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President Faroole names his son as one of his advisors

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^^ It's not about being an 'advisor', it's about appointing a PAID advisor when you could have got him for free.


Still, a storm in a tea cup really.

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Actually if his son was advising him on the media lately then the appointment looks even worse. The question is why reward incompetence and the answer is because he is my son and that will be regarded as nepotism.

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Peace Action, I think Mohamed Farole would make a great press secretary for his father and so do many other Puntlanders, so you are wrong on this one.


Now as for the Ethiopian refugees, secessionist and aimless anarchists of SOL commenting on the political machinations of the great Somali State of Puntland, I will leave you all with a deliberately mordacious quote:


"In souls nobly born, valor does not depend upon age." icon_razz.gif :cool:

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Originally posted by who-me:

I think you should know your input does not matter here, after all you are another disgruntled ONLF supporter, yearning from the arrest of the five criminals.


Originally posted by Haatu:

Sounds to me like the first signs of a dictatorship.

War uff iyo kir baa lagu yiri. How do you know that I'm an another disgruntled ONLF supporter. Is it just because I'm from Gaarisa? Just to let you know I do support ONLF and so what? Plus, I have every right to voice my opinion and there's nothing you can do about it. And once again, uff iyo kir!

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The quote must be a new discovery the quoter was desperate to parade, but the relevance is lost to me.


Faroole's son is nominated not selected on competitive process. So, the issue is not whether he is qualified or not. It is why give him salary for an advice he will no doubt give as a son anyway. It shows greed and naas-nuujin.


By the way, Mr. Somalia, don't you feel it is utter foolishness to defend every whim of Puntland politicians everytime?

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Originally posted by Haatu:


Originally posted by who-me:

I think you should know your input does not matter here, after all you are another disgruntled ONLF supporter, yearning from the arrest of the five criminals.


Originally posted by Haatu:

Sounds to me like the first signs of a dictatorship.

War uff iyo kir baa lagu yiri. How do you know that I'm an another disgruntled ONLF supporter. Is it just because I'm from Gaarisa? Just to let you know I do support ONLF and so what? Plus, I have every right to voice my opinion and there's nothing you can do about it. And once again, uff iyo kir!

Haatu, bas! Ha xanaaqin, anaa kaa celinayee.


Who-Me, the only onlf supporters worthy of your rebuke is our resident headless chicken friend, A&T. :D


So please direct your artillery at him, and kindly seize and desist from directly engaging Mr Haatu.

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Who me?


Five ONLF criminals? I would have loved your uncles and leaders to get some balls and say so in public?


It is not manly to change stories? What is the position of the Puntland SOL brigade? Nimanka ma la cadeeyey inay criminals yihiin mise the story is 'we have them and investigating'?

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Mr. Somalia,


Just because a mosquito bites an elephant doesn't warrant the latter get mad and unleash its wrath on the tiny insect. Who-me will not be engaged by me! :D:D First, he needs to be sure of himself!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

The quote must be a new discovery the quoter was desperate to parade, but the relevance is lost to me.


Faroole's son is nominated not selected on competitive process. So, the issue is not whether he is qualified or not. It is why give him salary for an advice he will no doubt give as a son anyway. It shows greed and naas-nuujin.


By the way, Mr. Somalia, don't you feel it is utter foolishness to defend every whim of Puntland politicians everytime?



haha Like clockwork. Must you be so predictable, A&T? Ofcourse you must. :D


Mohamed Faroole, prior to getting involved with his fathers presidential ambitions, had gainful employment outside Somalia, alright. Now for last year or so, he'd been in Puntland, working with his father on issues concerning the press and news media at large. Now you tell us, why do you find it so shocking that a stipend is paid to him for the advise he provides to the president, after all, he is indeed as qualified as any other man vying for the same position and on top of that, he too has got a family to feed.


At the end of the day, Ina Faroole has every right to partake in the governance of State, just like I and any other Puntlander has the right.



you said to me, ".. don't you feel it is utter foolishness to defend every whim of Puntland politicians everytime?"


Not at all. These so-called 'politicians' are my leaders, and all Puntlanders, through their respective familial agents to parliament, have given these 'politicians' the mandate to govern for predetermined term. Now once these politician serve out their terms in government, we will hold them accountable and if we, for any reason become unhappy with their performance in office, then we elect a different individual to take the reigns. It's as easy as that-- Capice! ;)

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Yeah, yeah! And in spite of your nonsensical nay-saying, remember that President Faroole is ONLY accountable to the Puntland citizenry who put him in that office in the first place. :cool:



The latest reports state the 4 Ethiopian looma ooyaans are still being held in jail. As of yet, no court date has been set.

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Mr. Somalia is my hero. but ilaahey runtii faroole wiilkiisa waa xaasid. look what he done to Omar Jamaal because he thought omar jamaal didn't welcome his father like he did for shareef. the kid is very vindictive and will damage that office.


look which is a respected website realize the Omar Jamal article went too far and delete it after one day.


kaas meel in loo dhiibo maaha.

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Walaale, aakhirka Ina Faroole haduu xafiiskaas ku ciyaaro, masuuliyadeeda waxaa qaadayo Madaxweyne Faroole. Faroolena, sidaan wada ognahay, afar sano kabacdi ayaa lala xisaabtami doona, Eebe idinkiis. Marka, yaana wakhti badan lagu luminin sheekadaan Ina Faroole.

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