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Maamulka Somaliland oo la sheegay inuu qorsheenayo inuu soo daayo Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale

Hargeysa :- Warar naga soo gaadhaya xubno kamid ah maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa sheegaya in uu jiro qorshe lagu doonayo in xabsiga looga soo siidaayo Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale.


Xubnahan oo ka gaabsaday in magacooda la shaaciyo ayaa Horseednet u sheegay in arrinta Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale ay ku jiraan siyaasiyiin kasoojeeda Puntland iyo Somaaliland, ayna arrintan gaadhay Madaxweynaha Maamulka Somaliland iyo kuxigeenkiisa oo ah ninka ka danbeeyey xadhiga gabadhan.


Wararkan ayaa sheegay in uu jiro amar kasoo baxay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin iyo waliba kuxigeenkiisa Ahmed Yassin ayaa sheegaya in gabadha Sam Sam ah laga siidaayo xabsiga todobaadkan.


Xubnahan ayaa sheegay in la filayo in lasii daayo Sam Sam maalinta sabtida ah ee nagu soo aadan 10ka December 2004.


Mar aan xubnahan wax ka weydiinay in ay jiraan wax magdhow ah oo gabadhan lasiiyey iyo waliba in wax laga qabtay dadkii u geystay ficilada xun xun ee isugu jiray jir dilka iyo kufsiga. Waxayna si weyn uga gaabsadeen in ay wax faah faahin ah ka bixiyaan waan waanta ay sheegeen.


Waxaa hadaba hada la sugayaa sida ay wax noqdaan iyo in ay wararkan rumoobaan, balse su'aasha meesha taal ayaa ah hadii Sam Sam uu maamulka Soodaayo halkaasi makusoo xirmi doontaa doodii weyneed ee ka dhalatay falalka waxashnimada ah ee loo geystay gabadhan yar ee 17 jirka ah kana soo jeeda deegaanka Puntland.


Sam Sam ayaa ayadu sheegtay in jirdilkan ay u geysteen xubno kamid ah ciidamada nabad sugida ee CID ee Somaliland iyo askarta xabsiga dhexe, arrintan oo ay qaar cadeeyeen dhakhaatiir madax banaan oo gabadhan baaritaan ku sameeyey.


Waxaa ayaduna weli la hadal hayaa sida ay Maxkamada Hargeysa ulla dhaqantay Sam Sam iyo lawyaradeed oo kuligood xabsiga loo taxaabay kadib markii ay doodo kulul ka keeneen qaabkii loogu xadgubay gabadhan iyo waxa uu qorayo sharciga.


Isku soo duuboo arrinta Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale ayaa ah mid dhaawac weyn u geysatay Maamulka Somaliland guud ah iyo sharciga u yaal maamulkan ku dhawaaqay madax banaanida iyo waliba xidhiidhkii dheeraa ee ka dhaxeeyey beelaha Beelaha deegaanka la baxay Somaliland iyo Puntland.


Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale ayaa xabsiga loo taxaabay 15kii bishii Agoosto ee sanadkan 2004, kadib markii uu Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Somaliland Ahmed Yassin uu sheegay in ay gabadhan waday shirqool lagu dilayo lagana soo diray maamulka ay jaarka yihiin ee Puntland.


Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale ayaa ayadu ah 17 jir kana soo jeeda magaalada Boosaaso ee maamul gobaleedka Puntland, halkaas oo ay uga jidhay dugsiga Imaamul Al Nawawi ee magaalada Bosaso.


Liibaan Jaamac

Hargeysa, Somaliland

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Waaryadhaa ciyaal puntland wax maadiin sheega: You have got enough mileage out of this poor girl, enough is enough. And for Allah's sake demonestrate an iota of conscience and remove the Girl's picture(alleged to be a victim of rape) from your websites.

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Waaryadhaa ciyaal puntland wax maadiin sheega: You have got enough mileage out of this poor girl, enough is enough. And for Allah's sake demonestrate an iota of conscience and remove the Girl's picture(alleged to be a victim of rape) from your websites.



Feeling Guilty are we?.


You will be reminded evry day of her ordeal!!!

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^ Typical somali mentality, why should he feel guilty?


No sane individual, no to mention a Muslim would condone such actions, including Somalilanders (guessing from your reply brother, you seem to think that guilt by tribal association is viable).


