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Meet Somalia's New President!

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" The Mosques are in the hands of the Islamists, the ( Islamists) control the education system and social welfare, they even control the health system, they also control trade and business, they control the Telecoms, they control money transfer business. We ( TFG Government) control nothing!. ( Parliament) must decide this morning what should be done about the Islamists,. Should the Islamists rule the country or should (the Transitional Federal Government ) rule country?. Have you all considered yet ways to contain the Islamists so we can take back all these institutions they control? , (All Members of Parliament in session responded with " YES" . "Are you reconfirming your commitment again?" asks Yusuf. " Yes" (they respnd again). OK, As a man I will support you (to go after the Islamists control of the country) , These ( Islamists) are the enemy, do you hear me? , let us fight back aginst these men ( Islamists), These men ( Islamists) draw their power by controlling all the country's resources, be it Education, Religion, Mosques, Money Transfer, Economy, Telecoms, Business, or FATUUD! which is firmly in their hands, let us take it back from them if you want to see Somalia to be the Somalia (That we all envision)"


President Abdullahi Yusuf's Historic and Fateful speech to Warlord Parliament of the TFG (2008).


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eNuri Political Forecasting Service!





The New Somali President.


He was a humble man, a school teacher who was educated in Sudan. He became Media darling and quickly rose to prominence during the short stint of the Islamic Courts Union with power in Somalia, as a spokesman for the Islamic Courts Union as well as their executive chief, his Media exposure turned heads of king makers in the west as well as in Somalia. His cool headedness, to-the-point answers and his wise selection of politically-correct answers for tricky questions made him an instant hero both at home and abroad, as a result, his public ratings soared, ( In Somalia there is no official organization to rate public approvals, but Amin Arts is a good gauge).


Two years later his ratings are heading south, they are so low ( Again, Amin Arts Cartoons), that even his trade Mark religious cloak is exchanged for a western politican's suit complete with Red Shining Shoes ( Amin, you baffled me here!)


His journey to power in the last two years took him to Asmara, Djibouti, Nairobi and Aden, he met many dignitaries, heads of states and Ambassadors. Noteworthy is his historic meeting with The American Ambassador to Kenya right after the toppling of the Islamic Courts Union regime of Mogadishu. The two men met in a Hotel in Nairobi, in a closed meeting. Since that meeting, The Sheikhs's public statements have toned down remarkably, from his defiant call for Jihad against Ethiopians in his hey day as leader of the ICU, to his disapproval of the Shabaab's taking control of Kismayo from the Ethiopians, and now, after the disgraceful sacking of Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf by his Ethiopian handlers, this man is again in the limelight of Somali Politics, as a " Moderate Islamist"!



As he assumes power of the ailing TFG synthetic government soon (According to trusted sources) , he is poised to head a parliament of contradictions, the TFG parliament created by Ethiopia (Majority Members of the Parliament are causal drinkers of alcoholic beverages according to an insider) and the "Moderate Islamists", I assume that the USA will also request that feminist groups and gays to be represented to make it a true Democracy a-la-Americana!, which will undoubtedly embarrass the Sheikh.



What are the motivations of this man for seeking power?



Well, Only Allah knows what is in a heart, we only judge the apparent actions according to the Sunnah, but here are some wild thoughts of eNuri as usual ( please bear with me, I cant help it)


The Sheikh might have been motivated by many factors, like any political hopeful, but to be practical, let us narrow them down to only two:


1. Personal, i.e. Money, Prestige etc

2. To Save Somalia.


(For Example, The outgoing Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf was motivated by Prestige and Supremacy)



In my opinion, knowing the man from what I have read in reliable media and Somali Websites, and from what I have heard from people who know him, he is not motivated by money, I am not sure about his appetite for fame and prestige though.


That leaves us with his desire to Save Somalia.



Well, if that is the case, then its understandable that in light of a mess like Somalia, many players would take different routes for the same goals, of course not all of them are going to be right, but at least we can reasonably say the Sheikh, a son-of-the-sand paesano, took a long shot form the center court at the last minute at Somalia's problems ( hey, if he scores this three pointer, he will vindicate himself, if he fails, he has nothing to lose as he is already suffering from very bad reputation of a collaborator with the enemy by resistance groups.



