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African countries open doors for Somaliland

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African countries open doors for Somaliland



Somaliland has found doors open for her in a number of African capitals after being isolated over the last 16 years.


Faisal Ali Waraabe, Chairman of Somaliland’s Justice and Welfare Party, known as UCID, made these remarks in a meeting here with members of the Somaliland Community in the United Arab Emirates.


Waraabe, who made a stopover in the UAE on his way to Finland where he is a resident, said that African states had been misinformed about the issue of Somaliland until the visit of Somaliland President to a number of African states in June 2006.


“The recent parliamentary and cross-party delegation that visited a number of East African countries has also uplifted the profile of Somaliland’s case with African countries,” he said.


“Somaliland is no more seen as a pariah region but a state that has a genuine case that deserves to be listened by AU member states,” he said, expressing the hope that AU member states would send a mission to Somaliland before the next AU Summit.


Faisal also hoped that Somaliland’s presidential election next year would be held on time and that the country would achieve another milestone in its democractization process. He however doubted whether the country would be able to hold local elections, which would be due at the same time.


“Funding has been allocated by international donors for the presidential elections, but the local elections have to be financed locally,” said Faisal, warning the government against using this as a pretext to delay local elections.


He said that the government had concluded a deal with a Saudi businessman who would export 2 million heads of livestock a year at a price of US$ 36 per head on off Haj season and US$ 41 on Haj season, adding that the Saudi businessman had promised to build a veterinary inspection center in six months.


Affirming his candidacy for the Presidential elections in 2008, Faisal said that his party stands for good governance and finding ways to tap the expertise of Somaliland professionals in the diaspora.


Attending the meeting were a number of prominent Somalilanders including Boqor Osman Aw Muhammad, popularly known as Buur Madaw, who suggested that extending both the President’s and local councils terms for another term just like that of the Upper House might serve the country better.




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