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Sheik Aweys Says 'They Will Fight With Any Foreign Troops'

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Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)


Somalia: Sheik Aweys Says 'They Will Fight With Any Foreign Troops'


21 June 2009


Mogadishu — Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, the leader of the Islamist organization of Hisbul Islam has said on Sunday that they will fight with any foreign troops that the TFG demanded on Saturday.


Speaking the demand of the transitional government of the foreign troops, Sheik Hassan Dahir said that the government cannot reach that decision representing the whole Somali country, pointing out that it service for other countries.


He said that the parliament approved to bring foreign troops in Somalia earlier and reiterated on Saturday asserting that they will fight with the requested foreign troops and also those who are currently in the country.


Sheik Aden Mohamed Nor Madobe, the speaker of the transitional parliament ,held a press conference in Mogadishu yesterday and asked the world, including neighboring countries like Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Yemen, to send foreign troops to Somalia within 24 hours to save the existence of the TFG.


It is unclear whether the order of the transitional government will be responded to or not.

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