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The saddest part about it all is that automatically the two of you make assumptions about a person because they disagree with you.

It was you and Liqiye that where insulting Galkacyu, thats sad ebacuse it was youw ho brought a city into the argument.


So while me and WD are proud to be from Galkacyu, you hide your place of origin, while you insult ours :mad:

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Brother i was not insulting Gaalkacyo.


I was joking with you. You know, a joke, to tease, to kid..


you hide your place of origin

Hide? Why would i hide. I have nothing to be ashamed of. This is insulting not to mention disrespectful really.


The point is, that because of the place of my origin i will not conform to a particular type of thinking and i will certainly not be biased.


My family is also from Gaalkacyo, so even if i make fun of the city, it has no evil intentions.


As for Hobyo, it is a beautiful Somali Town, that i am proud of, for i am Somali and it is part of my land.


If this and that city means tribe for you, sorry to say but for me the lands of all Somalis is my birth right. Some may not like it, but this is the view that i hold to.



Who's defensive now Smith ;)

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If this and that city means tribe for you, sorry to say but for me the lands of all Somalis is my birth right. Some may not like it, but this is the view that i hold to.

My dear dont contradict yourself, you labeled us with Galkacyu making fun of the place.


It was not a funny joke, really it wasent.

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Rahima a word to the wise, there is no such thing as a political disscusion to educate or actually come to some sort of conclusion with out bias, If even one person scincerley tries to keep up his side, the rest will make sure to drag the person into a mire this is seen in SOL and everywhere else you care to name.

From your posts it is absolutley clear that you are not qabilist, unfortunatley it is also clear that any intimation of you being one offends you to bits, consequently we are faced with people who are trying to get to your nerves, today it's come down to the way you said galkacayo :rolleyes: .

Life is too short to keep explaining yourself.

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I am confused about Gobollada Dhexe and Galgaduud? Where does Galgaduud fit in? I always assumed Gobollada dhexe to be part of Mudug. I am laughing at my enquiry LOL. In the old days, I wouldn't have asked about any other Somali town or would care to know about it. Nothing but Mogadishu seemed to be in existence.


Now, I operate in the dark not knowing what is what or who is who Although I can tell someone's tribe if they say they are from Gedo, Galkacyo, Hargeysa, Lascanod, Borama, or from Kismayo(one of many tribes), All assumptions of course but the major tribes who settle in those respective Areas are famous. Mogadishu is just Notoriously International, Gearge Bush knows if Someone tells him I am from there LOL. How are you related to Aidid Sr will be the Question.


Anyway, Arrintaan Gobollada Dhexe iyo Mudug mexey kala yihiin? And Galgaduud fits in where? Or it is separate and its own region?



Btw, Rahima didn't insult Galkacyo but laughed at Liqaye's Comment of "Nuff said". I think that was funny too considering how it poured cold water on MR.WD's extreme elatedness about Galkacyo. Things have drastically changed in that people nowadays associate with their City of Origin proudly. In the Old Days, Someone shouting Galkacyo would just be laughed at LOL. I think this way is much better where everyone wants to build his Tuulo/town/city. The country evenly becomes progressive instead of all developments being concentrated in One city due to Immigration and settlements. A policy the earlier and last functioning government didn't advocate or failed to implement. Conflicts would have been less contentious and devastating since people would have lived not far from where they were born if they had everything in their region, no more loss of property and bitterness, and no more start up from Zero. If the country comes back to its feet, with all the even progress going on, all regions will have everything people need and they won't have to travel to another city to get their needs met. Superhighways will be next where people can travel and cover the whole Somalia in One day or half a day depending on where they live. I am not sure I will see that day of unity and happiness considering the malice and the abysmal differences people have due to tribalism. But it doesn't hurt to hope and make a saddened heart smile by thinking about a bright future that is long over due and not showing its pregnant Clouds over the horizon yet.

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Thanks Elegance aka Xarago, Dadkiinaan Duqoobaan(following smith's footsteps) wax ka bowsanaa. Hope you understand Bowsi LOL. Try Northern Qaamuuska if you can find it, otherwise, Lemme know smile.gif

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Galguduud is just a quasi-Mudug province. It used to be part of Mudug, but Mudug is a victim of Siad Barre's divide and rule,
therefore he made a seperate province where his kinsmen the reer Abudwaq have more control on the new province called Galguduud.

You must know we are not the majority in Galgadud :eek:


Second 2/3 "Siad Barre's kin" in Mudug (Galagadud/Mudug) live on the other side of the boundry in Somali Galbeed, so if he had made a seperate state for them, wouldn't he have moved them from Ethiopia in to Galgadud to "majoritize" it?


The logic isn't there. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by LIQAYE:



Rahima a word to the wise, there is no such thing as a political disscusion to educate or actually come to some sort of conclusion with out bias, If even one person scincerley tries to keep up his side, the rest will make sure to drag the person into a mire this is seen in SOL and everywhere else you care to name.

From your posts it is absolutley clear that you are not qabilist, unfortunatley it is also clear that any intimation of you being one offends you to bits, consequently we are faced with people who are trying to get to your nerves, today it's come down to the way you said galkacayo :rolleyes: .

Life is too short to keep explaining yourself.

nuff said. smile.gif

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Xarago, Kaftan waaye. I guess smith himself assumed you were Old because of your knowledge in the subject at hand and how well you put him on the defensive all the time. People associate Old age somehow with the knowhow of Politics. Wrong assumption always. Anyway, If you are bothered by a comment(such as a name you were called or etc), try to not demand an explanation of why the comment was made to avoid the stigma of it. You are a character online as all others are. What they think of you is not always true and you shouldn't worry or imagine some other things. Take Care.


PS: Very funny though how being called Old bothers you :D I am tempted to call you Oldy whenever I get time to visit here. But I won't anyway, so relax.

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PS: Very funny though how being called Old bothers you I am tempted to call you Oldy whenever I get time and visit here. I won't anyway, so relax.


That Xoogsade is one smooth operator ;)

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