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Described as
who is the ever-so-wretchedly defeated-has-been of the yesterday
"Afweyniste's Regime"
- Mr Oodweyne.

Mr.Oodweyne certainly has a way with words... :D

"our flag waving charlatan.....His, it ought to be noted, is a double-edged sword. On one sharp end, he wishes to gut the defenceless in a hyena-like fashion whilst on the other he bares a softy, bosomy posture alike of a gentle Alaskan bear only to suffocate the crowd with his humpty dumpy bear-hugging ménage à trois."
- Samurai warrior

How true your words have been shown to be :D

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OG Girl:

The guy is not here to defend him self...easy on him . Is back bitting



Translate: i'm here, profile me

Ayuub, I was talking about Otali not You. redface.gif


About profiling you I don't have that much vocabulary in English. I could do perfect job in Arabic icon_razz.gif


Seriously, I don't read your posts so I have no clue about you.



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Waan ku fahmey. I assure you, there is no need to close topics and delete posts. Hada Kabacdi, I will be very easy on HornAfrique. Okaay? :D


And apologies for the bother we have become as of late.

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Name: xiinfaniin


Occupation: Peace Caravan Driver.


Appearance: Who cannot visualize how he falsely clears the throat, shifts in his seat, cranes his neck, continuously adjusting his fading jacket affectively, all to trim into a figure of princely deportment from Mudug ~ A&T



Described as: Xiins character that is genuinely conciliatory and diffrent to the run of the mill triumphalism that so many hold be it for qaabil bantustans or individual relatives related to some on SOL.. Xiins position might be mad then as Taban lo liyong might say I too wish to catch syphilis so we may all be mad. For this is a better madness than what has occured in somalia for the past few years. ~ Liqaye understand where Xaji Xiin's stern beliefs come from as a believer I don't think he believes in despair and hopelessness. He knows there will come a time,when the voice of unity will speak and declare to the people[somalis], which will declare with unfaltering voice a unity through GOD and brotherhood of men [somali].

~ Malika


Memorable quote: I count as Allah’s blessings that I was able to pray in peace while many of my country men, majority more pious than I, were bombarded with mortars by fellow muslims (and non muslims as well) in the name of liberation in mogadishu... supporting peace and dialogue was not a crime, and to think it was shows only the intellectual aptitude of the accuser.


Least likely to say: I don't care how; as long as my su-clan gets control of Kismaayo again.


Not to be confused with: Invading foreign mercenaries tank driver.

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^Indeed that was a memorable quote by Xaji Xiin - am sure he is just taking a breather from SOL[its the holidays dee], and will be back to sort out that A&T..;)

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