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President Sharif Ahmed first visit to Addis Ababa

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Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo Ku Guulaystey Doorashadii Madaxweynaha DFKMG


Wareeggii saddexaad ee doorashadii madaxweynaha DFKMG oo Janaayo 30, 2009 ee lagu qabtay Jabuuti ayaa waxaa ku guulaystey Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed, waxana uu helay 293 cod, halka musharaxii la tartamayey oo ahaa Maslax Maxamed Siyaad Barre uu helay 126 cod... Waxaa markaas goobtii hadal ka jeediyey Maslax iyo Shariif Sh. Axmed.. Halkaan Dhegeyso ama Soo Rogo. (Waxaa la dhaarinayaa 9-ka subaxnimo ee saacadda Bariga Afrika ee Janaayo 31, 2009).


Shariif Sheikh Axmed


Sheikh Shariif waxa uu ku dhashay Shabeelada Dhexe sannadkii 1964. Waxana uu waxbarashada Dugsiga Sare ku dhamaystay Muqdisho. Kaddibna waxa uu Jaamac ku qaatay Sudan iyo Liibiya isagoo Jaamacadda furan dhamaystay 1999. Sannadkii 2004 ayuu noqday Guddoomiyihii maxkamadda Sii-Sii ee Muqdisho. Sannadkii 2006 waxa uu ka mid noqday hoggaamiyaashii Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ugu cadcaddaa. Waxaana Muqdisho ka cayriyey ciidamadii Itoobiya ee xoogga ku galay Soomaaliya. Kaddib waxa uu tegey Kenya oo uu uga sii gudbey Casmara oo ay ka sameeyeen Ururkii Dib u xoraynta, ururkaas oo laba u kala jaabay, garab ku haray Casmara iyo garab aadey Jabuuti oo ah meesha ay ku doorteen xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka DFKMG oo lagu kordhiyey 200 oo xubnood oo ah garabkii Jabuuti.


Sidii Doorashadu u dhacday iyo "Madaxweynaha la Doortay oo Tegi Doona Addis Ababa ka hor inta uusan Dooran Ra'iisul Wasaare" hoos ka akhri:

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Because he is going to the African Union meeting on Sunday. Where else did you think he would going? Meles Zenewi's abode as has been the pattern in the last couple years? smile.gif

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I think it is how you interpreted the sentence. ;)


Of course, it is true he will be going there prior to naming a prime minister. What is so wrong about saying that?

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Dabshid, reading the link Duke posted I find this more interesting:


Sheikh Maxamed Cabdi Umal oo Si Kulul uga Hadlay Shirka Jabuuti


Dhanka Kale, Sheikh Maxamed Cabdi Umal oo ah Sheikh aad looga yaqaan Soomaaliya oo hadda ku sugan Nairobi, Kenya ayaa khudabadii Jimcada ee Masjidka 6-steet uu ka jeediyey waxa uu si kulul u dhaliilay culimada ku sugan Jabuuti ee ku dhaartat Kitaabka si ay ugu hoggaansamaan dastuur dad qoreen, waxana uu yiri : "Waxa ay ku dhaaranayaan Kitaabka Allah, waxaana ay sheegayaan in ay u hogaansamayaan Dastuurka Dowladda ee ka soo horjeeda Kitaabka iyo Sunnada Nabiga NNKH.... Subxaanallaah".

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Kitaabka "qabyaalada" ayaay ku dhaartaan. To these killers using islam is a means; Sheikh Sharif started by reciting some dua in arabic only to thank the warlord, murderers and child killers.

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As president you have to be diplomatic and extend a hand (or even a hug) to your enemies. What is the difference between meeting Meles and calling the warlords he fought in Xamar "walaalahey"?

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hell no! there r some place as somali leader that u cant show up in.... #1 is addis or u be like another yeeye.


thats rule #1...for somalis period. i cant imagine him going will be death neals for his coffin...sounds like false cheerleader info.

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Very sensitive move, this is what predecessor,Yeey did after he was elected, his priorities should be bring Somalis together, fro within, not visiting foreign countries.



Umal is very influential Sheikh,Masha Allah, and has many followers, she should work with the new President.

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Waranle, Shariif needs to focus on the assignment in front of him, and that is to get on with the selection of PM and the cabinet. Any dash move to do a photo-op with Meles a day after this historic election makes no sense from a PR point of view.

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Libaax, I get your point; but selecting an MP and a cabinet will not quinch our thirst for peace- and peace can only come when we abandon the "titles" and seek justice.


My point is that his challenges exceed the notion of extending a hug to Meles; he should go south and cry (and console) at the feet of every somali victim; and make it clear that there will be no warlord, tribalist in parliament or government.

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