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The U.S. Tactics Against Small Countries

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U.S. accusations against Eritrea, for what purpose?

By Staff

Nov 4, 2006, 16:27




The US “carrot and stick” ploy of serving its self-interest and ensuring the exploitation of resources, through promoting the acquiescence of the people and countries of the world, is an open mystery that is practiced by the architects of Washington 's foreign relations policy. On the one hand, by painting biased colors and through political cosmetics as well as by bribing corrupt and oppressive leaders, who serve as a means to domination and plunder, the US Administration tries to safeguard its interests and ensure its pillage. On the other hand, by trying to attenuate those governments presumed as “threatening fine examples”, and the ones working to promote the development and bright future of their people, the US Administration looks for ways on how to put an end to the latter's existence. By orchestrating overt measures of duress, which is truly an open sabotage, it tries to carry out “regime change” (a shameless phrase to explain a shameful action) and overthrow governments through such intimidation. This has been a blatant tactic, followed by the US administration for long in many countries, and there are lots of hard facts that prove this historical truth.


The US Administration, whether any country is small or big, rich or poor, powerful or weak, sees it through such a spectrum. They follow a certain pattern of “destroy the acorns, before they become oaks”. And through this treacherous maneuver the US Administration continuously tries to smother and weaken countries, which it considers to a good example to others. Some naïve observers might think that this kind of hostility is directed only towards those that possess tempting potential wealth and riches. However, such harassment doesn't spare the small and poor countries as well. Because, if one small and poor country manages to successfully overcome backwardness and ensure a better life to its citizens, the people of wealthy countries will raise a stirring question; “why not us?” Hence, all those small countries that are on a satisfactory track of development are viewed as the “greatest danger of good examples” on the part of the US Administration. US intervention in Laos , Grenada , Nicaragua , El Salvador and other small nations emanates from such a wry outlook.


Eritrea, as a newly independent country, even though it is small with not many citizens, in its short history of existence, utilizing its limited resources and with limited foreign assistance, has managed to undertake extensive development endeavors and had scored impressive progress as well as registering very encouraging economic stride. And surely, there is uneasiness that emanates from worry that such effort might be exemplary to others. The submissive stance demonstrated by most African countries, which goes to the extent of “boot licking”, is fiercely rejected in Eritrea , and our people want to be masters of their own destiny. And this is a special Eritrean character. Through the eyes of “poverty architects”, however, there is no greater danger than this on setting good trend to others. Hence, this is eyed with hostility which, of course, is an expected phenomenon. The reason forwarded by the US Administration to harass those countries posing “threat”, and regarded as “risks” of a good example remains one and the same. Usually such reason is accusative and unsubstantiated to a great extent. The acts of hostility hurled towards Eritrea from the US Administration, which is being mixed up with the issues of Ethiopia and Somalia currently is thus, nothing but a continuation of this deception. And taking the aforementioned circumstances into consideration, this is no wonder at all.



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Playing With Fire Only Calls For Disaster

By Staff

Oct 28, 2006, 16:25




After 15 years of difficult and bitter political experience, the Somali people have set in motion a unified movement that could eventually lead to national reconciliation and peace. It is no secret that this fact is causing anxiety to certain quarters who do not champion the unity and stability of peoples. Hence, it is no surprise that these same quarters are seeking to crush this movement before it takes root. And the Meles Zenawi regime had been selected as the primary agent for securing this objective based on two criteria:


1. The Meles regime is at present attempting to illegally prolong its stay in power by defiantly ignoring election results. This makes the regime only too ready to be employed by external forces in the hope of ensuring its stay in power.


2. Since popular opposition in Ethiopia is gaining momentum with each passing day, the TPLF regime believes that poking at the longstanding tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia could divert the Ethiopian people's attention from their domestic problems.


Selected as an agent for the above reasons, the Meles Zenawi regime, upon external orders, had deployed its troops into sovereign Somali territories ever since the externally influenced Somali transitional government was ousted from Mogadishu by the new movement. Since shifting principles are the trademark features of the mercenary Ethiopian premiere, he denied the presence of his soldiers in Baidoa. In a statement he made a week after the deployment of the troops, Prime Minister Meles said: “We have no reason to send our troops to Somalia so long as the Somalis do not violate Ethiopian borders.” A logical statement indeed. Nonetheless, hardly a month after he made such a statement, the Meles regime admitted to violating Somali sovereignty and sending its soldiers into Somalia so that “the transitional government could protect itself.”


Recently, the regime has been heard making noises about being “practically at war with Somalia”, and in so doing this mercenary regime has proven its complete loyalty- no doubt born out of pure desperation- to its employers. To further please its masters and thereby ensure its stay in power, the Meles regime has set in motion a dangerous game of fire by reawakening the historical tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia . As a result, the regime has deployed thousands of soldiers and weapons into Somalia , and is about to immerse the Ethiopian people into an unwarranted quagmire.


Ethiopia's interference in Somalia's internal affairs is hence, a mission personally assigned to Meles Zenawi by foreign powers. Desperately clinging to a final stage of power, Meles no doubt views this assignment as the only way out. And that is why he is actively pursuing the matter. Meles Zenawi's mission in Somalia is thus only his personal assignment that does not evolve the Ethiopian people, other political parties or even the TPLF regime itself. The Ethiopian people are being made to pay with their lives all because a tyrant leader wants to prolong his stay in power while securing foreign interests in the process. The TPLF is playing a desperate and dangerous game of fire that will eventually heighten tensions with Somalia and plunge Ethiopians into further chaos. Realizing this, the Ethiopian people as well as all the political parties in the country should save themselves and refrain from any involvement in this dangerous game. Playing with fire can only get one burned. Hence, it is not difficult to guess that the Ethiopian people will only incur further loss in this game of fire.



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