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Dr Cawke: Puntland Solution To The Security Issues

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I think every puntland native can see this issue is not isolated issue nor is it an issue that seems to be disappearing and it is now reaching a ridiculous rate.


The issue is not very difficult to figure out if you have reliable inside information to the people who doing these things. However Farole and his bunch of ministers seem to be pointing the finger at idps, terrorists, and all the wrong parties.


The issue is not terrorists nor is it idps. Even though IDPS are an issue, the bombs that are happening are not them.


The issue is people giving fortnightly payments to somalis within puntland thru the hawala from the qurbaha every fortnight and giving them instructions to do hits on "puntland personnel" regardless of which division be it politician or soldier but anyone that works for the puntland admin is fair game to these "funders" in the abroad.


Their goal is to see the end of puntland. Why? because they want to use puntland sea as a place to host radioactive dumping of waste for big firms in he west. They do it for "business" related reasons.


How to combat this? Well it is quite easy. Summon all the clan-elders of puntland cities and instruct them to tell their people not to take money from anyone overseas unless they are related to them or a friend.


The hawala need to be monitored and you will see that many payments are going through from the oversea's by diaspora somali who give money to certain people within puntland to carry out these jobs for them.


The hawala's is the only place really to combat this issue, if you can shut down the money source these internal people are getting from "rogue diaspora elements" the solution is solved very quickly. The bombs and killings will be of the past; because people inside if they don't get that money plus BONUSES for successfully carrying out the hits they will have no reason to go and jepordize puntland.


Finally the funders will realize that puntland hawala's are strictly monitored and he can't pass money through to his agents within puntland to do these hits and will stop because of "necessity".


That is my solution to the issues facing puntland and if enacted it will definitely end this nonsense.


But i am certain some will say "it is shabab or idps" please save it. I have verifiable sources within puntland and know exactly where this is all coming from and puntland officials and reporters have totally no clue.


I hope farole reads SOL, because that is the solution to this mess.


Ps: the person carrying this stuff out, has signed masharic agreements with ilkajir in holland. When Ilkajir goes back to garowe, Farole needs to talk to him about who he signed masharic deals with and in particular "somali" individuals.


These people are the funders of the mess he will see. But as long as puntland keeps chasing non-existant enemies "shabab" or "idps" I don't see a solution in sight.


Lastly, The people of puntland need to remain patient and not turn to singling out tribes. This is also 1 of the goals of the funders. He wants to see beel vs beel warfare and a gradual break down of puntland. So The people of puntland should not turn this into clan vs clan thing because we will be falling right into these despots plan.


That is my piece guys, and i am certain some person will say it's "shabab" that is behind this or it's "idps" or some other non-existant enemy, if you are going to say that, please don't contribute your opinion. When You know the "facts" you don't care for opinion.

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Puntland needs a massive conference. With important elders, religious leaders, of course government officals and past government officials, important business men and members of the diaspora. They need to really figure out what to do and realize that they need to work together. We need to take it serious now before it gets worse.


I think it is obvious who is behind it, Al Shabaab who has claimed war on foreigners. These criminals have already admitted to suicide bombings so they are logical suspects.

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Cowke wrote



"I hope farole reads SOL, because that is the solution to this mess."



loooooooooooool, you are a big stand up comedian. :D:D

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Who is the person you speak about, or would stating his name make him appear out of thin air?


Beetle juice

Beetle juice

Beetle juice

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Liqaye, this individual contacts me on the phone through phone booths. He always tells me when an attack will occur the day and time and who will be targetted. After I realized this guy is actually saying exactly when this stuff will occur 3 times straight, I started to take him serious.


He doesn't give his name, but he did divulge last time I talked to him that he met ilkajir in holland and signed a masharic deal with him. This masharic deal is just "set-up" to keep puntland from looking at him as a suspect but viewing him and his organization as "legal" within puntland when he goes there next summer.


Anyways I gave my piece on the issue and I am certain because i test my source 3 times before finally opening my eyes up.

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If I didn't know this information, I would be blaming it on shabab also. But when I speak to him next time, I'll ask him to give me 1 week warning of when an attack will occur and I'll post on SOL. So I can convince the rest of you.

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cowke if only all somalis were as patriotic as you!


I beleive you already but, One weeks warning will be more than enough, when he calls you next pay special attention.


He must really respect and trust you for giving you this information.

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The Zack   

Cowke, I thought the dude was telling you all this on a chatting program. Now, you are saying he calls you on a payphone, when did that change.


P.s. Do you take your laptop to the marfish sometimes and post stuff from there? I am just curious.

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Zack, It started on paltalk. It's moved onto phone now, because I take him serious. Anyways When he calls me or I see him online, I will tell him give time/date/who will be hit and even how many assasilants will be involved.


When u see that I know this 1 week before it is reported by any news agency, you guys will see what i am talking about.

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pland and security!! This must be joke.... have u been following the news lately. This place has become the compton city of somalia, explosion, kidnapping, slave trade, drugs and booze are daily kicks.


Even pirates are running from pland and buying villas in Addis.


Mr Middle-finger and his kids have f-up the place real bad! Yeye was saint compared to this moron.

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hey everyone is DR in Pland!! even the goats there have DR! lol... U just need the cash to get your paper! u want one, i can hook u up homes! Remember yeye was one, now middle finger is claimg that hes a dr, and tomorrow u will see Dukey saying that hes DR 2. Mark my word.


1g and its yours. Deal?

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