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Somali PM Says Conference will FAIL!!!

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The Prime Stooge has spoken,The Sham NRC conference will,as predicted will fail.


Somalia Pm : EU and U.S. seem to fail the country's reconciliation conference

Aweys Osman Yusuf


Mogadishu 18, July.07 ( Sh.M.Network)- Somalia's premier, Ali Mohammed Gedi, warned Wednesday that his country's national reconciliation conference could fail because of lack financial support from donor countries like the United States and the European Union.


The Arabic Asharqalawsat online newspaper reported Wednesday that Mr. Gedi indicated that the United States and the European Union were ignoring the reality of lack of funding, Somalia's reconciliation conference might fail.


He said the donor countries that pledged funding the congress fell short to fulfill their promises, specifying that many of the clan elders who were supposed to travel from the country's provinces could not reach the venue of the congress because they had no money to travel by, Asharqalawsat reported.


He said only 900 clan representatives have made their trips to Mogadishu and attended the first day of the conference while 1, 300 were supposed to be present at Somalia's N.R.C.


Gedi finally stressed that the EU and U.S. seem to fail the country's reconciliation conference after more than 16 years of lawlessness and anarchy, the online paper reported


Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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The same article in Asharq Alawsat claims that the TFG have given the green light to the European envoy to talk to the Islamic Courts and try to bring them to the conference! According to the article, this envoy also claims that Somaliland is sending representatives to this conference! Wonder if any of this is true!



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Whether thats true or not I am sure Gedi knows damn too well that without the Courts,money & Somaliland this whole process is a waste of time.


I am sure the Donors are not dumb to just hand out $$ like that.

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Now, back to Mr. Ali Ghedi's trasparent attempt to shift the blame in here; and therefore, one can say, that he is essentially saying, we and the rest of TFG's Stooges have done our bit for the reconciliation thingy; but unfortunately, the international community, have never saw a reason to support our handiwork in here; and hence, if there is going to be political failure in here; it surely isn't one that we - i.e., the TFG's Stooges - are responsible for.

For those who are lazy,this above quote is the conclusion & the sum up of this particular lengthy(yet true)analysis of this failure. smile.gif


Kudos,Mr Oodweyne smile.gif Gheedi is not the sharpest knife in the Kitchen

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Geedi intuu hadda haysto aa ku filan muxuu imaanka isaga qaadayaa. Ta kale boqol boqolka aay ka qaadeen odayaasha ayaaba ku filan in meesha lagu socodsiiyo. Ka soo qaad 8000 aa timid markaa haddii 8000 boqol boqol bixiso, markaa 8000 qof midkiiba baxsho $100 = $80000 intaas kaliya ayaa lagu wadi karaa shirkan. Raashina digirtooda iyo jaadkooda iyo caanahooda baraxa ah waa isku dhamaatay weliba Cali Naafato waxaa uga soo haraya lacag badan. :D


Geedi waa gartiis asaga iyo Yey waxba ugama soo baxayaan meesha tooda waxaay ku xirran tahay xisaabta ka imaaneysa EU-da & USA.

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The same article in Asharq Alawsat claims that the TFG have given the green light to the European envoy to talk to the Islamic Courts and try to bring them to the conference! According to the article, this envoy also claims that Somaliland is sending representatives to this conference! Wonder if any of this is true!



Shabble news has taken the words out of context I wonder why? :D

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Originally posted by The Duke:

quote: The same article in Asharq Alawsat claims that the TFG have given the green light to the European envoy to talk to the Islamic Courts and try to bring them to the conference! According to the article, this envoy also claims that Somaliland is sending representatives to this conference! Wonder if any of this is true!



Shabble news has taken the words out of context I wonder why?
:DSO,which is the better news for your TFG yaa Duke? The fact that shabelle took the text out of context or the fact that Gedi was asked to bring in the courts & JSL for the conference to take off?


If it were upto you,you will probably deny the whole thing's existence.

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Money, money, and more money. Do these imbeciles not know the world is not half as gullible as they like to think so?

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Originally posted by N/AA:

Money, money, and more money. Do these imbeciles not know the world is not half as gullible as they like to think so?

You would think so,but somehow they expect the powers that be to somehow agree to these outragious monies they are asking for.


Bad salesman indeed & they fired the only eloquent brilliant salesman in their midst,Buuba. Oh well...

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Farax, SL and the courts are Somali's talking to them is no problem, halting the rest of the nations interest for two groups would be absurd.


As for the money, its what makes the world go round dear Horn, same reason Hiiraale occupied Kismayu, it was not for charity was it? ;)

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^^^ Not sure they've taken anything out of context there. Sure, they ignored some parts of the report, but the bit about the Prime Minster's comments was actually the headline of the actual article. The only difference is that in the Somali version they use the word 'will fail' and the Arabic version says 'warns of failure'! I suppose Shabelle are not as hopeful as Geedi. :D

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^^^Adeer warning of failure and saying something will fail are the same?


Give us a break people. The Arab version, the Shabbele version what does it mean, nothing.


The delegates have arrived in Mogadishu and the meeting opening ceromony has taken place, the fireworks were a nice touch, the rest is the future may Allh make it a success.


First it was it will never happen and now it will fail so many soothseyers in SOL ;)

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