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Sharif Xasan of to Mogadishu too late mate...

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Gudoomiyaha barlamanka Somaliya oo sheegay in uu heshiis la geli doono maxkamadaha

Last Updated::2006-11-03 17:46:09


Nairobi:-Gudoomiyaha barlamanka Somaliya Sharif Xasan Sheekh Adan ayaa shir

jara'id uu ku qabtay maanta magaalada Nairobi waxaa uu shaaca kaga qaaday inuu isagu heshiis la geli doono maxkamadaha Muqdisho.


Isaga oo aan wax la tashi ah aan arrinkas kala samayn madaxweynaha iyo ra'isal wasaaraha toona.


Waxaa uu Sharif xasan sheegay inuu Axada inagu soo fool leh u ambabixi doono magaalad Muqdisho


Waxana uu yiri [...waxaan aadayna Muqdisho anaga oo raadinayna nabad...].


Mar la waydiiyay waxa uu wada tashi arrintas uga la samayn waayey Madaxweynah iyo Ra'isal wasaaraha waxaa uu yiri [...waa wax mustaxiil ah in ay ka hor yimadan waayo waxa kaliya aan raadinayna waa nabad iyo dib u heshiisin...]


Dhawaan ayuu Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iska casilay xilka Hogaaminta Wafdigii DFKMG uga qeyb galay Wareegii 3aad ee shirka Khartuum, kaasi oo labo maalmood kahor ku fashilmay inuu furmo.


Waxaa sidoo kale laga cabsi qabaa in markale uu khilaaf Dowlada Federaalka hareeyo, ayadoo mar hore lasoo afjaray khilaafkii ay Dowlada Federaalka ku kala maqneyd muddo hal sano ah magaalooyinka Jowhar iyo Muqdihso.


Dowlada ayaa ku midowbay in ay xarun dowlada ka dhigato magaalada Baydhabo, ayadoo hada ay muuqdaan tilaabooyin aan isla socon oo ay qaadayaan hogaamiyaasha ugu sareeya Dowlada Soomaaliyeed.


Ahmed Musse

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^^^Because the old man will declare a state of emergency thus no need for Sharif Xasan, his usefullness has past.


They wont be able to have 139 MP's, as they never did before.


Also the courts can not take Baidoa hence the new diplomacy with the old tools of Mogadishu.


Its too late mate.

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state of emergency in a state that he does not control?


Why don't he declare a an islamic court and align with the IUC? Now that would be a step forward for somalia,


let us pray for peace.


I think the sharif would succeed. Insha allah Abdullahi Yusuf, geedi and the rest would repent.

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^^^Saxib the clan courts are running out of ideas. They pushed conflict so far that now they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Declaring a Jihad every Friday has only got the attention of the world to the fact that they have brought foreigners to our country.

No one will tolerate them.


As for your last comment, Sharif Xasan will fails as before insha Allah and the old man will out manouver him as before.

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Brought foreigners???? I thought it was the TFG that did that!


If anything it is the TFG that is based along clan lines. It is a "beel" government. Wadaada waqti ha la siiyo.

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^^^No saxib, the TFG asked for international support to assist with security issues.


The clan courts have brought fighters from any quarter, wepons from any area to further advance their agenda. Oromo, Eritreans, and others.


The TFG follows international law, the clan courts have used the law of the jungle and fake ideology to offset the advantages of the recognised government.

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Brother Duke,


Are you the TFG's spokesman on somaliaonline? The clan courts have brought peace( a rare commodity in somalia). Those who brought havoc are holed in Baydhabo (the TFG list is who is who in terms of death, tribalism, destruction).


International law?????


Bro, you could advice the TFG to declare an islamic court in Baydhabo that would let them off the hook- and result in peace.

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Saxib we had peace in Somalialnd and Puntland which are 2/3 of Somalia.


The clan courts have brought peace to their area, bravo but they have brought war to Kismayu, parts of Mudug and they have brought foreign fighters who have even burned the Somali flag. They are a rather childish bunch.


Saxib the TFG will fight it out and that will bring peace, once the courts are removed Somalia will get peace. Disarm Mogadishu and everything will be rossy. Or Mogadishu recognise the TFG work with all the other stakeholers and respect all agreements from Nairobi, Khartoum, Sanca and so on.

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Caaqil, Duke is cool and would take your advise. You just have to wait for a few days untill this threat to A/Y's power fades away. As you saw, Duke thinks Shariif's peace mission to Muqdisho undermines A/Y. He acted this way last time around ethiopian troop deployment were rejected by the parliament and for days Shariif was his target. Happiness of duke and his logical thinking depends on how A/Y is doing any given day in the political arena. try another day saxib although you have done a good job in trying to point him towards the right direction.

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^^^Saxib, Yusuf is there because Allah has given him the might to be there. It was not him declaring war on Mogadishu or a Jihad on the clans who occupy the lower shabbele.


The courts were the ones who tried to assasinate him. It was them who declared a Jihad on Baidoa.

Why wait now, why this last dish attempt at saving time?


I tell you that Sharif Xasan wont change anything, a new headline but his usefullness is over. The period for conflict is open us and the TFG is not blinking, no more talks untill the clan courts come to understand that this is serious and that it will be war.

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Xoogsade, thanks.


Duke, Why don't you want peace for all somali`? Peace in Somaliland and Puntland is good.. but peace in all over somalia is the best thing- don't you think????


The TFG in my opinion (unless they play to the music of islam) would be history in a few weeks. But the sharif's journey to Muqdisho might bring peace.

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^^^Perceptions can be wrong. you are right that 2/3 of Somalia is at peace and the rest will be when the TFG drives out the courts.


Why lie to yourself? Who started this aggression? The clan courts are wearing big boots but they did not reckon on old Yusuf who did not want war, but if he must will wage it.


Sharif Xasan wont change anything and his influince of the millitary of the TFG is minimal, the President is head of state.

He calls the shots with the armed forces and allies, thus the attempt on his life, a suicide bomber, highlighted the desperation of the courts,


Islam is not Music or a branding startegy it is a law that must not be used as a clan vehicle to hurt other Muslims.

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I used the word music as a figure of speech.


Come on bro, you are blinded by tribalism. But you are not alone. That is a disease killing our people softly.



p.s help Horn find where I said I belonged to Indho-cade's clan.


Habeen wanaagsan

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Sharif Xasan has a choice to be a tool again, but this time he will not be forgiven.

The clan courts have to fight and in this battle it wont be with roadblock owners with a few clan boys, this time it is with the armed forces of Somalia, and this time the fight will be sung from the tune of the TFG.


Good night saxib, reflect on why you are scared to tell the truth or why you are ashamed of your clan and thus support another?

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