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World News: Focus on the Middle East>

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hello nomads,


As you are all aware,the situation in the middle east is worsening as we speak.The stable and economically wealthy countries in the middle east are out of the discussion however,I am speaking of the trouble nation such as Palestine,Iraq,Lebenon.


In Palestine,the Isrealis continuo to devaste the Palestinian population in that country,although there was recent ceasefire between Palestinian freedom fighters and the Isreali military,one can expect that to resume as it always has been in the past.


there is also fear of renew civil war in Lebenon,much like the 15 year civil war after the grandson of lebenonese christian was killed.Many say another civil along religious groups could erupt again.


In Iraq,the violence is ever increasing,the months of Oct/Nov. have been the deadliest since the Iraqi invasion by the U.S.Sunni militias have killed more than 200 shii'a and retaliation is expected.The situation in Iraq as it stands is spining out of control,but it doesn't show sign to ever coming to halt as armed struggle along ethnic Iraqis takes place.


what is your input on this nomads,



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Its about time the sunni arabs in lebanon recognize that what ever respect they have its all thanks to the shiiia.

The respect to the shiiia should be shown by doubling the ministerial posts they hold in the government. Most of the posts taken from sunni arabs. You cannot have the sunni arabs who are prepared to trade their votes with america or france with financing of saudi arabia against syria and the palestinians representing the moslem lebanese. The shiiia have earned a new respect and a new position in lebanon. The lebanese christians would love nothing more than having shiiia as partners.

BTW the christians and shiiia have the least of problems in Lebanon. Everything is just sunni arab propaganda financed by saudi arabia trying to prevent its own shiiia time bomb and limit Iranian influence.

Syria will be invited back to Lebanon if all goes well and france will realize its a spent power and a middle power in the world.


The same in Iraq. Karma time for sunni arabs. They never hesitated to treat everybody else as Abid so its Abid time. The day the kurds and shiiia come out with a formulae among themselves it will be an all out war, unless syria can come out with some sort of protection for the sunni arabs. If the US doesn't ask Syria for help the whole thing is hopeless for any federal solution. The shiiia only need few months to put together their super state. Most of the provinces have structure and governance.

The country wetting its pants or jelabiya is saudi arabia. Even Jordan is not afraid of the possible conclusions of Iraq.


The poor palestinian people are victims of greedy and cowardly arabs, more than being victims of Israel. Egypt is the one screwing Gaza. I wish the Palestinians just fight egypt and take the sinai, set up strong base there to fight israel. Palestinains have become source of income for egypt. Never forget that Gaza was captured from Egypt and if Arabs had won the war, there would never be a palestinian state, it would just have been egptian and jordanian palestine.


Palestinians need to fight sunni arabs as much as they do Isrealis and also their corrupt leaders. The palestinians by now would realize that fighting israel while under the influence of corrupt arab dictators is no win and waste of time and energy. By now the palestinians should have taken control of jordan at the very least.


When it comes down to it, the palestinains got more sympathy and anger from Jewish at the Isreali government after sabra and shatilla than they did from arabs. That should have been a clear signal to them.

A lot of diatribe, but thats what I think should happen in all three places you mentioned.

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