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Somalia’s Interior, Foreign Minister denies on mosque massacre

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MOGADISHU, Somalia Apr 22 (Garowe Online) - Somalia’s internal affairs and foreign affairs ministers have issued contradicting statements regarding the brutal massacre of 11 people at a Mogadishu mosque over the weekend.


Interior Minister Muse Nur Amin told reporters on Tuesday that insurgents first attacked Ethiopian and Somali troops to trigger the weekend’s deadly violence, which killed upwards of 80 people according to a local human rights organization.


“I personally do not believe that someone praying at a mosque was pulled out and killed, but I want to make clear that the [Transitional] Federal Government is investigating,” the Interior Minister said in Mogadishu.


He categorically dismissed the idea that, upon investigation, only the Federal Government and its Ethiopian military allies will take blame for the massacre at al Hidaya Mosque, in northern Mogadishu. [ READ: Ethiopian soldiers blamed for mosque massacre in Somalia]


But Somalia’s foreign affairs minister, Mr. Ali “Jangeli” Ahmed, completely denied reports of the mosque massacre, arguing that “no religious men were killed."


“The troops have the right to arrest a criminal who runs into a mosque,” said Foreign Minister Jangeli, who is currently in Washington, D.C., as part of President Abdullahi Yusuf’s delegation.


Somalia’s armed opposition groups have condemned the al Hidaya Mosque killings, where a well-known Imam [prayer leader] was shot to death by soldiers in front of witnesses.


Mohamud Ibrahim Suley, spokesman for the Islamic Courts movement, said the al Hidaya Mosque killings have placed the ongoing reconciliation process “in the dark.”


Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, chairman of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), reportedly left Djibouti and returned to his exile home in Asmara, Eritrea, following the weekend violence in Mogadishu.


Djibouti is the location where Somali government officials and ARS opposition figures planned to convene on May 10 to begin peace talks.


Local sources said more than 40 Islamic students were arrested by the Ethiopian soldiers who stormed the mosque and are blamed for the brutal slaying of 11 people inside, including Sheikh Said Yahya, the Imam of al Hidaya Mosque.


As of Tuesday afternoon, most of the students have not been released.


Source: Garowe Online

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^GO FIGURE EH. I don't even read garowe trash, and yet here they are, a day late and a penny short getting the story of the other side out to the public.(By now if somalia was a functioning country and believed in death penalty, we would be putting needle in the arms of the amxaaro and garoowe online will come just after the fact to get the other side of the story out. No time for investigation, no judge or jury, just folks full of rage)


What would ethio's get out of killing a man oo illaah usujuudanaayo?


Witnesses, witnesses, witnesses. Dad banaanka ka fiirsanaayo what's happening inside of a building are reliable bunch@koora.


PS: I am pleading with the anti amxaaro group, please don't let your hate cloud your judgement. You must use your brain and allow it to actually function before aad "ethio's aa dad dileen meesha la imaataan".

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^eedo, I was never a TFG supporter, but at the same time, I can no longer sit still and be brain washed like the rest of these folks into thinking that our "people fighters" aka the fake army oo wadaado isku sheegayo are our saviours and have our best interest at heart. They have blood of innocent people on their hands as much as the amxaaro, if not more.


This one sided report and this condemnation to the ethio's without burden of proof is getting trying Che. Its time we open our eyes eedo.


Tfg is not the solution, nor are the wadaado's, so what now?

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Lazie, you argument seems to be all over the place. At one moment you're saying " ooh, they're were probably fighters whom sheltered in a mosque". How would you know? Marna, you appear to be saying this story appears one sided and Wadaads should be condemned too. Marke dambe, you say the killing of the Sheikhs was apparently made up by drama Queens! Xita, waxaad leedahay, " what would Xabashis get out of killing an innocent( as if we would know). Forgive me, but what is your actual take on this story?



In any case, Xabashis slaughtering innocent Somalis wax cusub ma ahan.............

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Lazy--We can question the tactics being employeed by Al-Shabaab and I personally don't care for global Jihad and their willingness to kill anyone who they deem UnIslamic.One must however keep in mind the Woyanes are not here to help. They are here to obliterate everything Somali, and they do that everyday in Somalia and SomaliGalbeed.The unfortunate actions by Al-Shabaab shouldn't excuse the atrocities committed by the Tigray on daily basis.


P.S. And please those condemning the Al-Shabaab, if you disagree their methods, then join the fight!


PPS...There are actual vidoes of this and many other atrocities. These things are rumors. A year or so ago, many saying Ethio troops in Somali soil were just a rumor, and now we have people saying atrocities by the Tigray are fabricated.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

They are here to obliterate everything Somali, and they do that everyday in Somalia and SomaliGalbeed.

If they fall under this line of thinking, Somalis or Muslims in Addis Ababa wouldn't have been treated better than they are treated in Nairobi.


You won't have seen Jigjiga University,(

JIgjiga, the capital booms with commercial activities , daily interactions and so forth.


Godey has buildings you won't even find in Mogadisho, the capital of Somalia.



You have to be objective thinker rather than being blinded by hateful comments, propagandistic in style, of clannist advocates.



I don't deny the existance of civilians being killed or arrested for charges that they aid and abet the activities of ONLF. It is inhuman and dictatorial in nature to go after civilians, but what I detest is projecting one-sided views of blind hatred and rejecting the TFG’s efforts based on this biased, traditional enmity, the cause of which is the activities of ONLF, an organization that seeks a total independence from Ethiopia. In its Manifesto, it does not in principle approve of Greater Somalia, but an outright Independence.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

PS: I am pleading with the anti amxaaro group, please
don't let your hate cloud your judgement. You must use your brain and allow it to actually function before aad "ethio's aa dad dileen meesha la imaataan".

Good Point.

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Geelka, I still stand by it.

"At one moment you're saying " ooh, they're were probably fighters whom sheltered in a mosque".

This is definitely a possibility, or else why would the army enter the masjid in the first place?



About the one-sideness, I was referring to non other than the "prestigious" Garowe online(what a bs). They seemed one sided, atleast regarding the slaughering business.



Marke dambe, you say the killing of the Sheikhs was apparently made up by drama

I was referring to the body of the story. Whoever is behind it had exagerrated the facts and wants us to all slam our keyboards in protest of these killings without proof and it ain't gonna fly with me geelka.

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L, i think this is the most balanced thing you have said on this forum and i really welcome this change of heart, if thats what it is.

For the rest, would hurt you guys to let facts come and then let the facts speak for themselves instead of presenting your opinions as facts. as for all the xabasha bashing in this forum, i would suggest you guys go to addis or asmara instead sol and encouraging bunch of starving maskiins to risk their lives because of a hatred you have for other Somalis or xabashas. talk the talk, walk the walk.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

Geelka, I still stand by it.
quote:"At one moment you're saying " ooh, they're were probably fighters whom sheltered in a mosque".

This is definitely a possibility, or else why would the army enter the masjid in the first place?



About the one-sideness, I was referring to non other than the "prestigious" Garowe online(what a bs). They seemed one sided, atleast regarding the slaughering business.



Marke dambe, you say the killing of the Sheikhs was apparently made up by drama

I was referring to the body of the story. Whoever is behind it had exagerrated the facts and wants us to all slam our keyboards in protest of these killings without proof and it ain't gonna fly with me geelka.
Walaal Lazie, koley anigu, I'm personally wouldn't want to do a JFK rational analysis as to why Xabashis entered and how these Sheikhs killed. Whoever wants to become an investigative journalist, go ahead.


Suffice it to say if do a bit of research you will find that Xabashis need not any reasons to enter Masajids in Muqdisho. They entered a masjid and arrested some Tabliq Sheikhs at the start of the occupation. Videos have been recorded as to the extent of purposely inflicted damaged that they perpetrated against Muqdisho Masajids. It's also well known that Some were used as military Saldigs.


As for this well known Tabliqi Sheikh, I highly doubt He was a fighter nor any of his fellow Sheikhs. Why would I.C.U fighters hide in a masjid without weapons? Also, Xabashis walk around Muqdisho I doubt they would safely walk into a Masjid with armed fighters without calling for tanks and heavy they could be ambushed and targeted by improvised devices. Whatever the case, Sheikhyaashi waa la dilay...they've been buried.......Gaal madow oo gaajo ah ninki wax kale ka sugeyey.........

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Dhulka anagaa leh, and few buldings here and there in 100 years won't force us to take an identity we don't want to be associated with. Simply put : ETHIOPIAN ma nihin and we will never be!

And freedom and choice of your destiny is more improtanat than what you talk about here. By the way, don't you think we would have made bigger leaps of development without Axmaaro? Do you think being part of this savage and primitive souls is to our beneift?

And on a factual error one, Where are the buldings in Gode that outsmart those in Moqdisho?Have you been to Godey? waa halkee halkaad SHERATON HOTEL iiga dhigaysaa?

Qabyaaladu ma fiicna, reerkayagaa dawlad haysta waa waxa halkaa ina dhigay. Let us grow out of it. And change must start from everyone of us.

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