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Qabyaalad at Masaajid?

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Its not good to forum about anything that happens in our community, especially in a language that is open to the outside world, with all your exaggerations and magnifyings. It is seriously a gross mistake to spread such news, even if its true and has some legitimate points to consider, because of the delicacy of the issue as well as the enemy scrutiny on our internal matters.


I would like to advise the brothers, whether they are moderators or owners of the site, to refrain such reckless acts in presenting our issues, especially one of this enormous fitnah, to the out side world. Its our obligation as Muslims to cover one another in terms of defects and faults, and that is the individual level. By the way, trails in this shape and form are more critical to the wellbeing of the Muslim Caamo/averages who can derive some lessons from the fitnah and then unknowingly jeaperdize their Diin and Islaamnimo.


I think its very important to delete all this thread under the issue of the Masjid if we mean to contribute positively to the Ummah. Its the worst propoganda that may cost our believe in Islam when, (out of obliviousness), we depict our religion or our spiritual leaders as always prone to disagreements, and thus leading to our disunity. The people who took part in the propagation of the vicious rumours to discredit and jeaperdize the dignity of our prophet's family were not praised for their deeds, and anything in that nature against the wellbeing and unity of the Muslims falls in such category. I know some people will accuse me of haste judgements, but my understanding of the issue is realy very valid if we consider the time we are in today and the other fronts we are catching the hells.


We have to apply some deligency in our selections for certain topics, and with that leads to healthy foruming and qaulity informations. For Allah, (sw), says, in a paraphrase, if one (an infamous/faasiq among you) brings a news, then verify it, for its possible that you strike (with the wrong news) an innocent people, and as a result you find yourself in great regret.


Marka arintaas waxaan ku talin lahaa in laga waantoobo, shaacinta la shaacinayo iimaha iyo ceebta culimada, ama qadafka ka dhici karo dadka u adeega diinta Islaamka.

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

Its not good to forum about anything that happens in our community, especially in a language that is open to the outside world, with all your exaggerations and magnifyings. It is seriously a gross mistake to spread such news, even if its true and has some legitimate points to consider, because of the delicacy of the issue as well as the enemy scrutiny on our internal matters.


I would like to advise the brothers, whether they are moderators or owners of the site, to refrain such reckless acts in presenting our issues, especially one of this enormous fitnah, to the out side world. Its our obligation as Muslims to cover one another in terms of defects and faults, and that is the individual level. By the way, trails in this shape and form are more critical to the wellbeing of the Muslim Caamo/averages who can derive some lessons from the fitnah and then unknowingly jeaperdize their Diin and Islaamnimo.


I think its very important to delete all this thread under the issue of the Masjid if we mean to contribute positively to the Ummah. Its the worst propoganda that may cost our believe in Islam when, (out of obliviousness), we depict our religion or our spiritual leaders as always prone to disagreements, and thus leading to our disunity. The people who took part in the propagation of the vicious rumours to discredit and jeaperdize the dignity of our prophet's family were not praised for their deeds, and anything in that nature against the wellbeing and unity of the Muslims falls in such category. I know some people will accuse me of haste judgements, but my understanding of the issue is realy very valid if we consider the time we are in today and the other fronts we are catching the hells.


We have to apply some deligency in our selections for certain topics, and with that leads to healthy foruming and qaulity informations. For Allah, (sw), says, in a paraphrase, if one (an infamous/faasiq among you) brings a news, then verify it, for its possible that you strike (with the wrong news) an innocent people, and as a result you find yourself in great regret.


Marka arintaas waxaan ku talin lahaa in laga waantoobo, shaacinta la shaacinayo iimaha iyo ceebta culimada, ama qadafka ka dhici karo dadka u adeega diinta Islaamka.

Alle ubaane well said, aad baad u mahadsantahay, qabiil iyo diin meel ma wada galaan,



mma jooji fitnada ,even if it is true still its fitnah


we made somali politics pure trabalism, and to apply the same in our diin will be dangerous end

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^^ Adigaa Mudan, ugaas. Maadaama aan shiiq booc booc ahay, soo maahan inaan wacdiga iyo waanada cid walbaa kala dul dhaco? :D


MMA, Saaxiib haka xanaaqin mugoo fatwadaas waano lee iga aheyd, smile.gif .

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