Looking back at that fateful meeting the Sheikh had in Nairobi with the American Ambassador, here is my imaginative take on the discussion that took place between the two men behind closed doors.



Ambassador: Hello, Sheikh


Sheikh: Hello, Mr. Ambaasador


Ambassador: Do you hate America?


Sheikh: NO, I don't, Its America's policies in our region that I am not fond of.


Ambassador: Then why are you supporting the Al Qaeda terrorists in Somalia, dont you realize that we are at war with them worldwide?.


Sheikh: I don't know anything about al Qaeda, we are under Ethiopian Occupation and we are resisting occupation.


Ambassador: OK, then what do you want?


Sheikh: A free and peaceful Somalia


Ambassador: Well, that is what my government wants too, can we cooperate?


Sheikh: Why have you destabilized our country, toppled the ICU and are using the Ethiopians to destroy what is left of my country?



Ambassador: Well, I don't have an answer to be honest, its a policy and I dont set policies, my boss does, I will call Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and will meet with you tomorrow.



Next day.



Sheikh: Hello Mr. Ambassador, do you have an answer for me today?


Ambassador: Sorry, I don't



Sheikh: Well, I can help you Mr. Ambassador,


Ambassador: Be my guest.


Sheikh: Its about your interests in this region, isn't it?


Ambassador: You are right, I am glad you understand, now that we see things eye to eye, how can we cooperate?.


Sheikh: Well, if that is the case, you don't need the Warlords, the Ethiopians and all of your informants in the ICU and TFG in the region, the ICU can directly work with you, let us do business! if its about interests, we have interest of peace in Somalia too, you scratch my back, we will scratch yours.


Ambassador: I am shocked! I didn't expect this from an Islamist, our Neoconservatives would never believe what I am hearing coming from the former Chief of the Islamic Cours Union of Somalia.


Sheikh: I am serious!, this is an offer I put on the table, and we believe that we can assist you realize your regional objectives if you assist us with our objectives of peace and development in Somalia, we are simply tired of fighting.


Ambassador: OK, if that is the case, then let me call Condoleeza Rice tonight and meet with you tomorrow morning, I appreciate the offer.



Next day.



Sheikh: Hello Mr. Ambassador, any answer for me.


Ambassador: Yes, a good one, the US is ready to work with you if you can secure a unified front of all Islamists and secularists to be behind you, if you deliver your promise, we promise we will get rid of the warlords, the Ethiopians and help you ascend to power as soon as two years, we may even help you claim the Ethiopian occupied Somali lands, as that will serve our objectives of developing that oil rich area.


Sheikh: Well, it may not be easy, but I will do my best, can you give me some assurances?


Ambassador: Well, I will suggest to Condi Rice that we should get rid of Abdullahi Yusuf in the next year or so, we will take legal action against all warlords and the Ethiopians for crimes against humanity, which will make your path clear for assumption of power, we are even prepared to remove the Al Shabaab from the terror list to give you a strong card to negotiate with them to stop terrorizing American interest in the region.


Sheikh: That sounds encouraging Mr. Ambassador, but how can you assist the ICU ( Moderate wing) rise to power without creating further chaos as before?


Ambassador: Well, why not involve pacifist elements of the Islamic Groups, like the Sufis? The Sufi seem to have been marginalized and we like to see them represented in the new Parliament?


Sheikh: You mean, a non-existent group?


Ambassador: They will exist in time, and you will need them to balance the extremists in the Islamic Courts Union and Al Shabaab Terrorists, they will be your allies.


Sheikh: How are they going to be mobilized?


Ambassador: Well our friends ( Warlords) have already helped them organized ( militarily and politically) to seek their place in the new Parliament, all they need to do is to capture couple of towns in Galgaduud to qualify them for a seat in the government, which will add to the moderates in the Parliament to guarantee that at least an alliance of the Sufi, moderate elements of the Islamic Courts, and the 4.5 Tribal represent-a-thieves can form major political force, recognized by USA, UN , EU, Arab League and AU. We will make sure that all future financial aid goes to this alliance alone.


