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Meet Somalia's New President!

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Originally posted by Nur:


Geel Jire brother


Second expalnation is more suitable in the situation at hand, there is another tilt to it,
Politicians are promoted to the highest level of failure.


:D the peter principle does apply to politicians

The peter principle:
"In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence." While formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their 1968 book The Peter Principle, a humorous treatise which also introduced the "salutary science of Hierarchiology", "inadvertently founded" by Peter, the principle has real validity. It holds that in a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their "level of incompetence"), and there they remain. Peter's Corollary states that "in time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out his duties" and adds that "work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence".

I think the dilbert principle applies in this specific case.


The Dilbert principle:
A 1990s satirical observation by Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams stating that companies tend to systematically promote their least-competent employees to management (generally middle management), in order to limit the amount of damage they're capable of doing. In the Dilbert strip of February 5, 1995 Dogbert says that "leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow".

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Yes! Political Islam is red hot these days, also coming your way, Economic Islam, Social Islam. You see JB, Islam is a code for life, there is even Romantic Islam (For Newly Weds)!



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Xiin brother


I am sure that you are aware that competence has both a quantity and direction, like we say in Somali " Ninba dhinac u badi".


Competence has also time element, a person who is competent at a point in time can fail in another, given the new situation at hand.


Competence can also manifest in subject matter, a change in the subject matter that requires competence can reflect in the incompetence of a person.


Thus, a politician to rise to the highest level of his failure point, is logical, just like when we load a structure to its limit, it fails.




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The Sheikh wins the first round of the Djibouti Election Show of Somalia's "President" by a margin of 50% by Ethiopian picked Warlord Parliamentarians, with sugar coating of "Moderate Neo-Islamists", the second round is to follow on Saturday, and as predicted by (ENN) eNuri News Network four weeks ago, Sheikh Sharif will be the disputed President of Somalia by the Islamic Courts Union Asmara faction and the armed resistance groups controlling most of Somalia.


Can a government driven by foreign interest endure the test of time in Somalia?


Here is what the News Media Said about the Sheikh:


* (Sheikh Sharif)Ahmed has met U.S. officials in the past and is seen as an acceptable president to the West, although hardline Islamists say he has sold out. His first challenge would be to bring them into a reconciliation process. (Reporting by David Clarke; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne)



A President or a Poodle?



So, Democracy means the process in which a Third World Nation"s elite (Warlord Criminals + "Moderates") select the Nation's Governor for The Western Interests in their own country. Election Process takes place entirely yet in another country or else! :mad:


Here is what news media said about the "Election" : " Whoever wins the presidential election will face the daunting task of taming the Shebab, a hardline offshoot of the ICU, which rejects the peace process and controls several key towns "


When did the Shabaab reject peace? unless peace is defined as the acceptance of the Ethiopian Occupation! which was ordered and maintained by the (The West)?


So, After the failure of the American backed Ethiopian Army to TAME the Somali resistance, it takes a Somali "Moderate Islamist" to attempt this impossible feat!







" The Western Media Calls Black color, White, and calls White Color, Black" Vladimir Putin

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It's official! Sheikh Shareef has won the second round as expected. Like his predecessor Abdullahi Yusuf's election in Nairobi, the winner was predesignated with some window dressing "candidates" by western interest groups as he is seen as the least evil of the Islamists who can secure a peaceful robbery of Somalia's wealth in the coming days.


What is next?


1. The Presidential Elections of the Islamic Courts and TFG Alliance ( Asmara Faction)


2. The Presidential Election of The homegrown Resistance groups either in Mogadishu, Kismaio, or Baidoa.



History is in the making before our eyes!



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^^Indeed, Sheikhow, history has been made in front of our eyes.Who would have thought that the muddied Sheikh who walked crossed the false Kenyan border, having been in the bush for weeks, would today be taking the position of his adversaries. This is must be the only time in recent history when the west and their allies suported an "Islamist" too take power, of course they have other motives, but it is stil something remarkable. In the meantime, the Sheikh deserves our duas. May Allah guide him and make him take policies that our just, Islamic and based upon the sunnah. May Allah save him from the dirty path of those before him, ameen.

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If Sheikh Shariif goes to Alshabab and the Asmara group to the disappointement of his western backers, he will win.


If, however, he plays the poodle and continues with his rethoric of 'dadka nabada diidan' and 'Ethiopia waan la shaqeeynaynaa' (he can have peace, but he shouldn't jerk like a rat when he hears the name Ethiopia just becuase they bombed the hell out of him), he will fail.

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We, somalis, never learn. Waryaara, when are we going to stop finger-pointing and looking for holes to dig in people's character and personalities. There IS always 'this and that' in every thing and everyone.


Look how far we've come today by just electing a fairly young man that is not aligned to the old ways of how things were done in the country.


