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Somaliland weighs military option to release German hostages

5 Jul 5, 2008 - 7:06:56 PM




HARGEISA, Somalia July 5 (Garowe Online) - Authorities in Somalia's northern sub-state of Somaliland are contemplating a military option to release a German couple kidnapped by suspected pirates last month, sources told Garowe Online.


Somaliland troops in the region of Sanaag where the kidnappers are keeping the hostages have been making irregular maneuvers in recent days, according to locals.


Heavily armed soldiers are standing guard at checkpoints in and around the hostage-holding site, despite a recent appeal by traditional elders for all troops to withdraw from the area to ease talks with the kidnappers.


Last week, Sanaag clan elders called on Somaliland and the neighboring region of Puntland – both of which claim ownership over Sanaag – to withdraw their respective forces from the region.


Locals reported that Puntland security forces had withdrawn to the port city of Bossaso, but Somaliland soldiers led by Sanaag native Gurey Osman Salah have not moved.


A clan elder who spoke on the condition of anonymity told Garowe Online that the presence of Somaliland forces in the area is leading to "more tensions," especially in light of unconfirmed reports that as many as 150 Puntland soldiers have now joined forces with the kidnappers.


Sanaag elders fear the outbreak of war between the kidnappers and the Somaliland forces, dragging the erstwhile peaceful region into a conflict.


Source: Garowe Online

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Maleeshiyo Hubaysan Oo Khalkhal Iyo Cabsi Galiyay Wadada Tukaraq




Laascaanood}6-7-08Jid gooyooyin aan tiro lahayn oo aan horay u oolin ayaa Kooxo Burcad hubeysan ah waxay soo dhigteen inta u dhaxeysa Tuulada Tukaraq iyo Deegaanka Gambadha ee gobolka sool.


Wararka ayaa waxay sheegayaan inay jiraan Malayshiyo aad u hubaysan kuwaasi oo Gaadiidka ku sameeyay Jid gooyooyin,waxa la soo sheegayaa inay dadka halkaasi ku safraya ay ka qaadaan Lacago aad u fara badan,iyaga oo waliba ku sameeya Tacadiyo xoogan.


Lama oga Sababaha rasmiga ah ee kadambeysa Jidgooyooyinkani Faraha Badan ee Burcada hubeysani ay soo dhigteen, Balse warar kaladuwan ayaa sheegaya in Jidgooyooyikani ay salka ku heyso khilaaf sookala dhex galay Maamulka puntland ciidmadiisii,


Warar xogogaal ah oo aanu ka helayno Deegaankaasi ayaa noo xaqiijiyay inay yihiin Malayshiyo beeleedyo doonaya inay Fowdo ka abuuraan deegaankaasi, kuwaasi oo tira ka dhawor jeer arinkaasi oo kale ah ku dhaqaaqay.


Waxa la sheegay inay Malayshiyadaasi ay dhac iyo Boob u gaysteen gaadhi Bas ah kaasi oo ku safrayay wadad ay is baarada dhigteen,waxa la soo tabinayaa inay Gaadhigaasi ka qaadeen Hanti wixii uu siday iyo waliba iyaga oo dhawaac u gaystay Dareewalkii gaadhigaasi waday.


Maleeshiyo Beeleedkan ayaa waxay dhowaan kamid ahaayeen Ciidamad Maamulka Puntland balse haatan umuuqda kuwo kamadax banaan Ciidamada Maamulka Puntland waxeyna dhowaan rasaaseyeen Ciidamadii laga soo daad gureeyay Gobolada Puntland.


Jidgooyooyinkan cusub ayaa waxa walaac weyn kamuujiyay Darawalada Ku safarta Wadooyinka waaweyn ee Gobolada puntland gaar ahaan Gawaadhida isaga Kala goosha Magaalooyinka Laascaanood iyo Boosaaso.


Widhwidh Online News Desk…Media Center

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