General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 Under his admin the public designed and Puntland gained its very own State Flag & coat of arms... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 He worked Washington well and his trip led to the new two track proposal by the US. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saalax Posted December 3, 2010 Managed to isolate SSC also managed to isolate the ONLF folks arresting their elders, civilians etc. Not to mention since he took office the security of puntland has been getting worse with daily assisinations the latest being ( commanderkii hore ee Garoowe - Nugaal). Created disunity in Puntland ( puntland now is more diveded than ever). That is some of his other achievements. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 ^^^Thanks for your input, and keep them coming. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 Opening the airport in the capital city Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted December 3, 2010 ^^^wasn't that cadde muses achievement Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 EU Ambassadors in Structural Dialogue with Puntland. Garowe - A historic meeting took place in Puntland when a delegation of Ambassadors and Embassy representatives from the European Union convened with high-ranking officials from the Puntland Government. The meeting was an initial step taken towards the establishment of structural dialogue between Puntland and the European Union. It is envisaged that the EU and Puntland will engage in a similar dialogue to be held in Nairobi a few months from today. Heading the EU delegation was the Temporary President of the EU to Somalia, H.E Nicolas Martin Cinto. H.E Nicolas Martin Cinto is also the Ambassador of Spain to Kenya. The delegation comprised of H.E Mr. Stefano Antonio Dejak, the Ambassador of Italy to Kenya, Mr. Renaud Ferrand , the first Counselor at the Embassy of France in Kenya and Mr. BIELECKI Andrzej the First Secretary at the Embassy of Belgium in Kenya. From the Embassy of Finland Mr. Jussi Laurikainen, the Assistant/Governance for Good Governance and Regional Issues/Somalia was present while Ms. Paula Vazquez Horyaans presented the EU Somalia Operations Unit. Mr. Mohamed Osman Aden, the Counselor at the Somali Embassy in Kenya, accompanied the delegation. The Vice-president of Puntland, H.E Brig. Gen. Abdisamad Ali Shire and members of the Puntland Government warmly received the EU delegation at Garowe Airport today before escorting them to the Presidential Palace in Garowe. On arrival at the Presidential Palace, the delegation met privately with H.E President Abdirahman Mahamed Mahamud in his office at the palace. Then, they were ushered into the conference facility where they discussed with Cabinet Ministers and authorities from the Office of the President. In the conference room, the delegation was introduced to the Minister of Security, the Minister of Interior, Local Government and Rural Development, the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, the Minister for Marine Transportation and Ports, The Minister for Environment and The Minister of Health from the Puntland Government. The delegation also met the State Minister of the Puntland Presidency for Democratization and Federal Affairs, The State Minister of the Puntland Presidency for Security, the Special Police Unit Commander and the Chief of Staff at the Office of the President. "This is a historic moment for Puntland," H.E President Abdirahman Mahamed Mahamud said. "It is the first time that Puntland has received such a high ranking delegation." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: ^^^wasn't that cadde muses achievement I like the way you try to keep up with Puntland politics, there is hope for you after all. Yes H.E Mohamoud Muse Hersi started this, but it was completed in Faroole's term. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 The appointment of competent Ministers 1. Abdi Farah Juxaa Minister of Education. This minister in the shortest of time has unified the state curriculum and gained higher education scholarships for hundreds of top performing students of the state. Today we have our students with the support of the state undergoing their education in top Universities throughout Africa and the Middle East. Ardeyda Iskuulada PL oo gali kara Jamacadaha Ethiopia 1 Jul 1, 2010 - 11:18:38 PM GAROWE ONLINE, Abshir Cabdulahi Wasiirka wasaarada waxbarashada Dowlada Puntland Cabdi Farah Sicid (Juxaa) oo haatan jooga magaalada Nairobi xarunta wadanka Kenya ayaa Radio Garowe uga waramey safarkiisa kasoo ka bilaamay caasimada wadanka Ethiopia Adisababa. Md. Juxaa waxaa uu sheegey in safarkiisu uu labo arrimood isugu jirro kuwaas oo kale ah; 1. Aqoonsi uu wadanka Ethiopia uga halley manhajka waxbarashada Puntland ka dib balan horey uga dhaxeysay isaga iyo xubno sar sarre oo ka tirsan dowlada ka tirsan la kulmey. 2. Arrimo caafimaad oo uu tagey wadanka Kenya caasimada Nairobi . Cabdi Faarax (juxaa) waxa uu sheegey in dowlada Ethiopia si rasmiya u aqonsatey Manhajka Waxbarashada Puntland,ka kadib markii uu la kulmey xubno uu ku jirro Wasiiru Dowlaha waxbarashada Ethiopia iyo madax ka socotey wasarada waxbarashada ee dalkaas. . “Waxaan ugu bishaareynayaa bahda waxbarashada Puntland in xilligaan wixii ka danbeeya aqoonsi buuxa aanu ka haysano dowlada Ethiopia taasi oo noo aqoon u sahleysa ardey badan oo Reer Puntland ah iney Waxbarashadooda ka dhigan karraan Jaamacadaha, Macaahida & Iskuulada ku yaal wadanka Ethiopia,”ayuu yiri Md. Juxaa oo u waramayey Barnaamijka Qoromada habeenimo ee Radio Garowe. Wasiirka ayaa intaa ku darey in ay jirreen ka hor intii Dowlada Ethiopia uusan ka hellin aqoonsiga Manhajka Waxbarashada Puntland shuruudo ay usoo gudbiyeen, kuwaas oo ay wasaaradiisu uga soo baxdey si wanaagsan, sidoo kalena Mr. Juxa waxaa uu sheegey in ay jirto deeq waxbarasho oo ay ka dhowrayaan Dowlada Ethiopia, Taasi oo wax ka tari doonta ardeyda dugsiyada sarre dhameysta ee aan awoodin bixinta in jamacado banaanka ah aadi karin ama aan iska bixin karin kahrashadka waxbarasho. Horey waxaa aqoonsi u siiyey Manhajka waxbarashada Puntland wadamo ay ka mid yihiin Yemen & Sudan, islamarkaana wasaarada Waxbarashada Puntland ardey u dhoofisey, kuwaas oo isugu jira ardey hellay deeq Waxbarasho iyo kuwo aqoonsi la siiyey Manhajka waxbarashada Puntland ku dhigta jaamacadaha iyo macaahida wadamadaasi. