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O.G girl, background a student, from the occupied territories of Somalia, she is fair to the point but seems lost on who to support. Pro-Somaliland, pro-Puntland, pro every land


Xaragoo, an old lady tough as nails, could be described as a soft Somalilander, years of experience as civil servant for Siyad Barre has given her an intricate understanding of southern Somali politics.


Horn-Afrik, a nationalist, loves unity, hates being a junior member of the JVA support club, sincere in his wish to see a unitary government, a closet Puntland supporter covers this up with being anti-Yusuf.


Otali, straight to the point, believes Aydeed was the man who ruled the earth, that Yuusf Inda Cade is saint, and that his clan are super-men, emotional, irrational and loves being the senior member in the JVA support club.


Rahima. A nationalist, like Horn, a bit defensive but good, views herself to be a non partisan centrist, religious, however can be outspoken when she feels there is a group monopoly to an argument.


WD. The man, top dog, part of the liberation front of Kismayu, battle hardened, takes no prisoners, a good ally.

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Originally posted by SmithNwestern:

an old lady tough as nails, could be described as a soft Somalilander, years of experience as civil servant for Siyad Barre has given her an intricate understanding of southern Somali politics.

Wallahi this is scary..! wadh hedhe ya aqbarteyda ku siiyay, mise you have access to my info in SOL, are you the owner? Cajiib..!..... :D

I like the one on WD, battle hardened, kulaha..the guy jumps at the sound someone's sneeze.....cigaal shidaad number :D

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LOOL Brother ... how I haven't seen this topic earlier!.


First thanks, you got most of my profile even thought not all.However,I don’t believe I am lost just because I don’t have tribal mentality like most people here do.


I don’t have loyalty to clan because I was not brought up in Somalia and my Dad who has never been to Somalia himself brought me up .


If I was to support anyone blindly I would support the people of Juba rather than supporting the people of Puntland and/or Somaliland. This is because these people have no one to defend them and everyone is using them for their political gain.


In Short, I will always support what I believe to be right and will never support anyone out of blind loyalty of clan!.



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a closet Puntland supporter covers this up with being anti-Yusuf.

I support any part of Somalia that is trying to achieve peace and prosperity.


I, 100%, support the progess that has taken place in "Somaliland" and the level of peace and security it has achieved, although I'm against seccessionism.


I applaud our brothers in "Puntland" for their desire to prosper and implamenting the iniative to better their lives, although I am dead set against equating the true wishes of the people with Abdulahi Yusuf. As you know Smith, I honestly believe, as do most Somalis, that Jaamac Cali Jaamac is the true maamul gobaleed of "Puntland".

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Otali, straight to the point, believes Aydeed was the man who ruled the earth, that Yuusf Inda Cade is saint, and that his clan are super-men, emotional, irrational and loves being the senior member in the JVA support club.

Replace Caydiid with CY, Yusuf Inda Cade with Morgan and erase the last part.


That probably sums up you and WD very nicely :D .



BTW, horn does not need to be a closet PL supporter, he supports it openly brother. It's just that often Puntlanders themselves confuse CY with PL. What do they then expect from non-Puntlanders i wonder.

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Thats very funny.


Worked as a senior civil servant kulahaa. :D:D




Age undefined.

Pedigree pro-Abdullahi yusuf, to the detriment of all sense, evidence or rational argument.

Arguments monotonous.

Card carying memeber of Abdullahi 2004 cheerleaders association, as well as being chairman, treasurer and ropoganda purveyour.



Mr wd


From Galkacayo [nuff said]

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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The saddest part about it all is that automatically the two of you make assumptions about a person because they disagree with you.


Ever thought that everyone is not infested with triablism?


WD, unlike you, i would be more than happy (if it was within my capacity) to deal with the warlords of my clan is as seen fit by the shariica. Take them to trial and after the guilty verdict is passed, shoot them myself for all the suffering and havoc they have caused my people (Somalis that is, i know to you people means sub-clan ;) ).


Can you say the same?

(rhetorical, you often miss my rhetorical questions)

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