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TFG spokesmen rubishes Aydeed Jr comments.

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Afhayeenka dowladda C/raxmaan Nuur Maxamed (Diinaari) ayaa daboolka ka qaaday saakay in hadalkii ka soo yeeray Wasiirka Arrrimaha Gudaha Xuseen Caydiid uusan ahayn mid ku qotoma siyaasadda Dowladd.



Jan 3 . 2007


Afhayeenku wuxuu sheegay in hadalkaas ka soo baxay Xusee Caydiid shalay ee ahaa in dalalka Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia la isku darayo ay tahay mid ku eg fikirkiisa, balse aanu ahayn mid ay qabto Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


"Hadalka Wasiirka Gudaha ee Soomaaliya Xuseen Caydiid uu shalay ka sheegay Muqdisho ma ahan mid ku qotoma siyaasadda Dowldda, balse waa hadal uu iskii isaga yiri, waxaana caddeynayaa in dowladdu aysan siyaasad ahaan xilligaan ahayn mid doonaysa in la isku daro Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia" ayuu yiri C/raxmaan DIinaari oo hadal dheer siiyay BBC-da qaybta Afka Ingiriiska.


C/raxmaan Diinaari ayaa hadalkiisa sii daba dhigay: "Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya siyaasadeedu waa mid ku qotonta fikradaha labada gole, mana ahan in dunidu ay ka dhigo hadal fikir ah mid siyaasadda dowladda ku qotoma". sidoo kale Afhayeenka Dowladda wuxuu sheegay in Xuseen Caydiid uu yahay xubin ka tirsan Dowladda uuna fikirkiisa sheegi karo balse aanay ahayn fikradda ay qabto Dowladda Federaalka.


"Dowladda Federaalka fikradaheeda waxay ku soo bandhigtaa si sharciyeysan, waxaana marka hore ansixin looga dalbaa labada gole ee Dowladda dabadeedna waxaa laga sii daayaa warbaahinta" ayuu hadalkiisa ku yiri Afhayeenka Dowladda C/raxmaan Nuur Maxmaed (Diinaari) oo warbixintaas ka bixiyay xarunta dowladda ee Baydhabo.

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I bet if Geedi or A/Yusuf said such,you would have spin around and find a way to sugar coat it.Deal with it,the seed planted by EThiopia is already blooming.

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^^^Hypotheticals aside, NEITHER leaders have said anything, it was Aydeed Jr who shot himself in the foot. He has said he was misunderstood and he meant something else. My advice, keep quite saxib.

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^hypocrites? hmm.Oh yeah Geedi did say contradict that he had no problem if Somaliland was recognised today,few days ago he sounded like a confident man saying he would close all the,perhaps the two Ethiopia tanks provide him the balls he needed,what a moron.


Admit it son,this thing you claimed to being a government is just big failure,which operates under the orders springing from Addis,don't be so shocked if more like this come about,it's actually what is made of,mr.Caydiid Jr. siad it like it is.


Keep quite? lol,listen xabashi,did you not know that you are non existant in my sight,another words insignificant,nothing,notta,piece of shid.

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^^^Indeed a recognised government has more options than a phantom clan state like Somaliland. Thus Geedi also has erred in the past but has learned his lesson. Aydeed Jr will have to face the backlash on his own, his stature has been diminished.


Thus what can the secesionist offer now, apart from talk, even Hussain Aydeed is not as worse as Riyoole, Edna Adan, and of course Mr Warrabe.

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^at least Somaliland has recognition of the people it governs,can the TFG claim the same?


A reason why that will never happen(to get people's trust),is draging Ethiopia to kill other Somalis,this puts the TFG and its supporters in what I call the hall of shame.They have no crediblity,any they might have had to begin with was stepped on as the Xabashis bombarded Muqdisho and other Somali cities.


You can cry crocodile tears or cry more than thunder cloud could rain down,the fact of the matter will remain that this Ethiopian driven so called government has zero chances of even sorting its differences out.As the somali saying goes "hal xaaran ah,nirig xalaal ah madhasho",I gues you don't speak somali..can we have an Xabashi translator to explain the meaning of the somali proverb that is coming out of my


I as Red Sea always likes to seek facts hard facts that is,so can you tell me how a man who said Ethiopia and Somalia should have the same passport and military and everything isn't worst than any of the SL leaders you mentioned...go ahead tell me how you came up with that.

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