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Press Release:Salvation and Consultative Committee of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SCC/SSC)

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Press Release: Salvation and Consultative Committee of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SCC/SSC)

Warkii: Sep 16, 2005

In an extraordinary meeting held by the executive members of the Salvation and Consultative Committee of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SCC/SSC) on 2005-09-11, and in view of the current situation of the region, SCC/SSC confirms the following:

The people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions are not identified with the so-called Somaliland administration. Also, SCC/SSC reiterates that the independence, which came to the Somali people in 1960, has once and for all irreversibly ended the artificial colonial boundaries between British and Italian Somaliland . Hence, any unilateral declaration, like the one on May 19, 1991 by some SNM members with the overly ensuing rhetoric has no bearing whatsoever, and moreover, one has to remember that a unilateral withdrawal from the act of union, signed in 1960 by the respective parliaments of all clans has no validity and understandably the international community continues to support Somalia's unity and territorial integrity at all of the world's fora specially at the United Nations, African Union, EU and Arab League.


Despite the ongoing concerted campaign and propaganda waged by the Isaa q secessionists to portray that “their parliamentarian election†will be held in all the territories of former British Somaliland on 2005-09-29, SCC/SSC confirms that this election will not take place in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions of Sool/Sanaag clans, which is nearly half of the former British Somaliland and of which it's people have never wavered in their nationalism and belonging to Somalia.


Finally, as the “parliamentarian election†has nothing to do with SSC, it is committee's ardent hope that the “ Somaliland †administration will confine its election within the limits of Hergeysa/Burco clans and will not carry out any provocative move which can jeopardise the hard-won peace and stability of the region.

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