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Kulankii Xisbul Islam iyo Shababka

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Sheekh Xasan Daahir Oo Warqad Qoraal Ah U Gudbiyay Muhaajiriinta & Shababka

Faahfaahin dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxay Kulankii ay ku yeesheen deegaanka Ceelasha Biyaha Horjoogayaasha Xisbul Islam Sh.Xasan daahir Aweys & Wakiilka Madaxa Muhaajiriinta Faysal Al-fadli oo ay wehliyaan Madaxa Shababka, Sh.C/maan Zubeyr (Godane) & Fu'aad Shongolea, kulanka ayaa ahaa mid aad loo sugayay labada dhinac waxaana halkaasi looga hadlay arimo badan oo ku aadan sidii marka hore xabada loo joojin lahaa iyadoo isla markaana dib leyskugu celin lahaa wixii ay kala qabsadeen labada dhinac.


Kulanka ayaa la sheegay iney dalbadeen Wakiilada Muhaajiriinta & kuwa Shababka, iyagoo doonayay iney ka dhaadhiciyaan inSheekh Xasan daahir Aweys uu taageero maamulka cusub ee dhowaan ay ku dhawaaqeen Shababka, wararka ayaa intaasi raacinayaa in kulankaasi uu ku dhamaaday is-af garan waa.


Waxaana la sheegay iney halkaasi ka soo qaadeen Horjoogayaasha Shababka & kuwa Muhaajiriinta warqad codsi ah, warqadaas oo ayku qorneyd qodobo badan balse waxaa ugu muhiimsanaa sida ay inoo xaqiijiyeen rxubno goobjoog ka ahaa halka uu kulanku ka dhacayay inuu Xasan Daahir muhiimada saaray in magaalada Kismaayo lagusoo celiyo heshiiskii horey ay u gaareen labada dhinac ee xilka wareegtada ahaa iyo laba gaari oo Zuu ah oo ay qabsadeen Shababka iney dib soo celshaan iyo in msidoo kale Gaadiid dagaaloo lagala baxsaday Jalalqasi iyagana la dalbaday iney soo celiyaan, in ugaarsiga Xubanaha Xisbul Islaam gaar ahaan Axmed Madoobe & taageerayaashoda la joojiyo iyo qodobka ugu dambeeya oo ahaa in xabada la joojiyo oo aaney Al-shabab wax weerara oo kale aysan soo qaadin, sidoo kale waxaa qadka telefoonka intii uu shirka socday soo galay Xasan Turki oo Jubooyinka jooga waxaana mudo laba daqiiqo ah ay telefoonka kuwada hadleen Madaxa Sirdoonka Muhaajiriinta Faysal Al-fadli iyadoo uu weli uusansoo wanaagsanan caafimaadka Sheekh Xasan Turki oo xiliyadii u dambeeyay soo food saareen caafimaad darro.


Warqadan ayaa la garan karin sida ay wax uga fulayaan iyadoo ay xabadu socoto haatana ay mushkiladu u egtahay mid rajobeela, balse dhinaca kale xiriiro aanu la sameynay magaalada Kismaayo waxaa dagan jawiga magaalada walow dhaqdhaqaaq aan cadi aheyna laga dareemayo Maleeshiyaadka Al-shabab oo diyaarinaaya gurmad ay u diraan goobihii ay dagaaladu ka dhaceen shalay iyo xalay.



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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Walee Alshabaab baan cid yeelin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Walle wey kugu so socdan, mesha aad ku dhuman laheyd diyarso sxb ama tageeradoda hada iska si bilow.


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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Are u scared for the Villa ?? ,,,, Don't worry, weli Kismaayo ayay rafanayaan ,,,

Haven't you heard our Interior Minister, we have given up on fighting these guys. So now lets see if you iyo kuwa idin kaso horeya in aad iska celin kartan. :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Waad soo fasaxdeen markaa miyaa ?? ,,,

Weliba ducan ugu darney... :D

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Kuwa naga soo horeeya ayaanu ku gudbi horta oonu weliba dabada ka riixi ,,,, haday soo dhaafaana waa markii ugu dambaysay ee aad magaca "Alshabaab" maqasho ,,,, :D

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Sheikh Aweys and Al Shabaab 'disagree' over Kismayo

4 Oct 4, 2009 - 7:06:48 AM



KISMAYO, Somalia Oct 4 (Garowe Online) - An influential Islamist leader in Somalia has disagreed with Al Shabaab hardliners over the control of a key southern port, four days after Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam factions clashed in Kismayo, inside sources tell Garowe Online.


Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the chairman of Hizbul Islam faction, held a secret meeting with Al Shabaab's reclusive leadership overnight Saturday in Afgoye town, 30km south of Mogadishu in Lower Shabelle region, the sources said.


Sheikh Aweys


Al Shabaab leaders, Sheikh Ahmed Abdi Godane and Sheikh Mukhtar Robow "Abu Mansur," were present at the secret meeting with Sheikh Aweys.


The secretive meeting was hidden from Somali media, but commanders on both sides confirmed to Garowe Online that the meeting took place with Al Shabaab's leaders asking Sheikh Aweys to "make a concession" over Kismayo.


"Sheikh Aweys took a strong position that Kismayo authority be handed over to Hizbul Islam…and that Al Shabaab apologize for attacking a Hizbul Islam official," said a member of Hizbul Islam who declined to be named in print.


Sheikh Abu Mansur


Al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali "Dheere" Mohamud had publicly stated after the Kismayo battle that Al Shabaab was "not at war" with Hizbul Islam, but Al Shabaab was fighting Sheikh Ahmed "Madobe" Mohamed. Hizbul Islam's leaders have defended Sheikh Ahmed Madobe as a senior commander of Hizbul Islam.


Sheikh Abu Mansur reportedly "organized the meeting" in Afgoye with the intention of resolving the political and military crisis over Kismayo fighting, which has raised tensions between Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam, according an Al Shabaab source.


The Al Shabaab source described the meeting as "a failure" after the two sides "disagreed" over the situation in Kismayo. The two sides "agreed to a second meeting," the sources added.


An independent source told Garowe Online that Sheikh Aweys informed Al Shabaab's leaders that they fought against clans "who joined the jihad from as far away as Ethiopia," namely deleted and deleted clans, of the larger deleted clan-family.


Sheikh Aweys, who led the rise of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006, belongs to the deleted clan-family that is dominant in Mogadishu, the capital. Al Shabaab has been accused of arming and using militias from the deleted clan, also part of the deleted clan-family.


Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam have jointly fought against Somalia's UN-recognized interim government in Mogadishu since May, when Sheikh Aweys returned to Somalia after a two-year exile in Eritrea. Both Islamist factions have vowed to overthrow the government and install an Islamic state.


The Kismayo fighting has divided the two sides and there are growing military tensions in many regions of southern and central Somalia where fighters loyal to Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam are both present, but no reports of fighting yet.

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