo dhan laga maqlayey, iyadoo kooxdii dableyda aheyd ee ninkaasil falka dilka ah kula kacday ay goobtaasi ka dhaqaaqeen, iyagoo ku baxsaday gaarigii ay wateen, waxaana ninkaasi soo qaaday dadka deegaanka oo dhigay masaajid ku yaala agagaarka isbitaalka Digfeer oo nawaaxigaasi ku yaala, iyagoo ku dedaalayey sidii ay u heli lahaayeen ninkaasi eheladiisa oo la garan waayey ka hor inta aysan aasin.


Ka sokow falalkan dilalka ah ayaa habeenimadii xalay waxaa qaraxyo laga maqlay degmada Dharkenley ee magaalaada Muqdisho ka dib markii sida la sheegay niman watay labo gaari oo kala ahaa Crolla & Gaari nooca ay Soomaalidu u taqaan Cabdi-bile oo soo galay xaafadaasi xilligii maqrbadii ay hoobiyeyaal ku tuureen dhismihii safaarada Maraykanka ee magaalada Muqdisho (Siliga), halkaasoo warar laysla dhexmarayey gelinkii dambe ee shalay ay sheegayeen in deegaanadaasi ay soo dageen ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah, waxaana hoobiyeyaashaasi ku dhaawacmay inta la og yahay ilaa 2 qofood oo ka tirsan dadka deegaanka markii uu guryahooda ugu tegay xili ay isu diyaarinayeen jiif, waxaana habeenimaadii xalay dadka ku dhaqan degmada Madiina ka muuqday cabsi iyo argagax fara badan.


Shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa lixdii bilood ee u danbeysay haystay ammaankii ugu sareeyey tan & markii ay burburtay dowladdii dhexe 1991-kii, waxeyna dad badani is weydiinayaan sababta ay dowladda federaalku u hanan laheyd ammaanka caasimada, waxeyna falalkani ku soo beegmayaan xilli ay caasimada uu ku sugan yahay madaxweynaha ama ra'isul wasaaraha, iyadoo ay jireen shilal badan oo dhacay xilli labadooduba ay wada joogeen, waxaana la yaab ah in aysan jirin wax tallaabo ah oo ay dowladdu ka qaadeyso burcada sidaa u leyneysa shacabka




C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan

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Qaar ka mid ah ciidamadii Itoobiyaanka ee ku sugnaa gobolada Hiiraan iyo Sh/dhexe, ayaa maanta ka gudbay xadka uu Hiiraan la wadago dalka Itoobiya, iyadoo sida la sheegay iskaga baxay qaybahaasi.


Hobyonet. Muqdisho. Jimco, Jan, 26, 2007


Ciidamadaan oo watay ilaa 12 gaari oo kuwa waaweyn ah iyo 3 gaari oo yaryar, ayaa waxa maanta duhurkii ay dhexmareen bartamaha magaalada B/weyne, iyago ku sii jeeda Itoobiya.


Ciidamadaan oo uu la socday taliyaha ciidanka Soomaaliada ee magaalada B/weyne, ayaa waxa ay ka mid ahaayeen ciidan saldhig ku lahaa inta u dhaxeysa gobolada Hiiraan iyo Sh./dhexe.


Dowladda Itoobiya, ayaa waxa ay kal hore sheegtay inay billaabayso in ay ciidamadeeda kala baxdo dalka Soomaaliya, inkastoo ra'isal wasaaraha Itoobiya uu maalintii arbacada aheyd uu sheegay in dhammaan ciidamadiisa aysan ka soo bixi doonin Soomaaliya, balse la soo saari doono qaar ka mid ah.


Ciidamo kor u dhaafayo 30 kun oo askari oo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa la xaqiijiyey in ay ka howl-galeen gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, waxayna u muuqataa in ay billaabatay tallaabooyin lagu dhimacayo tirada ciidankaasi.


Ururka midowga Africa ayaa waxa uu dadaal weyn ugu jiraa sidii ciidamo nabad ilaalineed loogu soo diri lahaa Soomaaliya, ay awoodda kala wareegaan ciidanka Itoobiya ayna u taageeraan ciidanka dowladda Soomaaliya.

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Mortars, killings shake Mogadishu as violence unabated



MOGADISHU, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Mortars hit a Mogadishu residential area and two men were shot dead overnight in the latest violence in a city the Somali government is struggling to pacify after the ouster of hardline Islamists.


In neighbouring Kenya -- where some defeated Islamist fighters have fled -- five young men of Somali origin carrying U.S., French, Tunisian and Syrian passports were arrested at the border, local newspapers reported.


In what looked like a targeted killing in the lawless Somali capital, a man was blindfolded and shot dead late on Thursday in Mogadishu's Tarbuunka Square, witnesses said.


"Three men came out of a vehicle holding a blindfolded man. They shot him then drove away," said a resident who saw the assassination. The other man was shot in Bakara market, residents said. Details of both incidents were murky.


But they added to tensions in a city hit by a string of attacks in recent days aimed at the Somali government and its Ethiopian military allies who helped them topple the Islamists in a two-week offensive over Christmas and New Year.


Two mortars bombs fired by unknown assailants hit the northern Madina neighbourhood overnight.


"One of the mortars hit a house totally destroying a room. ... The family members were lucky to survive. The second mortar fell on a road seriously injuring a pedestrian," said a resident, who gave his name as Abdirahman.


Many suspect hardcore remnants of the Somalia Islamic Courts Council (SICC) are behind such attacks, but there are many enemies of the government including warlord and clan militias plus criminals.


Some residents and analysts fear a slide back to the anarchy Somalia has suffered for the last 16 years.




To prevent that, the African Union (AU) wants to send in nearly 8,000 peacekeepers. Its foreign ministers were discussing that on Friday at AU headquarters in Ethiopia, which wants its troops out but has promised not leave a security vacuum.


Uganda, Malawi and Nigeria have pledged troops, while South Africa and Rwanda have ruled out deploying. Mozambique and others are considering contributing.


It remains to be seen who will give all of the troops for the AU operation, which would be only its second since a shaky mission to Sudan's Darfur region.


"We are confident that if we are able to meet the logistical and financial requirements, we can deploy the three initial battalions quickly ... in a matter of weeks," AU Peace and Security Commissioner Said Djinnit told reporters.


The European Union has pledged to provide funding for the deployment, as has the United States.


But EU aid Commissioner Louis Michel has insisted on an inclusive reconciliation and reinstatement of parliament Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan -- thrown out for perceived closeness to the Islamists -- before he will disburse the money.


That has angered the government and its allies.


"The Somali government should have the ownership of the peace process," Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin said in Addis Ababa. "No one has the right to bring petty personalities and try to impose them on the peace process."


The International Crisis Group watchdog said the international community cannot dictate what the government must do, but should offer political, military and financial support based on the government's commitment to reconciliation.


"Failure to grasp this opportunity would mean an all-too familiar story line for Somalia of factional fighting and fractured government," ICG's Horn of Africa project director David Mozersky said in a statement.


The government has said it will consider bringing in former Islamists, including top leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, if they renounce violence and apologise to Somalis.


Ahmed is in Kenyan custody, and a U.S. envoy has met him and urged him to play a role in reconciliation.


The government of President Abdullahi Yusuf was set up in 2004 in a 14th attempt to restore central rule to Somalia since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre's ouster in 1991.


But having just reached Mogadishu for the first time since then, it now faces a massive challenge to establish its authority and pacify one of the world's most anarchic nations.


Kenyan newspapers said five men arrested at Kiunga on the Indian Ocean coast at the Somali border were caught carrying AK-47 rifles, and were now being interrogated by police.


Neither Kenyan officials nor diplomats in Nairobi could confirm the Standard and Nation reports that the five included U.S., French, Tunisian and Syrian passport-holders. (Additional reporting by Sahal Abdulle in Mogadishu, Marie-Louise Gumuchian and Opheera McDoom in Addis Ababa, Wangui Kanina in Nairobi, Andrew Quinn in Johannesburg and Ingrid Melander in Brussels)

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Is this true? Is America going after this? or is it been iyo balo



Conoco Somalia Ltd. has been exploring for oil since 1952 in Somalia, along with other major oil companies. They have concluded through their geologists, that oil absolutely exists in Somalia but the big question is, how much? They know that it is into the millions of barrels and this is why Amoco, Chevron and Phillips have all gotten into the oil planning business for Somalia.


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