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How Ethiopian regime guided Western policy to triple failure in Somalia

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Today, the ****** people’s armed struggle in Southern and Central Somalia continues to prevail decisively to victory; while for all intents and purposes Ethiopia has lost the war it launched. America and European superpowers have conceded that the Ethiopian occupation was of limited utility (if at all useful), and now an abysmal and humiliating defeat. Moreover, militarily speaking there is not much the Ethiopian conscript army can do to influence events in the Resistance-held South Somalia. The whole Occupation has become “operationally dead” in the face of a growing, popular and more determined protracted insurgency. The useless Ethiopian allied war criminal ****** “TFG” entity has already self-destructed into mutually unintelligible parasitic pieces; whose ugly demise was foretold long before the ongoing defeat of the Ethiopian occupation army.


Therefore, in hindsight the Western powers through their many mistakes have themselves grossly miscalculated on both the resilience of the ****** people’s Resistance and the Ethiopian mass murderer Meles Zinawi regime’s capability to subdue that Resistance; not to mention its erstwhile ******-TFG collaborators who are fleeing to and from like rats today. Somalia is a systemic and blunt Western miscalculation that has effectively eroded the competency of the US-EU Superpowers in the Third World and on the global stage, specifically in terms of organizational integrity and credibility, all at a time of growing anti-Western sentiment in the Muslim world and emerging counterweight military rivals in Russia, China, Venezuela and Iran. In addition, the current US-EU paralysis-cum Ethiopian genocide debacle in Somalia is also a 20 year policy of utter quagmire and blowback!


Consequently, this essay attempts to answer the question asked by so many Somali victims of Ethiopian genocide and non-Somalis alike—in fact the whole world today: Why have the Western powers, who themselves manufactured the decades long Somalia Civil War, been so profoundly unable to resolve that crisis? In other words, why have US-EU policy failed so dramatically when it could have succeeded, especially given that the US-EU started the war and with some intelligible actions ( based on firm understanding of the internal Somali tribal conflict dynamics) could easily resolved it?




It contains Clan names and is better to read from the original source.

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