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Gaddafi: 'Mad dog' no more!!

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what do the Reer Baadiye/Miiyi on SOL make of this Carab/Berber Bedouin?


Col Gaddafi is the
longest-serving leader in the Arab world
, having ruled Libya since he toppled King Idris I in a
bloodless coup at the age of 27

Known for his flamboyant dress-sense and
gun-toting female body guards
, the Libyan leader is also considered a
skilled political operator
who moved swiftly to bring his country out of diplomatic isolation.

In 1977 he invented a system called the "Jamahiriya" or "state of the masses", in which power is meant to be held by thousands of "peoples' committees

On foreign trips he sets up camp in a luxury Bedouin tent and is accompanied by armed female bodyguards - said to be
considered less easily distracted than their male counterparts

A tent is also used to receive visitors in Libya, where Col Gaddafi sits through meetings or interviews swishing the air with a horsehair or palm leaf fly-swatter.

"I see him very much as a Berber tribesman, somebody who came out of a culture informed by the desert, by the sand, and in some ways very atypical of modern leadership, and that's given him a certain endurance and persistence."

for further reading

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A meeting of more than 200 African kings and traditional rulers has bestowed the title "king of kings" on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Sheikh Abdilmajid from Tanzania told the BBC that the traditional rulers could play an important role.


"The people believe in the chiefs and kings more than they believe in their governments," he said.



these guyz like him :D

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indeed they do!! or perhaps the petro dollar??


which ever you looked at it - this nomad has made big impression in the world.


i also hear no longer wants to be an Arab - hence reason why he waers logo of Africa every where he goes

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^I dont think he has ever been less of an African,he wears his africanness with pride! He has been on the for-front to bring the reality of a united Africa either be it of trade or army etc


His support to the Southern African nations during their quest for independence and abolition of apatheid, Gaddafi was their greatest alience.


He is admired by many,for standing up to the powers in the west, many condemned him for that but like Castro he had proved a nation can exist without the super powers running the show,one can be independent of being a puppet..For that he has my admiration.


He is in the league of Nkurumah,Nyerere,Mugabe[i know I dont like the old man but he has made history]etc..

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^LOL,your having a blonde moment miyaa? :D Why are you confused or even baffled,havent those men have their inprint in the African History?


Homework for you Sayid,What is the link between these men?


If your still baffled or confused,I shall try and break it down later for got to get back to work now.. smile.gif

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Looooooool@BG, What does Mugabe stand for,if not for Africa being for Africans isnt that the same of Gaddafi's philosophy?

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Mugabe is a true african hero. Accuse him of poor judgement (if you may) for picking a fight with the wrong people, but he is not what they say in the BBC and CNN. Come to his land and witness.

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the blatant differences between these morons Nkurumah, Nyerere & Mugabe and this crazy nomad is

1. they speak/spoke english better than the former master, who by the way invented the language. the crazy nomad can hardly speak his official language(arabic) let alone english.


2. they were house niggers, althought one run away (mugabe)to the fields, once the kitchen got hot. he (qaddafi) lives on the desert of all deserts and he never once lived in air/conditioned house.


3. They paid lip service to African Unity - he paid in dollars


4. the crazy nomad is the only african leader to get compensation for his people from their former masters (italiano)


5. i continue - but i might break fast, so i'll stop here.

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