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Kismayu: Commander Mahdi..

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Kismaayo: Kuxigeenka abbaan duulaha ciidanka DF oo ka hadlay arimo ciidan oo dhowr ah.

6. mar 2007


Kismaayo(AllPuntland)- Abbaan duule kuxigeenka arimaha taakulaynta ee ciidamada xoogga dalka soomaaliya Col: Cabdi Mahdi Cabdisalaan ayaa ka waramay hawl gallo dhowr ah oo ay sameeyeen ciidamada Federaalka.


Col: Cabdi Mahdi ayaa sheegay in ciidamada dawladdu ay daba joogaan kooxo ka haray maxkamadihii Islaamiga, kuwaasoo lagu sheegay deegaanka Kulbiyow ee ku yaalla xudduudda Kenya iyo Soomaaliya.


Md: Mahdi wuxuu sheegay in kooxahaasi ay soo qaban doonaan, sharcigana ay hor keeni doonaan.


Wuxuu masuulkan sheegay in dhinaca kale ay ciidamada dawladdu qaadeen isbaarooyin aad u badan inta u dhaxaysa Dhoobley iyo Afmadow.


Abbaan duule kuxigeenka ciidanka federaalka wuxuu xusay in kooxaha hubaysan ay ka faa'iidaysanayaan waqtiga kala guurka ee dalka laga hirgalinayo maamulka.


Col: Cabdi Mahdi wuxuu xusay in malleeshiyaadka la qabtay loo samayn doono dhaqan celin iyo tabobaro.


Sargaalkan ka tirsan dawladda wuxuu xusay in cid walba oo ka tirsan malleeshiyaadka Soomaaliyeed loogu baaqayo inay kusoo biiraan ciidanka dawladda.


Col: Cabdi Mahdi wuxuu kaloo ka hadlay dhacdo shalay ka dhacday xerada ciidamada ee Luglow ,halkaasi oo nin kamid ah askarta uu dhintay, wuxuu sheegay in arintaasi xalkeeda la gaaray ,haddana ciidamada xaaladdoodu ay caadi kusoo laabatay.


CCC Farayaamo


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Does he dare go to a no-man's land where even his masters ran away?


his is surely joking as even the americans have given up on going after the leaders of the UIC.



I wouldn't be surprised if they popped up somewhere unnoticed.

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^^^Last time I checked the clan courts leaders Cadow, Sharif Ahmed were in Yemen.

The commanders of their clan millitia, IndaCade, Manuur, Khalaf were in Jeddah [never even fought], the head of the Juba area Ahmed Islan was captured injured and traeted in Kismayu.


Do tellw hich leaders are you talking about?

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Aden Hashi Ceyrow by some reports extremely injured. General Galaal who was leading some men in the Jubbas now waving at AU troops. The leadership of the ICU is a headless chicken right about now. Only a few hundred confused and paid off fighters remain. Inshallah they shall be given an ultimatum. Death or Peace or Exile like Indhacadde and Abu Mansuur and Cadoow etc.

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

Only a few hundred confused and paid off fighters remain. Inshallah they shall be given an ultimatum. Death or Peace or Exile like Indhacadde and Abu Mansuur and Cadoow etc.

The events underway in our country are greater than any individual(s). The fate of ICU leaders whether abroad or in the country is irrelavant. The resistance will continue with or without their contribution. Foreign occupation never worked in Somalia and it never will. Likewise, the TFG and its confederates are nothing new in times of occupation. Such institutions (if one can call it that) never last. It will perish along with the occupation.


In regards to the first contingent of Ugandan troops to arrive on Somali soil; here's the view in diplomatic cirlces:


"It's a suicide mission. No one in their right mind would send 1,600 troops to Somalia now. They're sending in boys with no experience of this kind of mission," said a Western diplomat in the Ugandan capital Kampala, who declined to be named.

Dare i say, these un-named diplomats may not understand Somalia as much as you purport to, but they sure do understand the nature of occupations better than you do.

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^ Thats the opinion of one man. Majority of the international community support the government and many say 'that this is the best chance for peace in 16 years'. But you selectively believe what you want and paint the story of how you like.



BTW when the ICU money goes dry and they can't afford to pay these kids anymore they will either meet their fate or surrender.


MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A wave of pre-dawn mortar attacks pounded Mogadishu and killed at least 16 people on Tuesday in one of the most brutal bombardments since an Islamist movement was forced out of the Somali capital last month.

The hilltop presidential palace, Villa Somalia, and the coastal city's defense headquarters were among the targets hit in attacks that struck many quarters of Mogadishu and sent hundreds of residents fleeing to outlying towns.

"They showered us with rockets and a mortar also hit the compound. Luckily no one was hurt," said a government soldier who was in Villa Somalia during the attack but declined to be named for fear of reprisal.

"Our troops and those from our ally Ethiopia were forced to fire heavy artillery," he told Reuters. "We had to retaliate. These elements are being paid to cause all this destruction."

