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Sharif's trip to Xamar sends shivers down the spine of Yeey and his supporters

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Waxaa maanta duhur-nimadii ka soo degay garoonka dayniile ee magaalada Muqdisho wefdi isugu jira xubnaha labada gole, uuna hor kacayey guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo imaatinkiisa Muqdisho ilaa maalmahan laga hadal-hayey.

Ammaanka garoonka dayniile ayaa maanta ahaa mid ka duwan siduu ahaa, kadib markii halkaasi laga waayey wax tikniko ah waxaana booskii tiknikada bedelay baabuurta yaryar oo ay wateen dadka soo dhoweynayey guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, iyadoo tiro ka badan 500 oo baabuurta yaryar ah ay ka qeybgaleen soo dhoweynta guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka.

Wefdiga guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ayaa markii ay ka soo degaan garoonka dayniile loo soo galbiyey Ex. Xaruntii XHKS halkaasoo ay ku sugayeen xubnaha labada gole ee dowladda ee Muqdisho ku sugan & dadweyne aad u fara badan, waxaana soo buux dhaafiyey garoonka dayniile ilaa xarunta xisbiga oo ah halka farriisinka u ah xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho ku sugan dadweyne watay boorar ay ku dhigan yihiin hal ku dhigyo ay ku soo dhoweynayaan wefdiga guddoomiyaha.Guddoomiye Shariif Xasan oo kula hadlayey xarunta xisbiga dadkii ka soo qeybgalay soo dhoweyntiisa, ayaa wuxuu sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay ku soo laabashadii magaala madaxda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho, isagoo sheegay in imaatinkiisu ku soo beegmay xilli xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho ay guda-galeen howlihii nabadeynta. Guddoomiye Shariif wuxuu sheegay in ay dhibaato weyn ku tahay shacabka dowlad la’aanta, wuxuuna ka codsaday shacabka Muqdisho, gaar ahaan ganacsatada in ay gacan siiyaan dowladda, kalana shaqeeyaan howlaha suggida nabadgelyada & coo celinta sharciga & kala dambeynta.Munaasbada 15-ka Mey oo maanta ku beegan waxaan hambalyo & bogaadin u dirayaa dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed, oo aan ka codsanayo in ay maskaxdooda geliyaan sidii ay dalkooda & dadkood wax ugu qaban lahaayeen taariikhdana ay baal wanaagsan kaga geli lahaayeen, maanta dalku wuxuu u baahan yahay dhalinayaro wadaniyiin ah oo badbaadiya, meel kasta oo joogaana ay is walaashaadaan oo wixii dhacay ay xalay dhalay ka noqdaan†ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo dhinaca kalena si weyn ugu mahadceliyey xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho ku sugan & howlihii ay qabteen, wuxuuna shacabka Muqdisho ku bogaadiyey gacantii ay siiyeen dedaalada lagu nabadeynayo Muqdisho.


“Walaalayaal waxaan dooneynaa in aan is cafino ILLAAHEYN u towbad keeno maadaama Soomaali is dishay dhibaato-na ay dhex-martay, haddii aynaan towbad keenin wax noo soconaya ma lahan, dad Muslim ah ayaan nahay waana gefnay waana in aan niraahnaa ILLAAHEY TOWBA†ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan oo weydiistay shacabka in ay ka towbad keenaan gefkii, wuxuuna sheegay haddii aysan Soomaalidu is xalin in qolo kale oo dano gaar ah leh ay oran doonaan annaga ayaa idin xalineyna.


“Caalamka oo dhan anaga ayaa dowlad la’aan ka ah, haddii aysan dowladi wax anfac ah laheyn caalamku ma qaateen dowladnimada, adeegii dowladnimado ee Soomaalidu meel kasta oo ay joogtay ay u baahneyd ayaa la waayey, haddii caafimaad, waxbarasho & nabadgelyo la waayana wax jira ma lahan†ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka oo intaasi sii raaciyey.


