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Qanyare Afrax and his pathetic life

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Originally posted by Yoonis:

^^Waraa isku xishoo oo ka har madaxweynaha Somaaliya.


There is no need to be pathetic about him because it is better to be ruled by the so-called "Leader of the pack"
to be ruled by someone who used to spy on my people, folks and god knows what crimes he has committed against your folks(remember the NSS) and who on the other hand has no qualifications to become a able leader per se. Is that all you can come up with?



or was he put there to guard the inheritance left by the late Cigaal for his close family.

If it comes down to choosing between warlords, I think the choice is clear. I wouldn't welcome a foreign warlord in place of my local one... that I agree with reer Mogadishu.

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A/Y isagaa iska qaribey fursadda ee loolama dhaqmin nin shisheeye inuu yahay. Despite the showy celebrations held by many among his immidiate clansmen, and their portrayal of A/Y's presidency as tribal victory, Others wanted the president in Mogadishu soon so they could expedite the death of warlordism and work with him if only out of disappointment and hatred for the local warlords. They thought he was better because he was an outsider to the feuding clans in Mogadishu. People didn't know about A/Y's plan if he won the presidency. They accepted him on faith that he was going to be better than the wolves among them. They didn't expect the long list of policies A/Y would unravel right after his election night. They took the word peace literally as if it meant the end of wars and conflicts between men whose avarice for everything evil surpassed that of the dead malevolent nations muslims read in the Quran. What chance did Atto and Yalaxoow had in those hopeful days when a president was elected?. They were kissing his bottom by declaring complete support for the government. A/Y had them in his hand. They were part of the so called government offocials, a government for the thugs ANYWAY and by the thugs and people didn't care if the thugs were gonna bring a change.


A/Y squandered that rare never before seen propitious ambient for him and for everyone else. Colaaduu durbadiiba billaabey inuu abaabulo iyo inuu iska dhigo nin wax dheer the loser peers who voted for him. May be to him and to his loyal supporters, he is of some importance, but to the rest, he is nothing but nin shar badan oo aan la aamini karin in the least positive perception.


A/Y personalized the politics, then the plague of tribalism caught on soon afterwards. You don't pour fuel to a burning fire. He and his suppoerter's campaign had been aimed at whole tribes and their trashing, at the city of Mogadish, at anyone who disagreed with A/Y. Their demonizing of others insensed everyone else who had nothing to lose by rejecting A/Y and his aggression or perceived aggression. It doesn't take much to attract hostility from any somali nowadays and a wise man should have known who he was dealing with. A/Y has the wisdom of the gun and thinks he can bring change by warring. Many of his supporters who are from his immidiate family have the same opinion. You won't see another somali routing for a war headed by A/Y. They think the name president or calling his organization somali government gives him the legal manouvering to KILL AS MANY AS HE PLEASES. Caqli xumada qaarkeed dawo ma leh.


In any case, I don't think A/Y has the ability to wage a war on Mogadishu. He never will. Just another had-potential man who might have brought peace if he followed the right path but squandered it as his predecessors had done before him. Another dead man or dying man :D

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^^^ For once you seem right. The President will not wage war on Mogadishu but will create a new army to bring fear back into the so called big men. Look how much they reacted to the small contingent of the new national forces.


Mogadishu warlords and so called courts will be seen for what they are very soon.


As for the government its stronger today than it was two months ago. JVA, SUUDI, SHARIF and co are where they were two months ago, for the roadblcoks its the "Amxaaro" in Jowhar.


As for Qaynyare who cares, I think too much time should not be given to families and personal issues. Persona non grata if you ask me [pardon my Italian.]

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