Sheikh: Thanks, Mr. Ambassador, let us work together for the common good of my country and yours.


Ambassador: Thanks Sheikh, Let us work for our mutual common interests.






2009 eNuri Political Islam

Where a Spade is Called a Spade

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Very generous indeed!. One hopes with intense apprehension about what is about to unfold in our mother country. The gathering clouds are ominous old chap, the real challenge awaits those who had taken upon themselves the burden of the nation.


Will the real Sheikh Sharif stand up?

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What Sh. Sharif has done is commendable on many levels. When I say that, I only judge him by his public pronouncements and the peace initiatives he has spearheaded---I have no way of knowing what this man harbors in his heart.


Sharif correctly diagnosed Somali conflict and called for a different approach. If his speeches are any gauge, he understood the reason of Ethiopia’s involvement in our affairs. Where many saw an evil empire determined to subjugate Somali people, he saw a poor, and politically unstable state taking advantage of a historic and rare opportunity where her sole foe in the region disintegrates into warring clans. It was the stumble of Somali republic, he seems to have concluded, that enabled Ethiopia to pull large swaths of Somali lands into her sphere of influence. To deny her that leverage, one must reconcile Somalis through dialogue and compromise, taking of course all the inherent risks, both politically and security wise. Insults and other slanderous labels thrown at him, I believe, are least he could worry---quite marginal and secondary. It’s his life that’s at risk here. His rational approach has engendered an irrational anger against him, and anger in Somali politics means death sentence, quite literally. In this era of fitnah, istikhfaafu dimaa’al muslimiin has become quite prevalent. A missing beard, or wearing incompliant trouser could be the basis of taczeer. Far more consequential is the notion of engaging with an active enemy, as Sharif has done. That, in some theological circles, regardless of the intent, could cause your life. Despite all the suppositions and fiqhi deductions resorted to hastily impeach Sharif’s integrity, one can easily see this effort (when I say this effort I do not mean this post) for what it truly is, a grieve against reasonable approach to end the political mess in Somalia.


Of course Sharif may become but what we thought; a treacherous rascal of the worst kind. Only Allah knows what dwells in one’s heart, and I leave to Him to reveal those true intentions when He deems it right and appropriate. But as far as I can tell, Sharif is right on his approach to deal with all entities in one simple goal in mind, and that’s to end Ethiopia’s occupation in the south, and to subsequently bring all Somalis together.

And on that account, Sharif’s success or failure will clearly and significantly depend on whether Ethiopia withdraws as agreed, and on a timely fashion. And that, my good friends, is a measurable arrangement. Time has indeed come to see whether Sh. Sharif delivers what he promised. Of course one understands that he is only one party to this pact, Ethiopia being the other. If he succeeds, time will honor him and Allah will reward him. If he fails with a good intent, time may shame him, yet Allah will reward him again. That’s because, in Islam, good deeds are akin to investment, and there is no risk free investment with good returns. That’s to say, in Allah’s eyes, those who hazard to do good are not equal to those who habitually shirk from duty.


It was Cumar Ibn al Khidab, I believe, who cautioned chariness, not hasty conclusions or boundless speculations, in matters relating to fellow Muslim’s integrity. In fact, and in the conceptual level, xusni thani wa baraa atu thimah are the corner stones of Islamic justice. Muhammad (swc) called it a charity from you on you to hold your tongue from your fellow Muslims. Even in blessed ages, some abused the science of Jarhi wa Ta’diil , and released their sharp tongues on other scholars. Ibn Hazm al andulusi, a peerless scholar whom I admire, paid a heavy price for doing that---seeing his signature book, al-Muhalla , being burnt and condemned.


The point I am laboring to make is: Sharif ha la ii daayyo, haddii nabad layga rabo

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

The point I am laboring to make is:
Sharif ha la ii daayyo, haddii nabad layga rabo

Xiinfaniin, I understand where you're coming from brother, but your conclusion is haste at best, yet undignified at worst against those who sacrificed their lives for the cause of freeing Somalis from oppression.


You may reject all suppositions outright, but practical facts do not support your very own theoretical supposition. A man of your intelligence knows full well that both parties in the pact you've described are but leverages themselves used by the same powerbrokers to counter the real heroes in this affair: namely, the brave sons of Somalia who fought the oppressors. In fact, any assertion made that discounts the resistance and the impact of their efforts on the agenda of these powers (at least forcing their hand to withdraw Ethiopian troops) is in my opinion not only unjust, but historical revisionism in clear daylight.


Yaa Xiinfaniin, let's assume the Tigrey agents honour their principal's dictum and rollout to other parts in Somalia, and that our good Sharif is anointed president of a 4.5-system-joke-constitution: What next? Said he not to aspire shariicah gevernance?


Anigu marka hore wax xun kama sheego Shariif iyo cid kastoo magacaa sidetaba ee kolka maxaan daayaa? kolleeyba nabad in ay na dhextaal baan rajeyn! :D

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^^lool@kolleeyba nabad in ay na dhextaal baan rajeyn.


Brother SOS, I am not being unfair to the fighting youth. I understand and appreciate their brave sacrifices in resisting our foes. In Jabbooyinka & Shabbeelooyinka, they have achieved unprecedented successes in routing out warlords and providing security and political stability that have been lacking many years in those regions. In Xamar, they have fought with admirable bravery and brought home undeniable victories. History will show despite their shortcomings that they have indeed heeded the calling of the hour when their country needed them most. They have been a bright dot in the darkness so to speak adeer, a point conceded by friend and foe alike.


Were I have critiqued them was their negligence in broadcasting political manifestos that could actually aid the enemy to prolong its presence. I also have failed to see their objection against sitting down with other Somalis. They are not the only political stakeholders in the land you see. I would like to see them holding the places they hold and allowing Ethiopia to withdraw, and giving good Sharif a political breathing room, instead of discrediting him and threatening him. If Ethiopia withdraws from south, they could bargain and participate the subsequent take-care-government peacefully. If Ethiopia fails to withdraw they would be able to continue the resistance with new vigor and energy, and the most reasonable Somalis would see the justification for the continued violence. In both cases they would stand to prevail. It’s their hastiness to denounce Sharif’s approach that I find foolish and unwarranted. Also it seems to me that their political convictions are quite incompatible with the prevailing political orientations of most Somalis. The notion that a failed and broken country, like Somalia, could undertake a campaign of mindless jihadi war to liberate far away islands or challenge the hegemonic policies of the current world order is hard to explain. That, and other threatening postures and empty bravados they have shown, is something I could never endorse.


Still I don’t believe the zero sum game, and I could fathom a workable compromise between these youths, and other secular entities, and Sharifs side. As soon as Ethiopia withdraws, Somalis I believe can bridge their divisions and overcome animosity between them. The first step is to seek every permissible venue to ensure Ethiopia’s complete withdrawal, and that’s what good Sharif is working on adeer.


Why do you find tomorrow too far in the future then ya SOS?

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I'll be the last one to deny the many shortcomings of these youth (leadership), some you've mentioned and other –maybe even greater in severity- you didn't mention. Some things are better not discussed. We all accept that so far their benefits outweighed anything else that could be construed as negative.


The alternative that I see is a dirty game being played to divide and rule along clan lines, that this would quite evidently will be accompanied by violence and anarchy is a given. Time is our best ally yaa Xiinfaniin.

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Only But as far as I can tell, Sharif is right on his approach to deal with all entities in one simple goal in mind, and that’s to end Ethiopia’s occupation in the south, and to subsequently bring all Somalis together.

And on that account, Sharif’s success or failure will clearly and significantly depend on whether Ethiopia withdraws as agreed, and on a timely fashion. And that, my good friends, is a measurable arrangement. Time has indeed come to see whether Sh. Sharif delivers what he promised.