“Madaxtinimada aan isku riix-riixeyno aan inta meel iska dhigno u tuurrno mustaqbalka ilmaheena & waalidiinta Soomaaliyeed, haddii aanan sidaa la yeelanna waxaa run ah in taariikhda berri baal madow laga galayoâ€.


“Talaabadii ay shalay qaadeen xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho ku sugan ee ay hubka & maleeshiyada banaanka uga saareen magaalada adduunku oo dhan waa uu ka hadlay si weyn ayaana loo soo dhoweeyey, waxeyna ku tilmaamay talaabo wanaagsan oo horay loo qaaday†ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Aadan

“Nin kasta oo Xamar yimid oo inta aan arkay soo arkay, wuxuu ogaanayaa magaalada dadka joogay in ay tashan karaan, go’aanna leeyihiin, aragtidoodana ay tahay mid isku mid ah oo yihiin dad walaalo ah†ayuu yiri Shariif-ka


Ka naxoo nafta waa



Where are the 14 broken technicals?


Heybed waxaad ku ledahey dalkada hooyo


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Somali divisions widen as speaker leaves Kenya

By Mohamed Ali Bile

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's parliament speaker flew to Mogadishu from Kenya on Sunday to try to install the assembly in the capital, deepening a rift within the government over where it should be based.


The dispute has increased power struggles within President Abdullahi Yusuf's government, which has worked from offices in Kenya since it was formed there at peace talks last year.


Yusuf and his supporters want to base the administration outside the lawless capital, which they say is too dangerous.


The government intends to disarm all militias in the anarchic country and establish an effective administration for the first time in 14 years.


Its location is a key security issue for the Horn of Africa, a region long buffeted by Somalia's political turmoil.


The speaker, Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan, flew to Mogadishu to back his view that the capital should host the government and to protest against a parliamentary vote supervised by Yusuf last week to site the administration in two provincial towns, aides said.


Diplomats said Adan, who took no part in the session, had been humiliated by Yusuf's action.


Adan, who flew from Nairobi accompanied by some 20 MPs, questioned whether the vote carried credible political support since about 100 members of the 275-strong body are currently in Somalia, many of them staying away from Nairobi as a protest against Yusuf's policies.


(^^ Note Duke this is a quote from Reuters and not from a Pukeland Media )


An aide to Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Gedi said he took note of Adan's move but the government was carrying on with its plan to relocate to the towns of Baidoa and Jowhar. The aide said Gedi would announce a cabinet reshuffle on Monday, but did not elaborate.


Somalia collapsed into chaos after the overthrow of military ruler Mohammed Siad Barre in 1991, and conflict and famine have killed hundreds of thousands of people since then.

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This whole story about how many Mp’s are there, are here. Is very confusing but am finally out here 103 Mp are outside of Nairobi this numbers are true because there was a list of the all the MP’s that weren’t in Nairobi 152 Mp’s attended the meeting that took place 11 may 2005 if it wasn’t so the international community wouldn’t recognised the decisions that were made that day but international community recognised the meeting of 11 May so therefore this amount of mp’s that Yusuf group claim are true so far we have 152+103=255 therefore we have 20 mp’s leftover that were in Nairobi but didn’t attend the meeting of 11 May this group is pro-shariif so now we got all of the 275 Mp so let us summary this thing


Facts are


172 Mp’s were in Nairobi on 11 May


152 pro-yusuf

20 pro-shariif


103 Mp’s weren’t in Nairobi

The only thing that we know about this group overwhelming majority are stationed in Mogadishu but we don't know how big their are but we do know is that pro-yusuf Mp’s are also in Somalia and outside of Nairobi so Mogadishu group can’t claim all of the 103 Mp's


My conclusion on this story is that Shariif can’t held any parliament meeting in Mogadishu Shariif came with 6 Mp’s from Nairobi and there are approximately 82 Mp’s in Mogadishu

82+7=89 Mp’s in Mogadishu this number is far from the 139 Mp’s needed for a parliament session

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