Let's give him the chance and see what he and his admin can come up with. It is not like we've anything better.


What is wrong with you people?


Our need or the stick with which we judge everything should be: Is there peace in it for Somalia and Somalis? If it is the case we should be supporting it.


This 'he abandoned this, left that' is simply bs, and we should grow up and see what happens for the people and land.


Qabiil iyo factionalism meelna nama gaarsiinayso, we need to move forward and try and bring back that feeling that existed the SYL days (pre-60's).


Let's support Sharif and give him the benefit of doubt, please.

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Ayoub bro.


Official Definition Of Civil Society:


" Civil society is as a "third sector," distinct from government and business. In this view, civil society refers essentially to the so-called "intermediary institutions" such as professional associations, religious groups, labor unions, citizen advocacy organizations, that give voice to various sectors of society and enrich public participation in democracies."


Personally I have no idea of the 75 Members Of Parliament that are jokeying for these seats.


"Civil Society" is a mask of many special groups that are vehicles to infiltrate the decision making body of poor nations, In the case of Somalia, they are protected by donors of financial aid to the Somali government, here is how it works:


1. A nascent undesirable government wins election.


2. The World Shadow Government needs to influence the decision process of this new government.


3. They offer Financial Aid in the form of agricultural, technological and monetary assistance, with some "conditions"


4. The aid recipient country becomes dependent on the aid, and neglects its own production and self reliance, thus compromising its independence and surrendering to the donors.


5. In order to receive aid, a dependent country must accept political pluralism ( meaning: individuals representing donor interests who would never make it to the parliament without the aid leverage)


6. These individuals are known as " Civil Society" as if the rest of us are Barbarians!


Who are these?


Artists, Feminist groups, Dancers, oh! I forgot about the perverts, actually this last group is the heart of the "civil society" if Sheikh Shareef does not accept them, he risks the anger of the "International Community" who are the aid donors The International Community is composed of United States, UK, France, Israel and Micronesia Islands of Palau. who are currently in debt to China, India, Gulf Nations to the tune of 87% of its GDP in the case of US and 400% in the case of UK, indebted to China, India and Arab Gulf Countries. So, the aid the Sheikh will get in order to give concessions to the "International Community" comes from China and India and Gulf Countries.




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Waxaa laga sheegay VOA


Cabdi Qeybdiid oo ka mid ahaa Wafdi ka tirsan DKMG ah oo Shaley Muqdisho ka dhoofey una kicitey Dalka Itoobiya oo uu hogaaminayay Cumar Xaashi, ayaa faah faahino ka bixiyay Socdaalkooda.


Cabdi Qeybdiid oo u waramey Idaacada VOA-da Laanteeda Soomaalida la hadasha ayaa ku sheegay Ujeedka Safarkooda ka qeyb galka Xaflad tababar loogu soo xirayo Saraakiil ka mid ah noqonaya Ciidamada Bileyska ee DKMG ah oo Dalka Itoobiya Muddo sanad ah waxbarasho u joogay.“Akademiyada Ciidanka Bileyska Itoobiya, Saraakiil Bileys ah oo Soomaaliyeed oo dhalin ah oo ka qalin jabineysa oo dhameysatey tababarkii Sarkaalnimada Munaasabadaas ayaanu ka qeyb geleynaa”.


Waxa kale oo uu sheegay in Saraakiishan oo dhan 30 Sarkaal halkaas la geeyay sanad iyo bar ka hor loona geeyay in Leyli Sarkaal nimo loo soo tababaro, waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay inay jiraan Saraakiil kale oo halkooda waxbarashada ka sii wadaya.


Cabdi Qeybiid ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Ujeedka tegitaankooda Itoobiya qeyb ka tahey sidii mahad celin ugu jeedin lahaayeen Dowlada Itoobiya guud ahaan Gaar ahaa Ciidanka Bileyska, kaalinta weyn ee ay ka qaateen sida ay uga gacan siiyeen tababarada dhinaca Ciidamada, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


Dhanka kale Safarkoodan Itoobiya ku tageen ayuu sheegay inuu qeyb ka yahey Xiriirka wanaagsan ee ka dhaxeeya iyaga iyo Itoobiya, lugna aanu ku laheyn faragelin Shisheeye oo Itoobiya wali ku heyso arimaha Soomaaliya, dhanka kalena ayna mudneyn shacabka Soomaaliyeed qeybhiisa kale inay ka muujiyaan Didmo.


Waxa kale oo uu intaa ku darey, Maadaama Soomaaliya ay tahey Dal bur burey cid walba gacan kaalmo u fudineysa Inay soo dhaweynayaan oo ayna ku eekeen oo keliya Itoobiya, ayna jiraan wadamo kale oo tababaro u fidiyay Saraakiil iyo Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa DKMG ah.

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