Joking aside, I do respect the chances he has taken. He is might be under immense pressure now, but the guiltiness of shouting "no negotiation till withdrawal" from a distant 5-star hotel must have been worse. Sh Sharif promised complete Ethio withdraw by 15 December 2008. Failure to deliver does not affect my opinion of him. I still give him the benefit of the doubt. What's needed now is for him to end his deafening silence on the issue. Does he believe they're withdrawing? Should the people be patient? He needs to explain why "partners in peace" are calling the Ethios to stay longer. What's his optimism based on, since he officially does not speak to the Ethio. He needs to explain how he's bringing unity when the media is reporting more disintegration and wars. Time for the great wadaad hope to stand up.


As for the likes Al Shabaab, why are you not prepared to judged them on their "intention"? The likes of Abu Mansoor have their own pressures and conscious to deal with. People from all over came to his aid in his hour of need. He can't promise to disband when the Ethios withdraw from Somalia when some of his fighters are from the occupied Killil5. If you were in his boots, what response would give when the media ask the difficult questions? Nothing is black and white.


PS I think you guys are jumping the gun on his presidency (no pun). smile.gif

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What an interesting discussion!


Xiin, as usual, unleashing his generous accommodating nabd-doon goodwill. ( May Allah accept it, amin) and SOS' dig on "what is next" thought train after the matter of Ethiopian retreat, plus Ayoub's conclusive and patient "SABR AYOUB" lets not jump the gun on the Sheikh.


The topic is pregnant with issues, inshAllah I will come back for some of the above.


Ayatollah, Mulugetta


According to the Hadeeth, the Sheikh deserves 72 benefits of the doubt, how many did you give him before suggesting that he is driven by the greenback? even if he was driven by a personal matter, we have lessons In the Seera that a companion of the Prophet SAWS spied for the enemy, and when asked what was his motivation, he admitted that he wanted to save his family, he was not despised nor hurt for treason after it was clear that he loved Allah and the Messenger. This is not to suggest that all informants for the Ethiopians love Allah and the Prophet SAWS, its about those who have participated in the struggle for establishing Allah's code of life ( Deen) n earth, but for some unknown reason, later acted in a bizarre way, contrary to what was expected from them. We need level heads at times of confusion ( Fitna). Baarakallahu feek.




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Shekh Nuur


I admire your wisdom and admit I am not in a position to challenge you on the issues at hand. But I don't think the case of the terrified asxaabi (who was not in a leadership position) is relevant to the deeds of Sheekh Shariif.


1- Sheikh Shariif was the man who declared the Jihaad and he should not have abandoned his collegues at the battle field. The fact that older people continued to fight while he handed over himself to the enemy in Kenya shows a part of his hidden self to me. That is the start. Why?


2- The terrified Asxaabi might have worried about families and may not have alternative. Even so, would his actions been pardoned if he was the leader of the Jammacca? I doubt. This is not to imply that Sheikh Sharif is spying to the Americans, but assuming he is on this new path out of fear for self or families. That leaves the question, does he deserve to be a leader then? What about the others who are dying, and are risking the lives of their close families? Or their entire communties like Sheikh Xassen Dahir Aweys??


3- The third assumption is he is convinced he is on the right track after realising the powers that face him. If he believes what he is doing now (inflating a parliament, getting a position) will bring peace to Somalia, and Ethiopia will be content with it, then I see him as naive. But I suspect he is not naive, nor does he not see where his sponsors are pushing him into? His mission from the US perspective is TO NEUTRALISE THE HARDLINE ISLAMISTS! Is he willing to do that? At the risk of fighting the same Youngetsters he ordered to the battle fileds two years back?????


All these things tell me there are other motives, higher than the ones I set out here for the Sheikh. Time will tell what they are, but I keep my suspicions.

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I believe sh. sharif can only be one of two things:



1- A warlord of the same brand we been seeing for the last two decades motivated by the greenback and 'cheap thrills' like staying at expensive hotels .. addicted to the media limelight, running after the ever-elusive title of 'moderate Muslim leader'


2- the more charitable view would be along the lines of: Never attribute to malice .. that which can be explained away by incompetence

A naive and incompetent leader who is in way over his head in this.


either way sh. sharif is not fit to be president and i sincerely hope that after suffering through the miserable yey the masses do not have to put up with him.




a few other points raised in this thread:


- sh. sharif can take NO credit for the Ethiopian withdrawal ... not since he traded his fatigues in for ill-fitted suits and abandoned his brothers in the battlefield ... the brave young wariors oo magaceena iyo sharafteenaba ciida kor ugu hayay deserve all the respect and admiration for their sacrifice not some two-bit hustler



Abu raises a very good point ... if yey was evil for inviting Ethiopian armies into Somalia to massacre civilians .. shouldn't the same scale be applied to sh. sharif who is willing to deal with them even after what they have subjected the people to ?