Somalis have wronged and continue to wrong each other probably more than any other group of people who share so much, but we shall never move foreward until we correct each other, forgive whilst learning from our past mistakes and move on.


You will be reminded evry day of her ordeal!!!



Such mentality will only keep us where we are. There is no need to milk the pain of the innocent for our own political gains and agendas, because this is what this case has become. Somehow in the midst of all this, many have forgotten, that this poor girl is our sister whose pain should be felt because of that, not because of the reasons that have been used.

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Hanaan why not put the blame on both of us if yu have to!!.Are you saying that his singling out of Puntlanders for samsam's ordeal is fair.I have a feeling that your comments are a subtle support for the my esteemed comment that was directed at puntlanders.If you wish to be neutral then tell it as it is,he asked for it and he got it

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Hanaan, very nice and shavvy and all. But next time do not jump on someone and wink at the other. I believe Kowneyn's comment on Planders has triggered this, if I'm not mistaken. If you want to be righteous, you should have dealt with the both of them. Even though I don't think Orgilaqe spoke in tribalist terms. He was just responding to the negative post of the chap calling himself Kowneyn.

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Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Hargaysa waxay sheegayaan in si xeer jabjab ah lagu dhamaynayo dhibaatadii iyo tacadigii ka dhashay Samsam Axmed Ducaale, oo si naxariis darro ah ay u faro xumeeyeen ilaalada madexweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Axmed Yaasiin horaantii bishii ogosto.


Ilo kala duwan oo ku sugan magaalooyinka Hargaysa iyo Boosaaso ayaa noo xaqiijiyay in madexweyne ku xigeenka uu eedda gabadhaas hadda rabo inuu iska fogeeyo oo uu saaro cid kale, kadib markii Samsam ay qof kasta u sheegtay in si xun loola dhaqmay oo waliba guriga madexweyne ku xigeenka lagu faro xumeeyay.


Wararkii u dambeeyay waxay sheegayaan in odayaal kasoo jeeda beesha Samsam hooyadeed kana tirsan maamulka S/Land ay hadda arrinta la wareegeen, kuna dhamaynayaan in marka hore lasoo daayo Samsam iyo waliba ciddii darteed loo xiray sida tagsiilihii geeyay guriga iyo 4tii qareen ee u doodayay samsam, bedelkeediina laga weeciyo dhibkii iyo faroxumayntii loogu gaystay guriga madexwne ku xigeenka, taasoo warar aan la hubin sheegayaan in larabo in la yiraahdo askar fakatay baa faraxumeeyay gabadha, kadibna xaal mastuur dawladdu ula xaajoodaan gabadha ehelkeeda jooga Hargaysa ee abtiyaasheeda.



Waxaa gebi ahaanba socon wayday weecintii kiiska lagu weecinayay ee ahayd Samsam waxay shirqooalaysay Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin, dhibkii loo gaystay gabdhaas ardayadda ahaydna waxaa ka dhashay in qofkii u dooda xuquuqdeeda loo hanjabo amasse la xiro, Haddase waxaa muuqata in maamulka Hargaysa uu maqlaayo ajnabiga sida Amnesty International oo dhawr qoraal kasoo saaray codsadayna in si dedega loo soo daayo Samsam kuwii gaystay gefkaasna lasoo taago sharci madaxbanaan oo caddalaad ku dhisan.


Cabdi Xasan Somalitalk/Muqdisho


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Justice for Samsam

The Tragic Story of Samsam: The Young Girl Who Went to Visit Her Uncle

- Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 22:33


Hargeisa (12 October 2004) - A court hearing deliberating the case of Samsam Ahmed Du’ale, a 15-year-old Somali girl, was in session in Hargeisa on the 10th of October, 2004.



The prosecutor for the Government contends that the appellant, Samsam Ahmed Du’ale, planned to assassinate the Vice President of the self-declared republic of Somaliland (Northwest Somalia).



As reported early in September, Samsam, the appellant, was molested, raped, detained, and tortured in Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland. It was alleged that Samsam Ahmed Du’aale of Qardho in the outskirts of Bosaso, the commercial city of the neighbouring Puntland State of Somalia was plotting to assassinate Somaliland’s Vice President. Confined for days in chains in Hargeisa’s General Hospital where she had undergone treatment for internal bleeding and abdominal mutilation sustained during her molestation, rape and detention in the hands of Somaliland’s security forces, Samsam is believed to have sustained psychological and physical scars that shall remain with her for the rest of her life.