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 Appointment of competent Ministers 2. Dr Ali Abdullahi Warsame was promoted from the Director General of the Minsitry of Education to the post of Minister of Health. He is arguably with Juxaa one of the most competent technocrats ever to take a post in Puntland. Dr Warsame achievements have been breathtaking, in less than a year he has rehabilitated the major hospitals of Galkacyu, Garowe and has helped lay the foundation stone and construction of a new General Hospital in the city of Burtiinle. His other major achievement has been to bring much needed attention and support from the international community. Delegations from the WHO, EU, US, and the Middle East have been flocking to Garowe much to the credit of the aforementioned Minister. Who could ever forget the sight of 20 or so Turkish Doctors visitng peacefull Puntland[/i] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 Supporting the national interest Puntland receives and launches Somalia's draft constitution 27 Aug 27, 2010 - 1:41:23 PM Officials of Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland led by President Abdirahman Mohammed Farole got opportunity to receive and officially launched a draft constitution presented to them by members of the Independent Federal Constitution Commission [iFCC] and UNDP. The launching ceremony of the draft constitution was held at Garowe Presidential Palace. Hawa Ali Jama, a member of IFCC was hopeful that the adoption of the new draft constitution will be realized soon. Puntland parliament speaker Abdirashid Mohammud Hirsi said the new draft is critical for the guide to the end of transitional governments in Somalia and ushering in a new era of peace. On his part, President Farole welcomed the consultative meeting, adding that new draft is official launches in Garowe, the administrative capital. He sent his government condolence to recent attacks on parliamentarians in Mogadishu, which killed six lawmakers. Al-Shabaab, a hardline insurgent group fighting the UN-backed Somali TFG and African Union troops was responsible for the attacks. The Independent Federal Constitution Commission [iFCC], comprising of 29 members, was mandated by the Transitional Federal Charter for Somalia to prepare the draft constitution for public consultation across the horn of African nation and Diaspora. The team embarked on consultation drive that will saw them visit many parts of the war-torn country. “The aim of the two-month public consultation period is therefore to draft a final constitution that is supported, reflects and represents Somali people's views of governance systems, right and duties in their nation,” said the commission in a statement. The Commission aim to present a final draft constitution this December. On August 14, the document was circulated to the cabinet and the members of the Somalia’s Transitional Federal Parliament for review and consultation. Somali Parliament is expected to vote for the constitution soon. GAROWE ONLINE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qodax Qorax Posted December 3, 2010 Faroole has done a some good thinks. -He has pacified the conflicts with Somaliland in Sool and Sanaag. -He pays the salaries of the military and security personnel regularly. Cade Muuse neglected to pay their salaries, which resulted in dissatisfied soldiers who deserted military bases and contributed to insecurity and piracy. -Distanced Puntland from the failing TFG. -Improved clan relations and unity between Qardo, Garowe and Galkacyo folks. Remember that Cade didnt like to go to Garowe due to dissatisfied Garowe folks and rather stayed in Bosasso? And fights use to break out in Parliament when Cade attended? Faroole is a good man. He wants the best for his folks(read Qardo, Garowe and Galkacyo). But he faces also some challenges, for example: -He needs to seriously combat piracy. Puntland has profited financially very well from piracy. It has brought hundred of millions in to Puntland's Economy. But the pirate industry is now very well organised, funded and powerfull and has more resources then the Puntland goverment. They have broaden their territory up to Garacad. This is becoming a danger to the Puntland authority. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted December 3, 2010 ^^^Yeah he wants the best for his people all of Puntland like all the Presidents before him. Again a welcome point of view, though one totally disagrees with it.. Faroole is the President of the State of Puntland and thus far has done a good jog. Yes he made mistakes but the best thing is the state is getting stronger by the minute. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SayidSomal Posted December 3, 2010 ***********PLEASE RESPECT THE RULES OF THE WEBSITE AND STOP THE PROFANITY******************* [ December 03, 2010, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Admin ] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites