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The cat is out of the bag. Will Riyaale stepdown??

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Mooshin la rabo in xilka lagaga xayuubiyo Madaxweyne Rayaale oo maanta la horkeenay Aqalka Baarlamaanka Somaliland


Hargeysa Saturday 05 Sep 2009 SMC



Kalfadhi aan caadi ahayn oo maanta yeeshay Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa waxa waxa lagu soo bandhigay Mooshin maamuus ka xayuubin ah oo looga dan leeyahay in xilka lagaga qaado Madaxwaynaha iyo Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Jamhuuriya Somaliland.


Mooshinkan ayaa waxa codsaday xildhibaano tiradooda ku sheegay 39 balse markii magacdooda la xaadiriyay noqday 38, mooshinkan ayaa waxa loo gudbiyay la taliyaha dhinaca sharciga ee Golaha waxana la filayaa in 24 saac gudahood uu kaga soo jawaabo saxsanaantiisa isla markaana uu golaha ugu dib ugu soo celiyo.


Isla maanta waxa mooshin kale soo hordhigay Golaha mudanayaal tiradooda ku sheegay 37 balse markii la xaadiriyay noqday 33 mooshinkan kale ayaa waxa ay ujeedadiisu tahay wax ka badalka xeer hoosaadka golaha iyo in loo ololeeyo sidii maamuus ka xayuubin loogu samayn shirgudoonka Golaha Wakiilada S/land


waxase dadka siyaasada u dhuun daloolaa ay sheegayaan in uu xoog badan yahay kan la rabo in xilka lagaga xayuubiyo Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo ku xigeenkiisa kaasi oo ay wataan ina badan mudanayaasha mucaaridka ah iyo waliba qaar ka so baxay xisbiga Udub.


waa markii ugu horaysay ee mooshin xilka lagaga xayuubinaayo Madaxweyne rayaale la keeno golaha wakiilada. waxana la eegi doonaa maalinta beri ah halka laga bilaabo dooda mooshinka.


Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”

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The long waited moshin is there now, but will Riyaale heed and stepdown peacfully, this is the most cruical 24hrs for S/lan, I hope it ends peacfully.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

I want the mugging to stop Adeer, this is not politics it's a crime against the people of the NW.

Let me clear my throat and laugh..... :D:D:D


Like you care what goes on in Hargeisa...c'mon! give me a break son. Stick with what you do best HATING!

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Dr Ligle   

Poker noone hates the people of sland, that is where you are confused, do you ever see any non sland people ever insult the likes rageh omar, the former foreign minister and tons of sland ppl in the tfg? wa may ma arkeysid. Sababta these people have accepted that the federal somalia is the only way forward for all somali ppl.


These people have realized after 17 years that no amount of dreaming in hargeysa iyo way dushay will change the fact the tfg and federalism is endorsed and recognized by the whole world as the system of somalia from mogadishu-kismayo-ba ydhabo-bossaso-garow e-hargeysa.


These people realized that sooner or later sland will be incoporated into the tfg because they know the snm faction can't fight the whole world!!! but i am certain they preach they can!!!


These people have accepted the fate of somaliya and are reserving for themselves positions before the flood of slanders are fully incoporated into a federal somalia.


So bro to be honest sland is short-lived experiment(non-recog nition), sland will exist in the future i don't deny that but it will exist as "regional administration" and the sooner u realize this the better for you and your people to move forward and focus on more important things on the ground-level.


So don't say anyone hates hargeysa people because they don't, in reality we hate clanist based snm policies not the general people at large. If we truly hated the general ppl at large they wouldn't be allowed into the tfg, don't you think?


So please rephrase your nonsense and stop the garbage.


Ps: Rayale won't step down he has the backing of ethiopia who will even defend him with tigray troops if the snm faction dares to attack him. You can verify that below!!!!

http://somalilandpre -backs-somaliland-pr esident-dahir-riyale -kahin/


Sorry to burst your bubble, but ethiopia just want rayale to stay in power to keep hargeysa on lock-down so that the tfg can sort out the south and bring the whole country under federalism. If you think sland is run by sland your sadly mistaken!!! Sland is run by ethiopia and they will not want their boy rayale to go because that might mean they lose their influence there!!!


Enjoy the Dr-Ligle lesson, believe me it is alot more factual then the snm propaganda feeds you hear from hadhwanaag, qaran and hormuud mouth-pieces!!!! :D

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:D:D dr ligle , saa ugu shub casharadaaada wax badan baa been loo sheegaye ugu danbayn daadka ayaa qaadaya, nin daad qaaday xunbo cuskay haka dhacdee.

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No el fact it's now official, no elections until further notice, i.e King Riyaale is now officially ruler for life up in Hargaysa! And the queen's orphans don't have a clue of what to do next. Shame!

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