A spate of near-daily attacks have challenged the government's effort to impose security on the city recaptured in December by government forces and their Ethiopian allies from Islamists who controlled it for six months.

The death toll climbed throughout the day on Tuesday as more reports came in from across the chaotic capital, with witnesses and officials putting the total at 16 -- all of them civilians.


Deputy Defense Minister Salad Ali Jelle accused Islamist remnants of paying the gunmen in the impoverished city where jobs are scarce and being a hired gun has long been one of the steadiest sources of employment for young men.

"The insurgents are paying $100 a day to whoever fires rockets and mortars at the government and people," he said.

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

^Thats the opinion of one man.
Majority of the international community support the government and many say 'that this is the best chance for peace in 16 years'
. But you selectively believe what you want and paint the story of how you like.

There is a difference between saying that "this is the best chance for peace in 16 years" and having a firm conviction that the AU forces can secure Mogadishu. I challenge you to come up with an unambiguous quote from any serious international figures, saying that the AU mission will succeed.



MOGADISHU (Reuters) -Deputy Defense Minister Salad Ali Jelle accused Islamist remnants of paying the gunmen in the impoverished city where jobs are scarce and being a hired gun has long been one of the steadiest sources of employment for young men.

"The insurgents are paying $100 a day to whoever fires rockets and mortars at the government and people," he said.

You don't expect me to believe Jelle's mumblings now, do you? Come up with something more substantial.


No one needs to be paid in an effort to free one's country. These noble men are fighting to defend their country; that in itself is incentive enough.

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^ I am not talking about the AU here buddy. The Somali Government Controls most of South Central and Northern Somali save ofcourse the North West.


Since 1991 that has not happened. A government is established and there are steps that indicate the governments growing prescence in terms of Security (Police Stations and Jails opening, well over 10 000 troops/police officers being trained or on the ground).


This alone is 'reason to believe' that a successful somalia rebirth is around the corner.


Add to that the fact the TFG is holding a reconciliation meeting to air out grievances and upwards of 3000 of Somali leaders, clan figures, educated spokespeople and religious and learned men will be attending.


But you probably believe that this government won't stand till thursday. So there is no point in preaching to the already converted.

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So now you've reverted back to the 'TFG is enough' defense. I won't bother reiterating the unanswered points in my previous post, but a here's a no-brainer to what you've just said. Why is everyone (TFG included) calling for foreign troops if the 'Somali Government' is capable of securing its cities? Indeed, what about the expected increase in foreign troops? Are they coming to Mogadishu to bask in the sun? You guys never seize to amaze.


But you probably believe that this government won't stand till thursday. So there is no point in preaching to the already converted

My contention is not with the 'government' per se, but rather with its failed policies and lack of vision; the biggest of which was in allowing Ethiopia to occupy our country.

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^ Ethiopia is leaving. The TFG does control most of the country. However many of it's police force and soldiers are being trained. They are being turned from Moryaans to Police MEN. While at the same time the AU forces are not here to cause havoc or 'occupy' as would be the words of Qaadisiya. They are here to be police and troop trainers and to assist us in as many security endeavours as they can while the thousands of troops are being trained in Daynuunaay, Manas, Beledweyne, Balidogole etc

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I would love to believe what your saying but i'm afraid the reality is quite different. Ethiopia is not leaving and will never leave without being forced to do so, either by the resistance or by a strong government. The prospects of the TFG turning into a viable government which is able to defend itself from outside forces, is just not on the cards anytime soon. The TFG will seem viable the day it rebukes Ethiopia's reluctance to withdraw its troops, as promised, and demands its immediate withdrawl.

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well they said 3 weeks, now its 3 months and counting...! and 4000 more ethiopians arriving in 2 weeks.


its an ethiopian dream come true!! all they ever wanned was access to somalia's coast.


A foolish dream nevertheless!!

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Well said Bilal, having no government for 16 years has blinded the TFG supporters. They will support any regime, even if it is a rotten one. Basically, this entity is enforced on the country. Whether the international community supports it or not is not a issue. No one supports the bush regime, but they still have to do deal with it.

Sovereignty cannot be imposed on top of the people.


The peacekeepers, should not come. How can they? there is no peace to enforce!

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^Not only enforced on the country but also controlled by third parties. I would be more relaxed if the TFG truly controlled Somalia. The truth is they don't control anything, those who invaded the country are calling all the shots. Imagine a government being dictated to within its own territority. Every respectable nation tries to protect certain entities from outside control or interference; that of sovereignty and territorial integrity to control of sea and air boundaries etc, none of which are in our hands today.


Peacenow, don't mind the TFG supporters, i believe they will soon join us in the resistance once the true motives behind the illegal invasion of our country become evident to them. Events will soon escalate from one of clan-identity into a truly collective, nation-wide struggle to avert foreign domination.


I've said this before but i'll repeat it once again - the only beneficiaries from the illegal invasion and present occupation of our country are foreigners.

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