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:


- ... not since he traded his fatigues in for ill-fitted suits

I disagree. I watched him carefully last week, and I think I saw the shirt under the suit was a sky-blue Polo. I have to say he has improved in that department.

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^^ lol@ watched him carefully. Lordy lord.


The issue I have with Sh. Sharif and his supporters is they used everything including Islamic doctrine to justify the breach of the "no negotiation under occupation" policy. They gave historical examples and quoted scholars. When the same scholars opposed the joining of the government that brought occupation while Somalia was occupied, they just brushed it aside. That is an ugly character flaw in my opinion, unless someone got an explanation.


PS If Sh. Sharif is motivated by $$, is he still not the best candidate in that field too? If he is just another foreigners-backed warlord, they sure don't make them like they used to. Perhaps he is the smooth silky wadaad-warlord transition Somalia needs. The reason I doubt he will be president is I don't think he has proved to matchmakers he is "warlord" enough. He is being tested as we speak but I think he will fail that test. Nur Cadde, on the other hand, is pressing all the right buttons. Time will tell I'A.

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Quick answers.


Abu Diaby bro.


Baatil will never become Xaqq, what was baatil in 2006 is still baatil, and some of those who stood for Xaq in 2006 are stil standing for Xaq,while others have fallen for Sheitan. People can change with time, but the baatil can never change its essence, even if its sponsors and shape changes to confuse those who seek the Xaq.



Ayatollah bro.


Although the hadeeth that I have quoted was about a saxabi who was not in a leadership position, nor vying for it, leaders as well as subjects are prone to fail if Allah does not make them firm, Allah SWT says in Quraan about Muhammad " Wa lowlaa an thabbatnaaka, laqad kidta tarkanu ileyhim shey an qaliilaa" " and if We have not made you firm, you would have leaned toward their (Quresih) position." So, if the Prophet SAWS was not secure from being tricked with phoney compromises, who else can be? again, I am not advocating for the Sheikh's presidency, I am cautiously exercising the Sunnah way of being prudent when judging others intentions and motivations, otherwise we can fall in the same pit the Khawaarij fell when they killed Othman RAA. Fitna is a dangerous thing, when it comes to an issue between Muslims, we should exercise utmost prudence.



In this thread, we are discussing the issue of giving the benefit of doubt to the Sheikh, his motivation, that he is driven by a desire to save Somalia, but may have went about it the wrong way of crossing the line ( which we all agree), hence the analogy of the Hadeeth of the saxaabi. I was in no way suggesting a new leadership role for the Sheikh, as your remarks are aiding what I have said about the Sheikhs( Very Bizarre actions of late).



Geel Jire brother


Second expalnation is more suitable in the situation at hand, there is another tilt to it, Politicians are promoted to the highest level of failure.



Ayoub bro.


Allah SWT says: "When Allah alone is sanctified, the hearts of those who disbelieve worry, and when others are sanctified, you find them rejoicing." This vers has far reaching meaning, it means that when a Muslim leader who only considers Allah alone in his decisions, takes the lead, the "International Community" worries, when, another "Moderate" leader who accepts the terms from other than Allah, they rejoice.


Imperial King Makers select their appointees ( who rule their empires on their behalf) for the appointees desire for anything but Allah, once they find that a person has "other" interests, or desires, they groom them and package them for wholesale consumption in their Media. The problem is that some of those in the struggle at times, either weaken, break down ( If Allah does not make them firm), or become complacent or out of ignorance cross the unified line of the resistance and think that they can single handedly bridge the gap between those in the resistance and the enemy.




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