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“Sharaftu waxay tahay in ninkii sida nabadgelyada ah talada dalka loogu wareejiyey inuu isna si nabadgelyo ah ku wareejiyo haddii laga helo doorashada, iskana ilaaliyo inuu taariikh iyo dhaxal xumo kaga tago,” ayey hadalkooda ku soo gunaanadeen Guurtida Beelaha Habar/yoonis oo si gaar ah ula hadlayey Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale


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Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Somaliland Md. Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin ayaa maanta shir jaraa’id oo uu maanta ku qabtay xafiiskiisa waxa uu raali galin kaga bixiyay hadal ka soo yeedhay masuuliyiin ka tirsan xisbiga Udub, oo sheegay in doorashadii madaxtooyada ee dalka ka dhacday 26 Juun lagu shubtay




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Poor judgement in saying that the vote wa lagu shubtay, shoots the whole process in the foot and credibility of whoever wins is out of the window.

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Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ayaa ****olka ka qaaday inuu aqbalayo natiijada doorashada Madaxtooyada e Komishanku doorashooyinku soo saarayaan, isla markaana waxa uu raali-gelin ka bixiyey hadalkii ay xalay faafiyeen masuuliyiinta xisbiga UDUB ka tirsani.


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Indeed. I welcome the swiftness of UDUB leaders to denounce what the two shameless men said last night about the elections.


It is obvious that UDUB has lost favour from the general public. They need to save face and leave office with honour.


Kudos to the West Burco traditional elders for making it clear that they will not supprt injustice.

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Cuqaal talisa Boqor caaddila iyo culimo miisaan leh. Ilaahi Carshiga Nuuriyoow kaaga caban mayno. Caddaankaanu wada loollanaa madaw cisaynmayno, Xassan tarabi 1922


Nin ku kalsooon Nimanka guurtida hadalkooda missaanka leh


God bless Somaliland

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I agree, if anything the two guys from last night needless worried the population and angered the voters. As usual the elders have their head in the right place.

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