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'I'm not afraid of al-Shabab'

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Kaligaa ma ahan saaxiib dad badan

oo ka soo horjeeda waa buux, hadh

iyo habeena waa aragnaa.


Sababta looga soo horjeedo waa kaliya

falalka aan ka fiirsashada lahayn eey

qaar ka mid ahi inta badan kudhaqaaqaan

ama fuliyeen(kistoo aanan indhahayga ku

arag, walaa cajaladna ha ahaate).

Shaqsiyadka falalka xun xun fuliya

laftooda waxaa laga yaaba in ay yihiin

kuwo xumaan ka talis ah oo wax

fashillinaya maadaamo meesha la isku jiro

dano yaal kala gooni ahna la kala lahaan



Taas adoo gows danbeedka ku haysta,

waxaad ila fiirisaa cadadka iyo tirida

alshabaab iyo weliba inta taageersan

ee culumada iyo caamada leh ay dhan yihhin.

Marag madoonto weeye in danbiga hal shaqsi

oo iyaga kamida, dana walba ha lahaadee,

uu gaystay in aysan haboonayn in

dhamaantood dhabarka laga wada saaro.


Teeda kale, dhamaan waxay ku qaldan

yihiin way ku qaldan yihiin oo taasina

halkeeda weeye. Sidoo kale, iyadna waxaa

haboon in aan lafaheenu ka daxadarno

danbiyada dhacaya ku lug lahaanshahooda.

Macnaheedu, waxay ka dhigantahay,

haddii nimankaasu wax ayna ahayn lagu

sheego ama wax tarka ay keeneen la

iska indha tiro ama danbiyada ay

shaqsiyaad kamid ahi galeen dhabarka

looga wada rido dhamaan wixii magaca

ku dagaala teetana axaan sii murjinay

mooyee wax aan saxnay, haba yaraatee, ma leh.


Geesiga ka midka ah waa geesi in aan

dhahno weejaan,tuuga ka midka ah waa tuug

in aan dhahno weejaan, dambiilha ka

midka ah sidoo kale, wanaag ama nabad

doonka ka midka ah sidoo kale.

In lawada jam ciyo laga roon aan qabaa.


Markaad leedahay Alshaab dad maahan,

waxay ka dhigantahay adoo dhahay

somalida badan keedu, macal caruurta

aad sheegi in la khalday, dad mahan.

Sababtoo ah dad badan aa taageero,

dad badana waa ka kooban yihiin

saas waxay ku noqon 'jamcin aan

sal iyo raad toona lahayn' oo weliba

meel ma doonto ah waana ta kaliya een

hadda ka hadli rabay ama aan kaba soo

horjeedo macnaheeduna maahan

waxaan taageersanahay Alshabaab.


Qolo gooni ah weligay ma taageerin

aad taageertidna ma lihi.


Sidoo kale waxaan iyadna dhihi lahaa

waxa laga fiican yahay in maalin iyo layl

ama markii la arkaba lagu celceliyo

wax aad horay u tiri ama u qortay.


Inta aan habbo Qoolo farayey aa intaas

ahayd. Far kale kuma godna, mana ku

godnaan karto. ;)


Sida kale, shaqsi walba waxa uu shabaabka

amaba koox kale ka aamin sanyahay

isaga ayey u taala mana ahan in uu dadka

sanka kala hor mar maro. :D;)

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:



Norf, No. What I meant by Shaydaan or Cadow is that Shaydaan madaahiro, while cadowgaaga aad la heshiin karto, no?

So Alshabab is shaytans and Ethiopian army as enemies who can be made peace with? Istaqfurullah, if that is your thinking.

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The Zack   

Red, you said this:


Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

He is no part of alkabab.

and also said this:


"He is the leader of jabbiso that operates in Jubboyinka. They come under Alshabaab".


How can he NOT be a member of a group when his whole group is a branch of the other group?

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The Zack   

If your Arabic was any better you would've known that the names shabaab and kabaab are the same.

I didn't know you were picking on the name i was using.


P.s. Since you are a hardcore supporter of this group, why don't you advise them to use Somali names and keep it real. How about DHALINYARADA?

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How sad that our women are blind of the western propoganda that Islam oppresses Women.


Islam obligates the advancement of women's rights. It's stated in Qur'an that "As man have legal rights over women, so women have rights over them. (Ayat 29, Sura Baqara)


Islam as well commands the rule of law, economic development, Education, development of health, the prohibition of tribal, racial, linguistic and conventional division and bigotry.


Under the current circumstances, Shabaabs are in the transition to liberate us mentally and physically and then the time will come when we are able to form a council of elected Ulama or highly respected scholars endowed with the Supreme authority of Allah given the right Qualifications after being vetted proberly: to be the representives of Allah and therefore conduct the scientific work essential to explain the words, commandments and prohibitions of Allah according to the time's prerequisites.


So bear with the Noble Youth and give your Support. Jihad doesn't have to be physical alone. It's your knowledge and property or the money you provide for the liberation of your Homeland from a coalition of Vultures.

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