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General Duke

Sharif Xasan of to Mogadishu too late mate...

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^^^Qaynyare, Musa Sudi, Abdiqasin, Mohamed Dheere and all others used to comemnt on the demise of Yusuf, but they are all gone now...


Who chased Riyaale out of LA? Who else, Abdullahi Yusuf acts others comment on his actions..


He has more than the guns that halted Somaliland :D in their tracks, and now they will introduced to Lower Shabbele and other parts of the south.

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General Duke, ma waxaan ku mooday mise sidaad noqotay.


I thought you were a rationale forumer. But every sentence you write on SOL convinces me that you are a tribalist bigot who would do everything to support a warlord not OUT OF CONVICTION But out of tribalism.


Arguing or debating with you is fruitless... so I finger off from my pc.

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^^^Saxib they all do that when they lose the argument.


Sharif Xasan is too late, the TFG is ready, it knows its enemy after a long study and the result will not suprise the Duke.


The President has made it clear, peace must be through the firmula of the TFG, the new braning of the old factions wont wash.

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^^ :D

Hadii Col. Yey caqli leeyay he would've recognised long ago that it was time to give up and ilaahay u toobad keeno. Isagoo gabaw jooga oo geeri mooyi cimri kale u hadhin ayuu wali dhiig iyo dagaal abaabulaya. Caqli xumo taa ka daran wali lama shegin lamana arag. Duqa talo cid siisa ayuu rabaa.


As the old Somali adage goes: Geelow daaq oo daaq marka ciin daaqdo ayaa laguu yabaa. His days are numbered Dukow, adigu meel orphans ka lagu xanaaneeyo intaa sii daydayo. :D

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Suldanka, you bring no facts it was under Yusuf when Puntland took over SOOL , SANAG and CAYN.

Was it not Col Agaduud himself who chased your supporters out of LA?


Duuliye you suppose that Sharif Xasan will save you the embarassment?


Or do you suppose the likes of IndaCade will scare the national troops?


PS:Yes those troops will walk throught your clan court and the suicide bomb was quite desperate.

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ceesantii mas iyo gool madax shabeel leefta malageedi baa galay.


Odeyga la taliyaashii ayaa xun . Waxaan u maleeynayaa inuu Duke uu yahay lataliyaashiisa kuwa ugu fiican. Asagana intuu tallo siin lahaa oo oran lahaa TOWBA- wuxuu la wareegayaa sawiro!

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NAIROBI: Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somalia iyo Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo oo ku fool leh Magaalada Muqdisho

Posted to the Web Nov 04, 07:58



Nairobi (PP) - Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo haatan ku sugan Nairobi ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in xildhibaanno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka iyo isaga ay go'aan ku gaareen inay booqdaan Muqdsho maalinta Berri ee Axadda ah.


Shariif Xasan ayaa ka dhawaajiyay in booqashadiisa Magaalada Muqdisho ay tahay mid uu ku doonayo inuu kulammo kula qaato Madaxda Maxkamadaha ayna isla falanqeeyaan xaaladda dalka uu haatan marayo.

"Waxaan doonayaa inaan kulammo la soo qaato Madaxda Maxkamadaha kuwaasoo aan ku doonayo in lagu dhameeyo khilaafka dowladda iyo maxkamadaha isla markaana aanu dhicin dagaal dhex mara Dowladda Federaalka iyo Maxkamadaha" ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan.


Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay inuu gaarayo Baydhabo halkaasna uu faahfaahin dheeri ah ka siin doono madaxda dowladda wixii ay isla gaareen isaga iyo Maxkamadaha, waxaana uu sheegay in taasi ay baajin karto dagaallo ka dhaca gudaha dalka, kuwaasoo ay ku daadaataan dhiigag kale.


"Ma laga yaabo inaan ka qaato Maxkadaha wax aan heshiis keenayn, waxaana u sheegayaa ruux walba inuu ogaado in Dowladda federaalka ay tahay mid dib u heshiisiineed ayna howlahaan isla og yihiin isaga iyo Madaxda kale ee Dowladda" .....ayuu mar kale yiri Shariif Xasan.


Shariifka ayaa waxay noqonaysaa haddii uu yimaado Muqdisho markii ugu horreysay oo uu soo gaartay Muqdisho ruux ka tirsan Madaxda sarsare ee Maxkamadaha isla markaana howlo nabadeed bilaabay.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Let us face it, without duke's blind loyalty to A/Y and bringing the written materials to support his argument, the political section would be as boring as the women's section :D:D


Cuntaan cunaayaa hadda as I take few moments here and there to submit my posts, sweet isn't it? Hadhoow intee laga helaa baashaalkaan? lol.





Horta ma aamin santahay saxib in soomaalida kale qabiilkooda u jecl yihiin sidaada oo kale?

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^^^Saxib an adequite question, if love is that one denies the actions of their clan leaders, in occupaying, looting and killing fellow Somali's and then use any means including, drug dealing, charcoal to the Arabs and even the sacred faith to hide and even further the agression of their clan. Then we have evidance that Xogsade, Ubaahne, Duuliye, Caqil [maybe confused has not decided] and many other incluing a few females top this list of clanishness.


The Duke reports for the masses and does it for free..

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Duke, you didn't answer my question, do you believe somalis are like you who love and respect their clan? yes or no will suffice it. Thanks.

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Bring your evidence in where I supported Indhocade's crimes or anyone else for that matter and I will be guilty as charged. Others are welcome to help you too if they are interested.


My question still stands, do you duke believe that somalis are like YOU who love and respect their clans? Do you acknowledge people have feelings for their clans like you and would go at any length to protect their clan?


You can tell me why you are afraid to answer the question. Very simple to answer.

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