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Somali Pirate

Al shabab, the heroes of somalia

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Warka isiibo, shimee Somalilaandh afyeelatay? Wadan aa nahay lee nigu ogaa, hadana afgooni aan leenahay maa iila imaanee? Xataa anaa?

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If you can decipher what this sentence means, then you can prove somaliland doesnot have af-gooni ah:


"Jaw! waryee, dhako kale keen dee, kaarta-ayuub kaa socon mayso. Igawaloon, shanta saaray iyadoo naafday naaxday oo aad suqaar moodo."


That is what he calls a distinctive Somaliland language.

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Am I seeing things different or is every topic now turning into a Somaliland issue, perhaps we are in the SL fever month.

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