What was Samsam doing in Hargeisa, and why did she travel to Somaliland?



Like many of her peers in Somalia, Samsam rejoices travel to other cities in Somalia to visit relatives, distant or otherwise during holidays and graduation from high school.



Samsam, a graduate of Imam Al Nawawi High School in the academic year of 2003/2004, as confirmed by her cousin Ahmed M Du’ale, whose residence she grew up in Bosaso, travelled to Hargeisa to visit her uncle from her mother’s side, Mohamud Said Mohamed, a Deputy Minister for Somaliland’s Ministry of Sports.



Samsam departed for Hargeisa on the 16th of August with the full knowledge of her cousin reaching Hargeisa’s main transit depot on the 17th. On arrival, Samsam who never travelled outside Bosaso, asked a cab driver (locally known as Mark II) to take her to her uncle’s residence: the Vice President. Not clearly making the distinction between the Vice President (Madaxweyne Ku Xigeen), and the Deputy Minister (Wasiir Ku Xigeen), Samsam was driven to the Vice President’s residence where on arrival she was interrogated by the security guards. Upon informing security guards that she was from Bosaso, Samsam was stripped of her headscarf at which point she slapped the officer objecting to his infringement of her strict Islamic upbringing.



What ensued thereafter was not only wretchedly sadistic, horribly atrocious, and appallingly unacceptable to human standard and behaviour.



15-year-old Samsam was then dragged screaming by the hair with four bodyguards each on one of her limbs into their inbound shelter where Samsam was detained until the 20th of August when she was released into the custody of the Chief Commander of the notorious Central Intelligence Department (CID). At the time, her whereabouts were known to neither her family in Bosaso, nor to her uncle in Hargeisa.



After successive, days-long, interrogative sessions, on the 24th of August, Samsam was subjected to brutal torture with beatings and electric shocks being applied to her breasts. And on the 25th of August Samsam endured six-hour ordeal of rape and sodomy by six officers of Somaliland’s CID. And subsequent to the persecution and rape, Samsam only 15 lost conscious by the afternoon of the 25th. Said Foolxun and Abdi Kiin both high ranking officers of the notorious CID were named as the men in charge of her torture and rape.



Hours later, Samsam was rushed to Hargeisa’s General Hospital on stretches where Dr. Shacni, one of the GPs at hospital was horrified by the scene and state of Samsam who remained comatose until Thursday, 26th of August. As confirmed by Hospital Doctors treating Samsam, who wish to remain anonymous, 1.2 ml of male semen were scraped from her fistula with irreparable damage inflicted upon her rectum, uterus and womb. Additionally, Samsam lost one of her nibbles during her ordeal, it has been confirmed. Furthermore, Samsam is said to have sustained psychological impairment that she no longer recognises who she is, where she is, and why she remains detained.



On the 28th of August, Samsam was transferred over to Hargeisa Central Prison where she remained under full watch.



Upon receiving the news of her daughter’s torture, rape and imprisonment, Samsam’s mother travelled to Hargeisa where she was also detained upon arrival on the 31st of August. She was released on bail after spending 3 days in prison for simply being Samsam’s mother, and being from Bosaso, Puntland.



The local media including the BBC Somali Section, local newspapers such as Jamhuuriya, online media outlets such as all of which maintain local reporters were notified and asked to investigate Samsam’s situation, unfortunately all chose to completely snub the story.



Of the 100+ Humanitarian Organisations in Hargeisa, not a single one was moved by the maltreatment, rape, sodomy and torture of the 15-year-old young girl.



Somali, or otherwise; a kin or else, one must be touched by the inhumane nature of the story; unfortunately, humanity seems to have taken a flip for the worse in Hargeisa, Somaliland: a city that had witnessed its share of heartless deeds.



One wonders as to the role of the media and humanitarian organisations in a case so horrendous and so callous as Samsam’s.



Deeds of this kind, maltreatment of humans, torture, sodomy, rape, and infringement of humanity in the case of Samsam Ahmed Du’ale must be condemned in the strongest of terms. If left unchallenged, it is Samsam today, but shall be someone else’s sister, daughter, mother, friend, or neighbour.



Mohamed A Ali


Freelance Journalist

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