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Sheikh Sharif 2009

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Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed: 2009 President of the Republic of Somalia





There is no candidate who as much grass root supports as Sheikh Sharif, all Somalis part the haters should support this young Charismatic leader who has no baggage or Somali blood on his hand. We saw in the few months of his leadership how much patriotism he spurred amongst Somalis both young and old, the word Amirul Muminin was uttered every where from universities, cafes to the streets of Somalia. The stability and economic development under his leadership brought peace to a city that was destroyed by 16 years of war.




“It was the abduction of one of his 12-year-old pupils that prompted Somali schoolteacher Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to take a stand against the warlords who had ruled the capital, Mogadishu for the last 16 years.”





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Originally posted by Thierry:

“It was the abduction of one of his 12-year-old pupils that prompted Somali schoolteacher Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to take a stand against the warlords who had ruled the capital, Mogadishu for the last 16 years.”

No it was hat he was sacked by Maxamed Dhere few months back.

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Juje who should we believe you or the good Sheikh, he is the candidate of the people. Thus the best person to bring Somalia back from the ashes.

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If he denies that he was working fo Maxamed Dhere prior to MMI then never believe him - but as you said he is a good candidate and I will vote for him if he is nominated.

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I am glad you support him Saxiib but what has “working” or “getting sacked” by Dheree got to do with him deciding to join the ICU.


that statement was unnecessary

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Originally posted by Thierry:

I am glad you support him Saxiib but what has “working” or “getting sacked” by Dheree got to do with him deciding to join the ICU.


that statement was unnecessary

no it is not - it is a bit of biography you missed and one part of history omited by himself and his followers.

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I'd definitely support him! He must ensure though that his government is all-inclusive, representing Somalis from all regions though. Not how it was with the ICU (even though my gut says he didn't want it that way). You can't expect to take over a country and only have your reer as the leaders.

But yes, I'm pretty sure he'll be president one day.

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“Ur preference” lool nice one Garaad but I have made my preference (are you rooting for Yey 2009?)


I agree with you Somalipride Somalia needs an all inclusive government but I am sure if he is elected he will best pick the best people from all corners in Somalia.


Juje saxiib do you have a solution?, the likes of you bring nothing but pessimism to this forum criticizing all that exist but bringing nothing to the table.

You where against the Sheikhs reign (June-December 2006) when Mogadishu had stability and normality that it had not seen for decades.

Saxiib who is your candidate what is your solution at least with the likes of Duke have their view on Somalia (although I disagree). For your information Sheikh Sharif was the elected head of the ICU and the elected head of the alliance of Restoring hope

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OK guys, if you guys are looking for a trustworthy person whom you can trust with your personal belongings then Sheikh Sharif is the best. But when you are looking for someone to run a country and spear head his principles, and a person who is creative and full of ideas then am sorry to bring truth to you - that person is not Sheikh Sharif. If you are in love with the Islamic Courts era then it would have been ideal if you went for Xassan Dahir Aweys. He is resolute and visionary who deems the rule of Sharia can elevate the misery of his people. He does not bargain on his tenets, plus the fact that he was the brains behind the ICU.

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Dahir aweys was one of the negative elements with in the UIC and eventually lead to its downfall.


He was too confident and arrogant about UIC movements.


He supported a hostile front towards anyone who wanted to be self governing. Was over ambitious and had caused unnecessary attraction from the west on several occasions.


He has been fighting for the Al itixaad mind set for decades and can never be a genuine Somali leader.


To be considered a Somali president you must embrace diplomacy and have some sort of knowledge about politics and how it works.


From what we can see Sh. Dahir has neither.

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