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Somaliland Expels Interpeace

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Hay'ad laga eryay Somaliland


Booliiska Somaliland, ayaa maanta ka saaray Hargeisa wakiilkii Hay'adda Interpeace, Mr Samoro, taasoo diiwaangelita ka caawinayay guddiga doorashada Somaliland.


Guddiga Doorashooyinka Somaliland, ayaa maanta ku dhawaaqay in Wakiilkii Hay'adda xafiiskeeda Hargeysa laga eryo Somaliland .


Wuxuu ku eedeeyay Wakiilka inuu Si sharci darro ah Shalay Galab ugu qaybiyay Xisbiyada Qaarkood Natiijadii diiwaangelita Codbixiyayaasha ee Muranku Ka taagnaa.


Guddoomiyaha guddiga doorashooyinka Jaamac Maxamuud Cumar oo markaa ka dib uu wareystay Weriyaha BBC-da ee Hargeysa Axmed Saciid Cige ayaa ugu sababaha ay u eryeen wakiilkii hay'adda Interpeace Mr. Samoro.


Waa Dood gaaban oo ku saabsan muranka natiijada diiwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha doorashada Somaliland.


Waxaa ka qaybgalaya wakiilo sare oo ka tirsan xisbiyada Somaliland, oo sababay hadda in laga eryo Somaliland wakiilkii Interpeace, iyo deeqbixiyayaasha oo taageeray Natiijada ay soo saartay Hayadda Interpeace.


Xisbiyada mucaaradku waxay sheegeen in ay cambaaraynayaa eryidda wakiilka hay'adda diiwaangalinta codbixiyayaasha doorashada Somaliland.

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Lool now Riyaale is chasing the same foreign organisation that used to support the secessionist talking points. Things don't look good JB. Your foreign minister looks like a crak Head in Washington & now this.

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