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Title-ku waa qaldanyahay, waxay ahayd Islaamiyiinta Vs TFG, ama hadiiba labada coach Obama & Binladen yihiin 'Muslims Vs Gaalo'.

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It seems to me your understanding even here goes in line with Alshabaab, but to take what you said are your implying the TFG are gaalo because they are assosciated with Obama, the UN and with the international community?


Also You havent talked about your (alshabaab) plans for the whole of Somalia, what will happen after you defeat the TFG; where next will you spread the destruction* ehem i mean Shariah.


I could say if Alshabaab dissapeared today that the TFG would establish along with the help of the UN and Puntland a proper administration in the South, develop the economy, deal with Somaliland diplomatically and try to undo all the problems created during the lawless times


As for the formation i think Alshabaab are the ones in attack (no defenders) and the TFG in complete defence with *maybe* one attacker.

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I prefer a Star Wars comparison. With Maaddeey torn between the HI and Al Shabab, Abu Mansoor with the customary Shabab covered face meets him in an arid part of Somalia.


Maaddeey: The force is strong with you ya Abu Mansoor.


Abu M (breathing heavily): Maya adeer wa suqaarkaan saaka ku quraacday.


Maaddeey: Why don’t you join HI and fight under the leadership of Sh Aweys?


Abu M: Don’t trust that man, Maaddeey. He is using some crazy Jedi tricks on you.


Maaddeey: No! He’s a mujaahid.


Abu M: Waa xukun doon, adeer.


Maaddeey: Maya! Maya! You are wrong.


Abu M: He will take you to the dark side.


Maaddeey: Faynuus ma waayayo.


Abu M: He’s plotting with Sh. Sharif.


Maaddeey: Acuuthu bi Allah.


Abu Masnoor departs the scene shaking his head. Maaddeey sits down on the ground tracing circles on the sand when suddenly; a sand storm appears from nowhere. A transparent image of Sh Aweys is seen on the horizon.


Sh Aweys: Maaddeeyyy...Maaddeeyyy..ku may, adeer?


Maaddeey: way kan, adeer


Sh Aways: iigu kaalay in the hut in Jubba, adeer.


Maaddeey: Are we ready to fight the TFG, adeer?


Sh Aways: No! We have to fight Abu Mansoor’s forces first.


Maaddeey: But they are on our side, adeer.


Sh Aweys: NOOOoo! They are not on our side. They are on the dark side.


Maaddeey: They said you were on the dark side!


Sh Aweys: Heh. Heh. Dee Faynuus ban waayay, adeer.


Maaddeey: To hell with you and Abu Mansoor. I am going to start my own group. I’ll call it SOL (Somali Organised Liberation).


Sh Aweys: Maaddeey..eeen..eeeen.. I am your father.


Maaddeey: #(*&$”!/*


Sh Aweys: Maaddeeyyyyyyyyyyy....


Maaddeey: War bax, xukun doon waaxid.


Maaddeey stands up and starts walking away and muttering to himself. A passing AMISOM truck picks him up and starts questioning him. The fat Ugandan soldier keeps asking him about Sh Aweys. Maaddeey keeps replying “Jaaba the hut, jabba the hut”. The Ugandan takes offence and shoots him dead. The end.

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Maaddeey: The force is strong with you ya Abu Mansoor.


Abu M (breathing heavily): Maya adeer wa suqaarkaan saaka ku quraacday.


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Abu M: He’s plotting with Sh. Sharif.


Maaddeey: Acuuthu bi Allah.



LOOOL, That was good.

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